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Running socks, special to run and avoid blisters

Los calcetines para correr son los grandes olvidados en el equipamiento deportivo a la hora de correr. Nos gastamos mucho dinero en zapatillas último modelo que nos prometen mejoras intergalácticas, pero no nos preocupamos de complementarlas con unos calcetines de running específicos que pueden ayudarnos a reducir roces, heridas y otras molestias en nuestros pies durante entrenamientos y carreras.Calcetines de running, especiales para correr y evitar ampollas Calcetines de running, especiales para correr y evitar ampollas

It is curious, because we usually associate the appearance of ampoules, chafing or foot wounds to the shoes we use to run, but most occasions this has an easy solution with the choice of good running socks.

No, it is not worth saving you 2 euros in a cheaper pair, and forget about using the same than on a day -to -day basis, and less if they are cotton, you will end your feet soaked in sweat, with zero breathability and the blisters do notforgive.

Article index

  • 3 Trail Running and Ultra Trail Mountain socks
  • 4 Compression socks and socks
  • 5 Antiampolas socks are the best prevention
  • Vista previaProductoValoración
    NIKE U NK ELT LTWT QT Calcetines, Hombre, Amarillo...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    X-Socks Marathon Energy Socks, Unisex Adulto,...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    COMPRESSPORT Pro Racing Socks v3.0 Trail...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO

    Running socks, an essential complement

    As you should know, blisters are the result of moisture, heat inside the shoe and friction that the sock material makes on the foot in each stride.When those ingredients come together, it is a matter of time, or kilometers that appear the problems.If you catch us in a training near home, ok, there is no problem and we will have learned the lesson, but the last thing any corridor wants is that a target is truncated by nonsense such as the choice of socks.

    That is why buying a good pair of running socks can prevent these discomfort from ruining you an objective or producing discomfort during a race.

    In these years, manufacturers and industry have developed and created new synthetic materials (or mixed with other natural) that increase heat evacuation, allowing the piel to transpire and stay fresh, while quickly evacuating moisture and adjustsat the foot perfectly for the practice of running, or in general of other sports such as cycling or trail running.In the latter case, there are models with reinforced areas and antifriction by constant foot movements on contact with varied surfaces.

    You also have to pay attention to seams, if they have and where they are, but it is normal for socks and running stockings.The length of the cane can vary, but it has no more effect than the aesthetic (or perhaps avoiding mountain scratches), since according to the preference of each one can be found shorter (tobilleros), which cover the ankle or even compressors ofAll the twin.

    Running socks: Recommended models

    In the market we can find many brands that offer good sports socks, specific to running.At first it may seem very expensive to spend € 10 or 15 in some "simple" socks, but you have to remove it from the head.We spend on other chuminadas and in the long run our feet will appreciate it, with a couple of good socks we are going to do thousands of kilometers, countless hours of training.

    Today we can find many socks to run at different prices and characteristics.Here are some of the best valued running socks, there are shorts, compression, with extra damping, "fingers".The best to run without discomfort:

    Compressport socks

    Vista previaProductoValoración
    COMPRESSPORT V3 Sock Low Calcetines, Hombre,...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    COMPRESSPORT Pro Racing Socks v3.0 Trail...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    COMPRESSPORT Kompressions-socken Full Socks V2.1...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    COMPRESSPORT Compress Port Hombre Trail Sock Green...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO


    Vista previaProductoValoración
    X-Socks Run Performance Socks, Unisex Adulto, Teal...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    X-Socks Marathon Energy Socks, Unisex Adulto,...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    X-Sock Trail Run Energy, Calcetines, Hombre, Negro...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO

    Nike socks

    #Vista previaProductoValoración
    1NIKE U NK NSW EVRY Essential Crew Socks,...2 OpinionesVER PRECIO
    2NIKE Squad Socks, Unisex-Adult, Black/White, MNo hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    3NIKE Squad Crew Calcetines, azul, blanco, XL para...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    4NIKE SX7664 Season 2021/22 Sport Socks Unisex...42 OpinionesVER PRECIO

    Medilast - Sportlast socks

    #Vista previaProductoValoración
    1DANISH ENDURANCE Calcetines de Running para Largas...9.289 OpinionesVER PRECIO
    2COMPRESSPORT Pro Racing Socks v3.0 Trail...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO

    Danish Endurance socks

    #Vista previaProductoValoración
    1DANISH ENDURANCE Calcetines de Senderismo y...2.419 OpinionesVER PRECIO
    2DANISH ENDURANCE Long Distance Low-Cut Running...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO

    Impinji fingers' socks

    In this case Impinji offers 5 fingers, that is, with them each finger has their space separate from the rest.For some runners and athletes this is more comfortable to avoid blisters, although the feeling is strange at the beginning.They can also be a good option to isolate some finger with friction or wounds.

    #Vista previaProductoValoración
    1Calcetín tobillero Injinji Original Weight para...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    2Injinji - Calcetines de media altura con dedos...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO
    3Injinji Sport Original Weight Crew Coolmax -...No hay valoracionesVER PRECIO

    Calcetines de running, especiales para correr y evitar ampollas

    Of course there are many more brands, Asics, 1000 Mile, Inov, Impinji, Hoko, New Balance, Hilly, Mizuno, the high range of Kalenji (Decathlon), etc..Each model with its virtues and defects, but all are better than normal cotton socks and it is very worth the change to specific some.

    Trail Running and Ultra Trail Mountain socks

    What happens in the mountain?You may ask if they serve the same socks for trail running as for the route or asphalt.Well, there is no concrete response to that, because it will depend on the sock model.

    Some of the aforementioned would also serve for Trail and Ultra, since they are sufficiently reinforced in the key points of the foot, but others are not too fine.Eye, this does not mean that Trail's do not perspire, quite the opposite.They are usually designed for the long distance and the constant changes of rhythm, earrings and frictions that are during a training or trailunning career outlet.

    In this segment we would discourage the models of lurbel, Xbionic and compressport socks:

    Vista previaProducto
    Lurbel - Socks Gravity, Color Red, Talla LVER PRECIO
    Lurbel Calcetin Trail Running Distance Rojo (M...VER PRECIO
    Lurbel Trail Plus - Calcetines, Unisex, Negro -...VER PRECIO
    COMPRESSPORT Pro Racing Socks v3.0 Trail...VER PRECIO
    X-Bionic X020432 R018 Calcetin, Unisex Adulto,...VER PRECIO

    Como ves, es común que los calcetines para trail running y ultra, o en general actividades de montaña, tengan una caña más alta, no solo para ofrecer una sujeción y compresión ligeramente mayor, sino también como prevención de posibles roces en la naturaleza.They also have specific protections in critical points of the foot, where the appearance of friction ampoules is usually more common.

    Compression socks and socks

    What does some socks are compression?Those of this type include fibers capable of adapting to the foot/ankle/twins and apply different pressures.We have spoken long and lying about compression socks and whether they really work, and science and numerous studies in this regard have not shown that they improve performance.

    However, for many runners, socks and compression socks are much more comfortable, protect areas such as vibration twin and feel that they recover better and faster:

    #Vista previaProducto
    1Calcetines de Compresión 1 par (Azul/Amarillo...VER PRECIO
    2WEEKEND PENINSULA 2 Pares Calcetines/ Medias de...VER PRECIO
    3Modetro Sports Medias Compresivas - Manga de...VER PRECIO

    By the way, in these cases the materials must be treated especially when washing them.Here we leave you a special article on how to wash compression garments.

    Antiampolas socks are the best prevention

    The next time you finish a race, a training or a long walk while you are traveling, and notes that a blister has appeared on your feet, do not go ipsofact to blame the shoes (or yes).In many cases, good antiampollas socks are the best complement, the great forgotten, and we should not skimp on them.

    What are 10, 15 or 20 euros for a couple that will last us thousands of kilometers and will ensure us to be free of discomfort, friction, blisters or irritations?Complement your shoes!What are your favorites?