You have completely renew your shoemaker and you love your new must have but, as much as it is difficult for you to admit it and despite how cool they are, they are not the most comfortable.Our mothers and grandmothers already said: "To show off you have to suffer!".And sometimes, how!Summer has many good things but nobody will deny that it is one of the toughest times for our poor feet.And, after months pampering them with socks and socks, this part of our physiognomy comes into direct contact with hard materials and inopportune seams that can cause friction and painful blisters.
To prevent our feet from seeing newcomers from the Camino de Santiago, we propose ten tips that will help you look perfect throughout the summer thanks to made in me, an online customization company of Shoes.
1.Hydrates your feet
It is important that you keep your feet hydrated throughout the summer.The key is to apply a light moisturizer, both in the plant and in the heel and the instep.In this way, the skin of the area will become more elastic and resistant.A practice that also allows you to avoid the antistnetic cracks that are formed in the heels.
two.Hydrate the footwear
The hardness of the shoe seams can cause annoying chafing on your feet.In this case, apply moisturizer on them (days before putting them) to soften them and make them softer;as long as the shoe is leather.
3.Prepare the most sensitive areas of your foot
As it is better to prevent cure, prepare those areas of the foot where you think the shoe can influence more pressure.Apply to them petroline, three or four days before the moment you have planned to put them.
4.Some homemade truquitos
In case of not being able.
5.Go to invisible socks
Currently, the variety of pinkies is greater than ever.There are to cover fingers and heels, only fingers, the plant pads area...Opt for this trick if the shoe allows you (that is, if it hides them) and so they will protect you from the friction.
6.Add them to the shape of your foot
Another highly recommended advice is to put your shoes to walk at home, at times, during the week before.Thus they will take the shape of your foot.You can also do so with socks, to give it and accelerate the process of adapting them.
Also remember that the shoemaker can broaden them a bit thanks to professional tools and products.Consult it.
7.The magic of silicone templates
Silicone templates can help avoid friction formation on the floor of the foot, however, the heel and fingers are unprotected.Valor it testing them.
8.Other key products
You can also use the special sprays that offer us in some shoe stores, and even in pharmacies.The objective is none other than softening the interior of the shoes to adapt them to each foot.To get a better result, it is advisable to walk for half an hour with socks, and the shoe in question, after the spray application.Be careful to try the product in a hidden zone of the shoe, in case it leaves any type of spot.
You will also find Roll on products that create a protective layer so that contact between footwear and skin is not so direct.
Do not forget the strips.If you are clear where you can touch your shoe, protect that area before leaving home.And always carry a selection of various sizes, for what can happen!
When it's too late...
You couldn't help it and painful wounds/ blisters adorn your feet after putting your new shoes.Wash the area with warm water and soap to disinfect it, the last thing we want is that the damage is even greater.Herbs such as thyme or rosemary are natural disinfectants, prepare the mixture boiling them with water and apply the result on the area.Manzanilla also relieves.Another alternative is salt water.It's upset, we know it, but think about the benefits.Treat the area well to recover as soon as possible.Aloe Vera is also a good solution to relieve this type of discomfort caused by friction.Apply it and let it act and you will notice improvement.
In the case of blisters, you don't even think of exploiting them since evil may be even greater.If the liquid is not reabsorbed you can disinfect a needle and click the skin very carefully so that it comes out and thus reduce the swelling of the area.Applies iodine or some other disinfectant product below.If you see that the thing does not better, go to your pharmacist, he will tell you what to do and give you adequate treatment.
And you, do you have any trick to avoid the bad drink of the first days of new footwear?Take note of our advice and do not let the friction bitter you summer.Dress by the feet and make the expression 'step on the feet on the ground' your best slogan for the summer season.And do how celebrities, they not only take care of them with treatments and pedicures but dress them with sophisticated shoes.Look at our image gallery.
See: Tips to wear heels