TULA DE ALLENDE. – Ya pasó un mes del desbordamiento del río Tula y las afectaciones son incontables. El agua volvió a su cauce, pero los damnificados no han regresado a sus viviendas que están inhabitables por la humedad, los hundimientos en el suelo y el olor a podrido; mientras que los comercios continúan cerrados o en rehabilitación, y aquellos que lograron abrir, lo hicieron con préstamos y mercancía limitada.
In the downtown streets of the municipality there are no longer army personnel or the National Guard cleaning, either backhoe or turning trucks traveling.Appliances, garbage, mud and watering water are no longer in the center of the city, but waste if they continue accumulated inside the colonies that, in turn, have collapsed drainage and lack drinking water.
With the passing of the days, the visit of officials, businessmen or public figures also decreased;Now, most of the pantries or aid that arrive are civil associations and organized citizens of the region that deliver support directly in the affected colonies.
What did not change after four weeks is uncertainty and fear of a new overflow.At the same time, the despair of the victims who are not certain of when and how they will receive help from the government to try to recover what the river took.
Given this, the population is being organized through a citizen assembly to demand that the support for businesses and homes be completed, as well as cleaning in streets, MAIntenance of rivers and channels.
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Tula houses are devastated
Less than 50 meters from the Tula river channel are the first houses of the Rancho Chapultepec subdivision, where 80 of 150 homes have total and partial losses.
The area is part of the nine colonies affected by the overflow that left more than 31 thousand victims, according to preliminary figures from the state government.
This fractionation built 22 years ago to the side of the riverbank, it is lonely how much the afternoon comes, because the owners with damaged houses come to monitor for hours what reMAIns of their assets, but to sleep they retire to places that rent or with relativesand friends who gave them inn.
The most affected housing of the subdivision are in the streets Agustín Melgar, Juan de la Barrera, Francisco Márquez and Fernando Montes de Oca.All were uninhabitable for the cold and moisture that the walls keep.While the roofs have leaks and quarters where the water is filtered every time it rains.
From the flood, the houses began to present sinkings and landslides that, according to the neighbors, have not been supervised by any civil protection authority.
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The inhabitants have not managed to replace the windows that broke when the water entered their homes, some continue with overlapping doors and the only protection they have are metal bars that are attached to the houses.
There is public lighting in the street posts, but the house electricity was found with water and some do not even have spotlights.
The drainage and septic tank of the fractionation are collapsed by the amount of water, mud and drag material that left the overflow, so the bathrooms, showers and laundryThe cool.
Those are the direct affectations of the neighbors with total losses, but there are collateral damage to the inhabitants where the Tula river did not arrive, because as a result of the flood, drinking water is treated every two or three days.
The only recreational space of the fractionation had grass, goals, benches and recyclable tires that hung from the trees, but the area became a garbage dump that still stores unusable appliances, branches, lollipop trunks that threate the river and swagmud.
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Victims migrated
On the night of September 6, when the river overflowed, it was the last time Jorge, Francisco and Matilde inhabited their houses in the Chapultepec subdivision.
Since that day they have not returned to their homes and do not know when they will do it due to the conditions of their properties and in the absence of appliances or a bed to rest.
Although the residents do not spend the night in their homes, almost daily they return to waitto their work activities.
When Francisco bought his home 21 years ago, he began with modifications on the facade and expand it to two floors, but the flood found the entire ground floor along with his furniture, bathroom and electricity.
"It is impossible to return to live here and use the bathroom, because the crap returns (...) there is light in the electricity grid, but to us that affected us everything, the cables have peanut, it is impossible, I set and everything is short".
Although the Light Service cannot fix it at the moment, Francisco took money from his savings to buy sand, partitions and cement packages to compose water leaks on the roof, otherwise, the effects of his house would continue withEvery rain.
He invested 2 thousand pesos in the material and the mason charged him 5,000, in total he carried out 7 thousand pesos because he said that, although his house was already censored, he does not know when and what kind of support will deliver him.
Like Francisco, Jorge Adrián Lugo Mendoza, 54, is a neighbor of Tula and shares the difficulties of the electricity grid, although his greatest restlessness is for the foundations of his home.
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The villager detected that, after the flood, the tile began to take off and also sank the floor of one of the two bedrooms of his house that he acquired 20 years ago and continues to pay.
“What worries me more is the floor that is being uneven, in one of the rooms you can no longer put a bed because it goes sideways, the house is not a couple and it was following the flood because previously the beds, the beds,The furniture and the stove could be put.Right now place a furniture will look bad because the floor is not right ”.
The toilet and the strains of Jorge's house expel mud and the little water that falls in the keys comes out of yellow.
Matilde Badillo Ramos is also a resident of Tula for 21 years.His home is closest to the Tula River and behind it borders one of the two septic tanks in the subdivision.
Matilde Diario returns home to try to clean, but avoids spending the two rooms from the bottom of his home for fear that they sink since only the walls divide his house in the pit that is collapsed and that for a month he has accumulated theBLACK WATER.
So far, he said, nobody has come to review his home or warn about possible subsidence;For now, like his neighbors he moved temporarily and stays in the El Chayote neighborhood with one of his employers who gives him ironing clothes, the only work that does not harm his heart problem.
However, there can only be sleeping and washing the clothes they get from the donations that arrive, so he returns home to spend the day and eat with the neighbors of the fractionation that were not affected and that, by solidarity, give hot food.
By flooding, it requires tula 10.6 MDP more budget
Business is still closed
While the inhabitants monitor and clean their homes, there are businesses of clothing, cosmetics and shoes that reMAIn closed for lack of money to resurface products;Others already managed to open their shops, but they live with fear that a new overflow damages the merchandise that they managed to borrow or spending their savings.
Only in the Tula less Tianguis, from half of the 400 tenants raised their curtains, but they work with showrinas without glass and little merchandise, said Patricia Badillo Bárcena, representative of the tianguistas.
The money to reoper obtained through loans that will have to return with interest, since they acquired them in a micro financial, since the merchants said that it was the only alternative to return to sell.
Tianguis's businesses are not the only ones who try to reactivate their economy, because those in the center have already reopened and some continue the rehabilitation of their establishments.
Others, placed canvases outside their premises to inform changes of home to venues where the river water did not arrive.
While the commercial chains of convenience stores or pharmacies also communicated with advertisements the temporary closure for reconstruction work, but offered alternate points of sale in the city.
AMLO calls for a meeting in Tula in 2 weeks;Fayad asks to see environmental damage
All areas of the General Hospital of Zone number 5 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Tula are disabled and practically ruins.The medications, the chairs, stretchers and furniture were lodged and abandoned in the nosocomio courtyards.
The IMSS characteristic green bars are intact unlike the doors and windows inside the clinic that were burst.
On the emergency entrance side, next to Xicoténcatl Street, where they rescued the people who settled at the last level during the flood, there are still sideways with broken glass, keyboards with key, stretchers without wheels,chairs and benches of the waiting room decomposed next to shovels, brooms and water boots.
In the access yard where patients used to enter, the thickness of the mud was compacted so much that it is not possible to see the concrete floor.Among the mud, some bottles of medications are buried, while garbage bags accumulated in the MAIn courtyard.
On the side of this hospital the bus center is located and does not offer service also.Trucks and ticket purchase are made in the parking lot of the Soriana department store, about two kilometers from the original headquarters.
With 50 thousand pesos compensates IMSS A Deaths of Deaths in Tula Hospital
From the dilation of the authorities to respond and help the inhabitants, in the first week of October a citizen movement appointed “Assembly of Damnified Tula 2021" was formed ".
With this, residents with economic losses in businesses and homes demand.
The assembly is made up of victims and residents of the municipality who marched on October 2 to call other inhabitants to join the movement to also achieve the creation of a plan that solves the floods and thus prevent it from living in the uncertainty of a new disaster.