Hay pocos temas en el mundo de la natación que generen tanta controversia y debate como el tema de los drills o ejercicios de técnica en la natación. La mayoría de los entrenadores y atletas defienden una que trabajar la técnica es esencial para obtener mejores resultados en las competiciones. Así que, los amas o los odias, pero si quieres mejorar en la natación del triatlón, no hay forma de evitar los ejercicios de técnica. Hay que hacerlos. Así que echa un vistazo a los siguientes ejercicios.
1. Drag with the fingers
Having the high elbow is essential to extend your reach and improve water efficiency.There are some variations that you can practice.One of the simplest is the drag with the tip of the fingers.Let the fingertips rub the upper water, you can also make it more difficult by having all your hand in the water.
2. fists
Nothing reveals the magical power of your hand in the drag process than trying to swim without it.For this exercise, nothing with closed fists.It is a great exercise to appreciate the role that your forearms play.And when you repeat it using your hands as always, you will discover a new understanding of the position of the hands and forearms.
3. Zippers
If you want to improve your swimming technique, sooner or later you will have to work the rotation.This is a great way to accustom your body to roll from side to side.It also helps keep your recovery hand near your body.For this exercise, force the rotation of each side and pass the thumb of your recovery arm - which is out of the water - from your hip to your side before placing it.
4. Putting
To accelerate, you have to reduce speed.Less strokes also means less energy expenditure, which is crucial in triathlon.This exercise works your reach to ensure that you are obtaining the maximum power of your strokes.Instead of passing directly from the recovery to the traction, let your recovery arm touch your other hand, and then stretch your arm forward before starting the opposite traction.The goal is for each stroke to be as long as possible.
5. kick
Pesons during the swimming part of a triathlon should be minimized to preserve the strength of the legs for the bicycle and the race on foot, but that does not mean that you should not work them during training.These exercises, however, work both the position of the body and the kick.Remember that a good kick is about 30-30 centimeters deep in the water.Only heels should excel on the kick down.
The kick must be driven from the hip, the fingers of the feet down and the knee slightly flexed.The advantage of a solid kick is that it creates the necessary balance to have a good career rhythm.He needs it for a good position of the body and to make sure they do not crawl and, on the other hand, make you go slower.One of the best exercises is to use a table.Write with your feet fingers, kick from your hips and, do whatever you do, don't double your knees.