The sales season has begun and, although you may not have recovered from Christmas shopping yet, you want to take advantage of the discounts. If you said yes, take note of these tips proposed by Marisol Almonte, image consultant and creator of the blog @liderandocontacones, so that your purchases are really smart and don't become a headache.
1. Make a list of everything you want to buy
In that list you can put all those things that you have been wanting for a long time and for the price you have not been able to buy; For example, a good bag or shoes to work are a good investment and it is worth taking advantage of the discounts in these cases.
2. Reduce the first list to a second with what you really need to buy
Wanting is not the same as needing. For example: if you want a red bag and you already have one in another color, but you need some shoes to work, that should be your focus because you will get the most out of it, so you narrow down the list.
3. Make sure you buy what you are actually going to use
It is important that it goes with your style and especially with your body type. Do not buy to buy, that it is on sale does not mean that you have to take it. Remember: The cheap, if you don't use it, is expensive.
4. Measure everything before you buy it
Measuring your clothes and checking them from top to bottom is essential to take care of your money, many of the clothes that are on sale can come with factory defects. Believe me, it has happened to me, like wear on the fabric or simply from measuring it so much they end up stained, unstitched or broken.
5. Take the opportunity to buy basics
It's a good time to buy those wardrobe essentials, a white shirt, a black dress, jeans, a blazer, white tennis shoes... they will always solve your life when you don't know what to wear.
Last but not least, define a budget for these purposes, and as far as possible pay in cash or debit card, this will help you spend just what is necessary.
She is a psychologist, is certified as an image consultant and is the creator of the blog