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Emeterio Farías, the new strong man of Cordoba sport

Emeterio Farías es el nuevo hombre fuerte del deporte cordobés. Es elelegido por el gobernador José Manuel De la Sota para que sea elpresidente de la Agencia Córdoba Deportes y desde el 10 de este mes estáal mando de esa repartición pú­blica.

Según el presupuesto provincialpara 2012, Farías tendrá a disposición 53 millones de pesos.Much of that money will be destined for the salaries of the 400 employees who have the agency.The rest will be Emeterio's task to know how it distributes it.

As he recognizes it, Farías has two large signs and does not deny them.Football and quartet have marked him in his life, and now he will look for a new challenge. Fue presidente del Club Escuela Presidente Roca y de laLiga Cordobesa de Fútbol (al momento de asumir en la Agencia pidiólicencia en el ente madre del fútbol local).

Además manejó hastaantes de asumir en su cargo público el Superdeportivo y Atenas, dondeorganizaba los bailes de cuartetos de Damián Córdoba (ya no lo maneja),La Banda de Carlitos, Chipote, La Fiesta y Marcos & Hugo.Now Esatarea is in charge of Marcos and Gustavo, the children of Farías.

Submission will be, according to their own words, that more boys practices for up and at least duplicate the amount of young people from which they now do it.It will not be an easy task.

–¿Con qué se encontró en la Agencia?–Meencontré con un mundo muy distinto.I come from private activity.Now he finds me as a government official in front of an agency that is very large, so the stadium means, the gyms, medical offices, all the sport of the province, with their sports center.All that is very big.We have to work a lot.

–Y estructuralmente, ¿cómo está el deporte cordobés?–Haycosas que están muy bien.Like the Kempes stadium that was almost new to the Copa América.To the pool that is in the stadium I know that Lefalta many things and are working on it.In lainversion sports center it has been strong, but details are still missing to be closed.

–¿Cuáles serán las bases de su gestión?–Quiero queel sello de mi gestión sea que haya más chicos practicando deporte.Encourage young people.I am not a sports beach lover.If the agreements that we can make with the clubs, with the federations, with the leagues.I have the experience of having presided over UNCLUB for more than 20 years.I want to do something deeper.Soccer is organized.I want to do the same in all sports.That are more participatory.

–¿Por ejemplo?–Doscasos puntuales son el hockey y el golf.We are close to closing Convenios to massify those sports.Another topic is boxing.I heard a boxer who asked him why there were not as many configures in that sport as in the '60s or in the '70.And he replied that we left the drawer of polish shoes and we were at a cordoba sport.In February we are going to inaugurate the Boxen the Kempes gym.And there is the idea of putting a cheese cheese from San Martín square and going, round trip, to the stadium.Will be free and free.You have to go looking for them.In addition, we are going to follow him with the health issue.

–The deemeterio Farías is associated with football, but also at night, Alcuarteto and the dances.That does not go hand in hand with sport. ¿Cómohará para compatibilizar esas imágenes?–Nunca mezclé los tantos.Hetrabajado many years at night.I say it in the past because I left private activity to dedicate myself to this.I have been a worker from night and not a man of the night.There is a big difference.I never mixed it in my life.

Emeterio Farías, el nuevo hombre fuerte del deporte cordobés

–¿Qué fue lo primero que le pidió De la Sota?–Antesde las elecciones a gobernador, José Manuel me llamó para organizar unevento para infantiles y me dijo que quería que sea yo el presidente dela Agencia Córdoba Deportes.The first thing I told him was not because I had many commitments in my private activity.He told me to think and gave me a week.I talked to my lady and shouted in the sky.And my children told me that I grab, that they were going to do business cargo.They supported me a lot.When Sota made me ahabar, he said yes.Then because of the campaign, for his trips and suasunción we did not have much time to speak.

–Ya en funciones, ¿cuál fue el mensaje del Gobernador para usted?–Lomismo que con los demás funcionarios.He told us that you have to take care of it silver and dedicate a lot of time to work.In addition to using ingenuity to see how to function better and spend less.

- It is aware that the Córdoba Deportes agency is more than a handful of youth tournaments...–Isin doubts.It is all the sport of the province.On the one hand I have the label of the night and on the other of football.However, for a lot of a club that had football, swimming, tennis, volleyball.What football is the most generous sport.When a player is sold, infrastructure is reversed.

–¿Con qué dinero va a afrontar su gestión?–El presupuesto que se ha aprobado para el 2012 para laAgencia Córdoba Deportes es de 53 millones de pesos.Of which many goes in salaries.Imagine that there are 400 people.I have to go to money and I think that from the agency you can generate.And then invert it to practice more sport.

–¿Cómo hará para manejar ese presupuesto?–Comovengo de la parte privada, me va a ser fácil el tema del manejo deldinero.In the private part you take a lot of money.The world is in crisis and we have to open the umbrella.Do not spend more.

–¿En qué lugar pone al deporte en la juventud?–Puedoestar equivocado, pero estoy convencido de que la única forma demejorar a la juventud es a través de la incentivación hacia el deporte.Education and health go together.There the State must attend.

–¿Cómo se generan recursos a través de la Agencia?–Hay que hacer lamayor cantidad de recitales.That is played a lot in the stadium.You have to use its entire structure to generate money.For example with the publicity that is done in there.There is a part that is hired, charged and spent for one more year.We have to negotiate with all Lod.Everything that can generate money, we will do it.

–Además de recitales y partidos de fútbol, ¿qué más se puede hacer?–Estuve conversando con el presidente de la Federación de Hockey para generar torneos quedejan una buena parte.I told him, and I extend it to all activities, that what generates each sport will be invested in that sport.When you organize something well, always leaves you something.

- Are they going to do any management with Belgrano and workshops so that they always play at the Kempes? - I want all clubs to play there.But I don't want the agency to lose money.

–By the assignment will not be free...- It can be free, but money can be generated on the other hand.Before 25 thousand pesos were charged to rent the stadium.That was before the Copa América.Then they paid 8 thousand pesos and the state returned half of what they paid to the police.Clean the stadium costs 9 thousand pesos...I set this example: when Belgrano do in Alberdi and Workshops in Barrio Jardín, how much money the club by parking?Zero weight.In the stadium it can be fixed that the parking lot is for the agency, which is the owner Delespacio.And in one of those the field lends free.Now, the State would not be responsible for paying the police.

- Saying president of the Ligacordobesa made efforts to come the Argentine National Team to play Córdoba. Ahora como parte del Estado, ¿tendrá másinfluencia para traerla?–El tema de la selección va a ir cambiandode a poco.It is not easy to get something to Buenos Aires.The interior snatched the Copa América.Now by the qualifiers it is agreed with Julio Grondona, president of the AFA, that a 2012 match will be played in Córdoba.Let's fight for more.We will also fight to bring the Pumas to play the Rugby Championship (ex three nations).

–¿Puede influir la diferencia política que existe entre la Provincia y la Nación?–No.Football is handled by football men.I can guarantee that.

–Sinembargo politics had a lot of influence on the last decisions of sports and Córdoba was in the middle, such as the Davisen Cup final 2008 that went to Mar del Plata, the race of the TC that Alcabalen did not come and the Dakar that will not go through the Province. –La provincia deBuenos Aires es muy fuerte, la mitad de la población del país vive enesa provincia, y están todos los sponsors ahí.Is not easy.But Córdobatiene something very important: it has the most beautiful stadium, and with greater confectionery.And we are going to defend the Cordoba.Córdoba was Elugar that best treated the Argentine soccer team and we are going to be worth assembly.

–¿Qué se tiene planificado para los Juegos Olímpicos que serán en 2012?–Hayuna Ley que dice que el Estado cobra un porcentaje de los celulares.There are many cell phones in Córdoba that contribute to that box.We are going to join, and I am going to ask the governor to support me, to give him the province of what corresponds to him.

–¿Su gestión se inclinará más al deporte social o amateur que al profesional?–Miidea es no dejarlo solo al deporte profesional, que también nosrepresenta en todos lados a los cordobeses.We have to try to find her way that they have all your help.I am not against the professional sport.I want to be just in distribution.That social sport supported by the agency.It is also where I am going to give up because I have been a club that is amateur.My training comes from there.

–En el 2015, cuando finalice su gestión, ¿cómo piensa que se lo recordará?–Voya luchar para que haya más deportistas y más convenios hechos con lasinstituciones deportivas.I don't want to go to José Ignacio Díaz neighborhood, which has a huge need for sports structure, to open aplayón.I want to make an agreement with the Los Andes Club and that many more sports will.And so everywhere in the province.I want you to remind me like in Córdoba if there were 100 Maldeportistas, when I do there are 200 thousand playing sports.What a boy had the possibility of sports.That there are participation and that everyone can access the same without problems.

–¿Tiene temor que quede caratulada su gestión como muy futbolera?–No,porque no va a ser así.I will not abandon football either.I will help all sports in equal parts.Those who come to work with me I'm going to put your shoulder.I want to handle a lot with federations.Many times there are clubs that receive a yotros money cake, nothing because they do not have the necessary contacts to arrive and the lobbies have to be done.