Now just a year ago that the crisis began ‘officially’;Lehman Brothers's bankruptcy confirmed that what was talked about in the news was true and it was time to start taking action.The impact of this international financial catastrophe is obvious - a very significant unemployment, loud falls of the bags ...- But if we realize, it has also influenced the world of fashion.And not only because some designers can no longer afford or parade on a catwalk and others are on the edge of the suspension of payments.Take a look back just one year and little else: Do you notice differences in your way of consuming clothes and accessories?Unless you are Carmen Lomana, it has how many points on this list you identify ...
Well, in the end, the Primark collection does not look so bad ...
1. Zara, de repente, es muy caro. Nuestra primera cadena nacional de ropa accesible y de tendencias ya no nos resulta tan barata como antes. Y es que 59,90 euros por una americana o 39,90 por una camisa ya no te parecen tan buen negocio. En Zara ya prácticamente sólo te acercas a esas ofertas especiales que hay en algunas perchas o destacadas sobre una mesa con un cartel gris, y que no llegan a los 20 euros. Últimamente, de la cadena Inditex ya sólo frecuentas estos precios especiales y Bershka o Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti ni siquiera existe. Ni qué decir tiene que TopShop es ya puro lujo.
2. Primark doesn't seem so shabby.Nor that it is so far, although in Spain it can only be found in shopping centers.In addition, his collections are increasingly tendency, and that of man has improved significantly so for 15 euros or less the piece, this Irish Low Cost chain is the best option with which he is falling.Even Stradivarius is not as bad choice now that it is not as macarra as before, and Lefties is excellent for the basics.Our low cost threshold has lowered radically, and also that of tolerance to Chonism.
3. Te has comprado un aparato de quitar pelotillas a la ropa. Si hay algo que caracteriza a la ropa de Zara o H&M es la facilidad con la que se llenan de pelotillas al poco de comprarlas. Ya sabes, en los jerséis donde se juntan el brazo con tu torso o en las chaquetas donde roza el bolso, esas zonas que a los dos días de estrenar la prenda han adquirido un extraño relieve. En otros momentos a lo mejor las hubieras tirado pero ahora has descubierto la utilidad de esos aparatitos que cortan las bolitas, mucho más saludables que afeitar la ropa. Un objeto mítico de la Venca de toda la vida, también presente en casi todos los Todo a 0,60 y hasta en el catálogo de marcas respetables.
4. You have discovered that there are second sales.And you use them.This season last minute offers are surviving in a surprising way, and already fully involved in autumn, summer sales still abound in many stores.As there is no evil that for good does not come, there are always garments that can serve you during the following months and you take advantage of it.After all, now that there are no stations or anything we can put more or less the same almost all year.
5. Your style has become much more classic.The phrase ‘The classics never die’ had never made so much sense as now.Perhaps you have noticed that lately in your purchases the garments of the ultimate trend in favor of those 'imperishable' pieces much simpler do not abound so much ... because it is not that you have aged but that you are aware that you cannot walk off the clothes after6 months.A less marked style is synonymous with durability.
6. You think much more whether to get rid of that garment or not.Luckily for everyone, trends are repeated year after year so it is not difficult to take advantage of clothes from one year to another.And if not, you also keep everything like a Urraca just in case it takes again at another time.We are not to discard clothes as well as.
7. You have frequent the shoemaker.The tapas and the philis have returned to your life.If you do a few seasons, you dispense with some shoes as soon as their soles showed weakness, now you try a little more to repair them.Total, for less than 10 euros they leave your old pair of shoes with the nineteen sole, polished and even with a prepo.Well looked, going to the repair of footwear you are favoring the permanence of a profession that tended to disappear ... all advantages.
8. Accessories begin to collect importance in your daily look.There is no longer the thing to buy tons of clothes, so you try much more than before to change your looks through accessories.It is already known that in times of crisis there are more lipsticks than ever: it is a small joy for the buyer for much less money than a dress.Well, the same goes for small accessories such as necklaces, earrings, bracelets or headbands: now you acquire more than ever in the absence of textiles.
9. You just repaired the proliferation of Chinese fashion stores anywhere in the city.We do not talk about those gigantic homemade householders but made of mole-in-china fashion very affordable and not as ugly as you might think.Chinese merchants acquire premises in the most unsuspected neighborhoods, and not necessarily in the humblest, to sell low cost clothes with any bad look.We know in good ink the efforts of the owners to attract more and more public since they even begin to hire Spanish showcases to modernize their stores.And it is said that they also pay quite well and do not repair expenses.The future Low Cost is in China.
10. DO IT YOURSELF doesn't seem like something so pilgrim.Without money to great dispensions in your free time, what better to take advantage of it to renew your wardrobe for two hard?It is not necessary to be especially little hands, you just have to have a little will, patience and know where to inspire you.Lately this DIY is already considered something very cool according to the appearance of some websites dedicated to this and to recommend it to the most respectable magazines.