The famous and media former basketball player Fernando Romay visited the museu of Calçat I of the Industry of Inca last Saturday to meet Pep Rotger, the master shoemaker who made his shoes 40 years ago in the capital of Raiguer.
In this meeting, Romay, who barefoot in front of all attendees to let themselves take the measures of their monumental feet again, told several curiosities about his life and his difficult relationship with the footwear.Among other anecdotes, he said that he came to Mallorca in the 80.The difficulty did not lie only in the need to commission a custom shoe, but in finding a traditional shoemaker who could make the shoes by hand to the old way, since there was no machinery that was able to manufacture a shoe for hissize, since it only reached 49.5.It was precisely the Master Hormero de Selva, Pep Rotger, who made this particular feat, and who recently donated to the museum the wooden hits used for the manufacture of Romay's shoes, testimony of the huge limbs of the former player, which today can be visitedIn the Inca Museum.
Fernando Romay meets his Zapatero de Mallorca Museu del Calçat
The player is the largest shoe manufactured in Mallorca.Romay fits a 56, compared to 52 that carries, for example, Pau Gasol."I came to Inca to make my shoes because here the best shoes in the world were made," said the star of the court on his Saturday visit to Inca."The important thing is to do anything in life with enthusiasm: like these shoemakers, in a town in the heart of Mallorca, who have managed to manufacture the best shoes in the world," said the former sportsman, who also said about the current pandemic situation: «During confinement, people have come forward thanks to sport, art and music.Fix how curious, the so -called three Marias of the studies.It is time to revalue the humanities ».