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The Balenciaga shoes that Marta Ortega fits (and that have revealed their foot number)

Desconocemos si Ortega ha pretendido ocultar esta mañana sus zapatillas y hacernos pensar que eran unas de las muchas que ofrecen las marcas de Inditex, porque las ha llevado bastante escondidas debajo de unos pantalones, de Zara, larguísimos. O es posible que la hayan seducido, ya que hay quienes aseguran, modelos de Zara e influencers incluidas, que volveremos a ** arrastrar los pantalones** como hicimos hace unos años.Las zapatillas de Balenciaga que calza Marta Ortega (y que nos han revelado su número de pie) Las zapatillas de Balenciaga que calza Marta Ortega (y que nos han revelado su número de pie)

Large pockets and earth pants have combined it with a shirt and a fluid - fluid - black.This morning, the discreet Marta Ortega has surprised in the equestrian with a ** flash.

Las zapatillas de Balenciaga que calza Marta Ortega (y que nos han revelado su número de pie)

The colors that Ortega has chosen seemed to be coordinated almost perfectaccompany her to the International Contest of Saltos de Casas Novas on her last day.

It has also been seen by the equestrian center belonging to the Ortega family the father and owner of the most international Spanish firm, Amancio Ortega, along with his wife, ** Flora Pérez.** The couple has visited one of the fashion spaces of the equestrian and the owner of Inditex has not been able to avoid, carefully, the quality of the garments.Of course, if Amancio Ortega knows anything, he is clothes.

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