Depending on your natural color (and how dramatic you want the overall effect to be), you can play around with ultra-blonde highlights or stick to a few shades lighter of your own (a look J.Lo has been popularizing lately ). But if you want to have some Bella Hadid fun, try an unexpected hue on your face-framing locks, a ruby red works every time. If you're thinking of shades of blonde, stay away from ice blondes (Ice Blonde), and discover champagne tones, coppers and more chestnut reds.
Don't worry about your hair type or the amount of hair you have because it's a style that works great for everyone. If you have very fine hair, the thickness of your highlights will be thinner. Regarding maintenance, it will depend on how much length you want to leave from the roots to the birth of the wick, but it works as if they were Californians.
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9 blonde highlights that make YOU YOUNGER
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