✍ March 16, 2020 - 22:37
Historically, topicals have been used to relieve physical pain in a particular area. Often non-psychoactive, they are applied externally and absorbed through the skin for a specific therapeutic effect.
Topicals are an obvious choice for someone looking to heal any pain or inflammation with cannabis. For example, THC or THCa infused topicals are popular choices among athletes after a hard workout or injury.
Beyond pain relief, there are a growing number of products that push the boundaries of how topicals are used and understood. From lip balm to lubricants, the topical options for recreational use are endless, and they're growing and waiting for you to discover them.
For example, certain brands have found their place in the bedroom in recent years, offering lubes that tickle and massage oils that stimulate. Add some candles and rose petals, and the cannabis will do the rest.
They have also become a choice for women at the most painful time of the month. Brands like Whoopi Goldberg, Whoopi & Maya, offer a line of products specifically designed to relieve menstrual cramps. There are also various recipes on the internet so you can create your own cannabis-infused salves, lotions, balms and oils.
Like the mother tinctures, we recommend topicals for those who want the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the mind-altering effects. While there is a general assurance that topicals do not produce psychoactive effects because they do not enter the bloodstream, new products are emerging every day that redefine those concepts.
Transdermal patches, for example, do enter the bloodstream, and therefore can produce certain cerebral effects if the THC content is high enough. As always, you have to be very sure of what you are looking for in a topic and, if possible, consult with a budtender to find out what is best for you in particular.
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Application: A specific area of the body is massaged with a little topical.
Duration: The effect is perceived between the first 5 minutes and 1 hour; dissipates after several hours.
Pros: Sustainable effects throughout the day; great for localized pain, without major psychoactive effects.
Cons: Not recommended for users looking for traditional highs.
No matter which method is chosen (whether topical, mother tincture, or the classic flower), any new consumer should do their research on microdosing to make sure they don't overdo it their first time. When exploring cannabis in any of its forms you have to do it with care and precision.
Via Flowertown, translated by El Planteo.