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Your discreet tattoo could be ruined if you don't follow a simple rule: Know the ‘Tattoo Blowout’

Arreglar Tatuajes
Por:: Raquel Ortiz,
Publicado 14 Abr 2021 – 07:03 PM EDT | Actualizado 14 Abr 2021 – 07:03 PM EDT

Recently, fine, minimalist and discreet tattoos have become the most popular designs.Simple strokes and small drawings subtly decorate the skin and look beautiful.

However, sometimes, the thin line that caused the tattoo to look so incredible can lose its fineness: the ink extends beyond the limits of the stroke and what was previously delicate and subtle can become a thick design orEven blurry.These cases are known as tattoo bleout or ink expansion.

Tattoo Blowout: The blurred effect that nobody wants

A tattoo bleout is presented a few days after your delicate design is embodied in the skin: the lines look blurred, wider than they were, the ink moves beyond the edges, it may even seem like a bruise or aManchón.

There is false belief that this effect is created because the artist uses an incorrect or very thick needle to make a fine design.However, in reality, the thickness of the needles is in the background.

Ink expansion occurs mainly when the artist does not apply it properly.This can happen if the application is too deep or at an incorrect angle.

According to Authority Tattoo experts, when too much pressure is applied, the ink is injected beyond the upper layer of the skin and reaches the fat layer from.On this site, the ink moves beyond the predisposed lines in the surface design, which causes a distorted image or blurred effect.

Tu tatuaje discreto se podría arruinar si no sigues una sencilla regla: conoce el ‘tattoo blowout’

In addition, applying a lot of pressure, stretching the skin a lot or pushing the needle aggressively can cause spaces to be opened in the main line to the main line, where the ink can stay.

Healthline warns that in some fabric samples taken from people suffering from a tattoo blowout, ink found in much deeper areas of the skin where there should be no traces of this.

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The professional tattoo artist Stormin Normanexplica that the angle at which the machine is held while tattoo can also be responsible.A bad angle can cause needles to disperse the ink in neighboring fabric.

The expert points out that the area where tattoo is also.Dolls, ankles, elbows, knees, fingers, hands and feet are more prone areas to present a Blowout.

Norman warns that especially feet tattoos are fading, ink is blurred and in almost all cases it is necessary to retake them once the healthy skin.

In addition, the skin of your feet is very fine compared to other areas, which makes the constant movement and stretching of this part of your body, friction with shoes and socks and sweat hinders the healing process.This causes the scab to open constantly, which can cause some ink to be expelled beyond the limits that the design had planned.

Can you correct a blurred tattoo?

The easiest way to correct a blurred tattoo is with a cover up, that is, the artist creates a redesign that helps disguise the spot, can be achieved with shadows or new details;or in case, you can create a new tattoo that covers everything.But in these situations, your fine and delicate design is lost.

Laser correction can also be a good option to reduce the blurred appearance of tattoo.However, it is a bit expensive and painful.

Can you avoid a blurred tattoo?

The best way to prevent a blurred tattoo is to know your tattoo artist: Seeing photos already cured is a good way to have an idea of his ability and style.

You can also eliminate the risk if you choose an area where your skin is not so thin.Avoid the aforementioned areas (dolls, ankles, elbows, knees, fingers, hands and feet).

In case you decide to capture your design in such a area, be an extreme care during recovery.For example, Norman recommends that you avoid moving it for a week, taking care of it as if it were broken.

The point is that you avoid stretching and sudden movements that can cause the ink to disperse.However, it is not a guarantee that a subtle bleowout does not experience.


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