If we notice this type of discomfort, or superiors that prevent us from wearing a type of footwear or even walk, it goes inwards even touching the bone and that is very painful.
Methods to eliminate calluses
Calluses, cracks, dead skins, hardened and rough areas can be easily eliminated, but we recommend a podiatrist.In Spain the average price of a podiatry consultation is around 25 - 30 euros, it is also true that it depends on the area or city, the clinic and the work that they have to do on the feet.
Specific instruments
In the market there are many electrical and manual utensils that will help us say goodbye to calluses and hardness, but they are not so simple to use.We must go little by little and stop when we notice a nuisance, that will mean that the callus has been removed and we are already on the good skin.In almost a vascular hardness, it is best to go to a professional and they will relieve us of that discomfort quickly and safely.
The main electrical and manual instruments to eliminate calluses are usually files, the pumice stone, the scrapers, the cortacation, etc.They all serve to eliminate the hard part and release healthy skin, but be careful or we will cause a wound if we exert a lot of friction.
Make use of chemistry
With this anti -dutch remedy you also have to be careful.When we say chemicals, we do not refer to bleach, but to salicylic acid sold in pharmacies and serves precisely to burn the surface skin of the skin and facilitate the removal of calluses and hardness almost effortlessly.
This option should be used only on healthy skin, no sensitive skin, with wounds, or postillas, or blood.It is only suitable for adults, nothing of children, no animals, and almost wanting to use it on the skin of an older adult, it is best to ask the specialist.
Baking soda
Another very effective solution to eliminate these annoying and antistnetic friction.The sodium bicarbonate must be mixed with water and get a kind of paste that will be spoken in the area where there are corns.We let act for about 20 minutes and remove it carefully.
What is achieved with this is to remove the superficial layer of the hardness, so it facilitates part of the work.When the area is dry, we can use a pumice or special lime to finish the job quickly.
We recommend doing a little of this mixture and try in a callus or rough zone of the foot to see if this option serves us or not.Again we remember to use this option only on healthy skin, no wounds, neither blood, spots, burns or anything to use it in the skin of a child nor an animal.
Chamomile infusion
You have to make several cups of chamomile infusions and let it lose a little temperature so as not to damage the skin of our feet.Then we pour that liquid into a sweep or somewhere where our feet.Another option is to reserve half of the total infusions and make a foot first and then the other.
Next, we soak both feet and when a few minutes pass, approximately 15 minutes, we use a pumice stone, a scraper, a host, a lime (manual or electric), etc.
Onion, lemon and salt
It looks like the ingredients of a recipe and almost that it is, but it is to eliminate the hardness.There is also another version of garlic and oil, and yes, both are a bit unpleasant (in smell and texture), but effective (not much) to soften the hardness and be able to eliminate them quickly.
They are home remedies and have passed from generation to generation.They are not very effective, but it never hurts to have more options in case the above does not work.
How to prevent calluses
If we have read the causes of calluses, we will know that there are ways to prevent their appearance and that is what we are going to focus right now.If we launch these tips or tricks to refuse the hardness, we will have healthy feet free of infections and pains.