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ESPN women can wear shorts instead of bikinis in beach handball selections editorials

1 nov, 2021

La Federación Internacional de Balonmano (IHF) cambió sus reglas respecto a los uniformes de las mujeres.Now that handball players, beach modality, use shorts instead of the lower of the bikini.

The Norway Beach Handball team was fined 1,500 euros for the European Handball Federation in July because they were "badly dressed", after women wear shorts instead of bikinis.

Norway Sports Minister Abid Raja said the situation was "completely ridiculous" and that attitudes should change, while the American singer, Pink, said she was proud of the team and also offered to pay the fines.

ESPN Mujeres podrán usar pantalones cortos en lugar de bikinis en balonmano de playa Selecciones Editoriales

The Ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden asked the IHF in September to review their rules "according to gender equality".

The section related to women's uniforms abandoned the reference to the lower part of the bikini and now says: "Female athletes must wear tight shorts with a tight adjustment", while they can also wear "sleeves without sleeves adjusted to the body".