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My power in the Tik Tok?- Trade

Gonzalo Ruiz Álvarez


These are the times that run.Dressed with red sports shoes, politicians and some first -line protagonists prefer not to make a roll.A tik tok and resolved the task of communication.Leaveness times.It is true that in an electoral campaign it works, and in fact it worked and nothing happens if this methodology is used in the liquid society and limited to the 280 characters of a trill or the seconds of a animated Tik Tok with millions of views.But so you can't and should be governed.If before the improvised dancers were criticized, the Tiktoqueros.We know that in the times of the highways of information in this global village millions of messages circulate and the ideas seem condemned to the loneliness of the books, distant and exotic reference roded in libraries that probably no contemporary being will never sculpt.Those same liquid or soda masses are the consumers of slogans and deplorate the slogans.The meme serves them and they do not understand the fine and studied humor.They are worth the phrase launched as a pyrotechnic game and they overlook deep thinking.Depth seems not to serve and vote also.False news dominates the panorama and most people do not take the small discomfort of contrast.The contrast and verification exercise of laziness, many prefer to keep the first version read or heard by absurd.Thus the ‘influencers’, Tiktoqueros and tweeters grow, who move wills and collect millions for the large companies that are behind, many times without knowing it, of public and instrumentalized naive communicators on occasion..A minute of fame is better.That the analyzes are done by intellectuals, for that they are.In this maelstrom of the times that run the official communication seems to join the tide.Despite some opening offer and to end the era of the agreed interviews, the reality is that the vast majority of the new cabinet ministers without being careful that exercise of answering face to face the questions of a traditional medium of muchinterest such as radio.A minute of captive TV and looks more attractive to popularity.Perhaps it will be that many of the first -time in the political arena, some with scrolls and great titles and private experience, still do not know how water enters the coconut of the public administration or fear being victims of their own gaps.Just a handful of cabinet characters accept radial interviews, others shun.In Mexico, where they are already back in many things for better and worse, the characters are seeing the traditional media again, where information can be less picturesque but it is in the background and more.Traditional media pulse with the titiriteros bands.

¿Mi poder en el Tik Tok? - El Comercio