Por Liza Corsillo
There is no more annoyance than a blister.It is a reality beyond the type of shoes you wear, but it is particularly tragic when you buy new boots.The boots, in fact, are the battle horse of shoe change between stations, and any model resistant enough to use in winter will be complicated for your feet.What leads us to the big question: How to tame new boots?Conveniently, we have investigated a lot about the matter.Here we leave you five expert tips on how, slowly and safely, feel super comfortable with your new boots, reducing any injury.
1.Do not hurry
You will want to put your new day boots yes and day too.But as in the appointments, you must go a little slowly at the beginning.Put them in the morning, when time is cooler and your feet are more rested.By noon, your feet will begin to swell and sweat, which will cause chafing and then blisted.So keep a couple of shoes already worn on your desk to change you in the afternoon.
2.Soften them
Soften the heels of your new boots stepping on or crushing it with your hands.Foreign to seem, this will not spoil the shoes.Will soften the most rigid part and wear it faster.
3.Go on the right track (padded)
Invest in good dense and padded socks.You will want some that carry an extra reinforcement in the heel part.The best are the socks designed to practice hiking, a sport famous for their sensitivity to blisters.
4.Home remedies to avoid pain
If you are a especially sweaty person or you will wear your favorite boots during the hottest summer days, spread a little cornmeal inside them and the socks to absorb sweat and minimize the frictions.If you notice that a blister is going to get out, another remedy that you can put into practice is to spread a little motor fat in the dangerous area to prevent your implacable boots from machaizing you even more.
5.Put on a whip
Before you even get the credit card, get some patches for ampoules.They function as magical strips and move away at your feet from drama.
The boots that will make you the best man dressed in autumn / winter 2019
By f.Javier Girala
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*Article originally published in the British version of GQ.com