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Argentina will assume today the presidency of Mercosur for the next 6 months
By Eduardo Menegazzi
The president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, will transfer him on Wednesday morning the presidency of Mercosur for the next six months to his pair in Argentina, Alberto Fernández.It will be at a virtual summit of presidents of the member countries of the continental block, which also integrate Brazil and Paraguay.
Fernández will have hard work ahead since the relaunch of the common market was put as a great objective.But after some approaches with Lacalle Pou and with the Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, the lack of an explicit conviction to the recent elections held in Venezuela made him back several lockers in that intention.
Argentina intends that during this presidency the agreement between the Mercosur and the European Union that was signed in June 2019 that comes long delayed, to lower external tariffs, adding as a full member to Bolivia- is finished now, it is now observer- and modernizecertain structures inside the block.
Earlier this year Argentina adopted a protectionist position, while its commercial partners negotiated new free trade agreements with Canada, Lebanon, South Korea and Singapore.That attitude had caused rispideces that were later diluted.On the agreement with the EU, Uruguay, since July, tried to advance but collided with the European claims waiting for environmental measures that fit the Paris Treaty.They mainly question the deforestation of much of the Amazon carried out by Bolsonaro in Brazil.That is why Uruguayan Chancellor Fernando Bustillo made a tour of Berlin, Paris and Brussels to loosen tensions.And also his Argentine couple, Felipe Solá, held in the last hours an encounter with the German Foreign Minister, Heiko Maaas, because his country occupies the rotary presidency of the EU and Argentina will be the one that occupies that of Mercosur.
This Tuesday, Solá, together with the Foreign Ministers of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia, participated in the LVII Meeting of the Common Market Council (CMC) of the States Parties to Mercosur and Associates.In this meeting prior to the summit of Presidents, Solá said that “Mercosur is the most important instrument according to the world, but also the political instrument of the last 30 years that Argentina has had out of its borders for its borders forRevitalize your trade, to influence the daily life of its inhabitants, to generate employment, to improve their physical integration, to influence education, culture, science and technology, migratory policies, to build a new citizenshipMercosur, to have judicial cooperation and to agree on very important issues such as human rights. ”
He was accompanied by other officials of his portfolio as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Pablo Tettamanti;the Secretary of International Economic Relations, Jorge Neme;the Chief of Cabinet of the Foreign Ministry, Guillermo Justo Chaves;the Undersecretary of Affairs of Latin America, Juan Valle;The Undersecretary of Mercosur and international economic negotiations, Rossana Surballe, and the ambassador to Uruguay, Alberto Iribarne.The minister said that "Mercosur 30 years ago raised very ambitious goals and not all have been achieved, although it has been a great agreement from the commercial point of view and approach of our countries."He also stressed that “he has pacified us, for example.There is no longer any conflict hypothesis between us unlike when the block was established. ”
“We must strengthen the block with the full incorporation of other states, such as the Plurinational State of Bolivia.It is a special desire of Argentina that I suppose will be shared by the partners, ”he stressed in his speech.The entrance of Bolivia at the moment is locked in the Brazilian Senate.
The differences with Brazil were exposed when it was the turn of exposing the Brazilian Chancellor, Ernesto Araujo, who said it is necessary to weave agreements such as those of the EU, but then he was very hard about the situation in Venezuela.He highlighted the "malefic shadow of the Venezuelan dictatorship" in the region, and the government of Nicolás Maduro described him as "totalitarian."
In his speech Solá explained that in his presidency Pro Tempore "Argentina will put its maximum will and good faith, taking into account the needs of the other."“Among partners you have to know how to put yourself in the shoes of the other.It is increasingly important than even in recession, without knowing how much our economies will grow, let's put the best will to understand where the economy of each country is projected.What happens to a Brazilian, a Uruguayan or a Paraguayan must care to an Argentine, and so with everyone, ”he added.
After especially thanking the work of the Presidency of Uruguay in the midst of a context as special as that of the pandemic "because the block was not paralyzed and overcome obstacles looking for points of agreement", the Argentine minister suggested "that we ask our universitiesand to experts and researchers from each country an argument over us and the world, to have a contribution of thought about the future;and relaunch the business forum;This is very important: maybe they can find new paths, and after within that forum we could include our union leaders and our social movements. ”
“The world that is going to be very different and above all very uncertain, we cannot define it;Common commercial policy is associated with the political consensus of unity;The unity itself derives from a political consensus.In the world that comes as a market, either to invest, to sell us;And the empowerment of that market, as we are seen from the outside, is not only due to size but also to purchasing power.This is the center of attraction for external negotiations, therefore strengthening our market is also to strengthen external negotiations, ”concluded Solá.
Solá wrote Tuesday on his Twitter account: “Tomorrow Argentina assumes the Pro Tempore of Mercosur presidency.We hope to get changes in these next six months that help the reconstruction of our economy. ”A sign of where Alberto Fernández points out in this new regional challenge that he will face.
Uruguay proposes to Mercosur more flexible agreements with third parties
The Common Market Council (CMC) is the decision -making body of the block in the ministerial sphere and precedes the Summit of Heads of State of Mercosur and associated states, an activity that will be carried out this Wednesday 16. These meetings make up the closure of the Presidency ProTempore de Uruguay and the beginning of Argentina's mandate at the head of the regional bloc.
In the morning session, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International and Cult of the Argentine Republic, Felipe Solá, the head of Foreign Affairs of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Ernesto Araújo, and theMinister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Paraguay, Federico González.As a state in the process of adhesion, the Plurinational State of Bolivia participated represented by its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rogelio Mayta.
At the beginning, the Director of Integration and Mercosur Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Enrique Delgado, presented a report of the activities carried out during the Pro Tempore Uruguayan Presidency, in which the progress in the Block's Electronic Commerce Protocol highlighted.In addition, he pointed out that in this mandate all the negotiations that had been affected during the Covid-19 pandemic were resumed and the link with third parties was strengthened."Mercosur ends the year 2020 with all its active relationship fronts," he concluded.
The interventions of the foreign ministers began with the oratory of Bustillo, within the framework of the general evaluation of the block.The hierarchy assured that the balance sheet is very positive and that efforts were made to modernize Mercosur and its states part.In addition, he raised the need to more flexible the format of commercial negotiations of the block with third parties in cases where there is no internal consensus."Mercosur must enhance the inserting capabilities of each of its partners, the flexibility must be the norm and no longer exceptions," he said.
On this point, he indicated that negotiation at different speeds with Korea and Israel is an example of the aforementioned and that the commercial block is due a debate on this point."We consider that, when our strategic objectives are in tune, we must negotiate jointly, but, when our visions are disguise, Mercosur cannot become an obstacle to our needs and interests," he said.
Bustillo confirmed advances regarding the European Mercosur-Union Agreement (EU), found during his tour of that continent, and highlighted the commitment assumed by the EU Commission of Commerce, Valdis Dombrovskis, for the approval and ratification of the agreement.
The Uruguayan Chancellor mentioned that the European chief would provide instructions to EU negotiators to close the pending issues as soon as possible.In addition, he communicated that a first draft of political declaration would be presented to the agreement in the first months of 2021. "We believe we have taken important steps to the concretion of the agreement and we feel the witness closer to the long -awaited goal," he said.
On the approach to the environment and sustainable development, he indicated that the concern of European countries is not greater than that of the members of the regional bloc and rejected that any commitment in this matter is unilateral.The Secretary of State proposed to sign a bilateral commitment, for which the issues assumed are fulfilled by the members of both blocks.
Regarding the institutional reform of Mercosur proposed by the Pro Tempore Uruguayan Presidency, Bustillo said that new institutional bases of the block are left, in which the contributory capacities are appropriate to the reality of each member.In addition, a budget for 2021 was presented in which a 27%savings are generated, equivalent to 1.6 million dollars.
Within the framework of the celebration of the 30 years of Mercosur, the head proposed to the next presidency Pro Tempore convene an extraordinary meeting of foreign ministers and ministers of Economics, in order to establish different alternatives to negotiate with third parties in a certain way.Argentine Chancellor Felipe Solá, accepted the proposal and incorporated it into a business forum of the block.
After the interventions of the foreign ministers parties and in the process of adhesion, Mercosur presented management reports of the Permanent Court of Review of Mercosur, the Social Institute of Mercosur, the Institute of Public Policies of Human Rights and the Commission of RepresentativesMERCOSUR permanent.
In his speech, the president of Parliament of the block, Óscar Laborde, proposed to grant the award of the illustrious citizen of Mercosur to the former president of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay Tabaré Vázquez.
Presidency of Uruguay
Ernesto Araújo Diz that ‘Maleficent Shadow’ Da Ditadura Venezuelana Atropalha Mercosul
Or Minister of Outdoor Relações, Ernesto Araújo, Atacou Nesta Terça-Feira or Governo Venezuelaano and Disse that, enquanto “Continue to pair na América do sul in uma ditadura malefic shadow”, or Mercosul Não will fully attach it.Quem sends of Fato Na Venezuela and President Nicolás Maduro, more some countries, between Eles or Brazil, Reconhecem as legitimate governor Juan Guaidó, deputy and President of Assembleia Nacional who is self -proclaimupart of Mercosul, such as Argentina and Bolívia, this as a member of the mature reconhecem.
ARAÚJO PARTICIPOU OF UM FOUNT BY VIDEOCONFERRência Com os Ministers das Relações Exteriors Two Outros Plenos Plenos do Bloco - Argentina, Paraguai and Uruguai - além da Bolívia.To Venezuela Foi suspense do Bloco Em 2016 by Não Cumprir Obrigações that Assumiu ao will come together BLOCO EM 2012.
- To Venezuela Foi transformed regime ditatorial hair of Nicolás Maduro em uma platform do crime organized.We need to continue struggling for redemocratização da venicuela, only only from Venezuelan, sauce and oppressed, more hair nosso stare.Or Mercosul will never fully attinguish Seus Ideais inquanto to continue pairing na América do Sul in uma ditadura shadow, such as Venezuelan Ditadura Hoje, and sua rede of Apoios - Disse Araújo.
Rogelio Mayta, Chanceler gives Bolivia, disse with Bolivian Povo recovered peacefully to democracy to the moment of rupture.FOI UMA REFERENCIA à Eleição de Luis Arce, ally of former president Evo Morales.Not passing, there is a military press, Morales renunciou and foi happened by Jeanine Añez.Both Government of Morales and Añez Foram marked by authoritarian measures.Em November, Arce Tomou Posse, happening Añez.EM 2019, or Brazil Foi or Primeiro Country to reconhero Áñez, pouco less than uma time Depois da Sessão no Senate Em that ELA was proclaimed interim president.
Na Quarta-Feira, will have a dome, also by videoconferência, two presidents two member countries do Bloco.The events Marcam or Enclosing of presidency do uruguai do Mercosul, and or comment of presidency of Argentina.
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Bolivia takes up his adhesion to Mercosur and asks for a working group to the incoming president Pro Tempore
On the occasion of the LVII Ordinary Meeting of the Common Market Council (CMC), of the South Mercado (Mercosur), made in virtual modality, Bolivian Chancellor Rogelio Mayta, said that Bolivia returns to this mechanism of integration in the process of adhesion andHe requested a meeting group meeting to treat Bolivian adhesion management.
At the beginning of his speech, the head of the Bolivian diplomacy said that "Bolivia returns to Mercosur after an abrupt break of the constitutional and democratic order that moved us away from the integration processes of which we were participating."This situation was reversed with the overwhelming victory of Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca in the general elections of last October 18, Mayta explained.
In the field of integration, the chancellor said that Bolivia's return to Mercosur, responds to "... the firm conviction that only through integration we will face the great crises that the world is going through."
Reinforced that criterion with quantitative information.“Bolivia shares with Mercosur countries:
- 72% of its borders.
- At least 60% of their migrants living are these countries.
- More than 50% of Bolivia's foreign trade is carried out with Mercosur countries.
- Our border populations, our cultures, our roots are twinned. ”
After sharing that data, he said categorically: "Bolivia's incorporation into this integration space is a natural process."
Consequently, he thanked the States part of Mercosur, who ratified the Bolivian adhesion protocol, and the “Brazilian government that made important advances in the debates of ratification of our protocol within their legislative power and we soon hopethe ratification of Brazil ”.
When referring to the effects of Pandemia by COVID-19 in the region, he explained that the great challenge is "... to achieve the economic reactivation of our countries."In that line he went ahead in highlighting the decisions that members of the Member State will take tomorrow.
MERCOSUR Bolivia's admission situation
Bolivia began its adhesion 10 years ago.After ratified and in force the protocol several tasks were fulfilled.
Incorporation of all Mercosur normative collection no later than 4 years.The Foreign Minister reported that about half of the standards were incorporated in the adoption schedule.
Adoption of the common external tariff and the common nomenclature of Mercosur.Progress was made within the framework of Technical Committee number 1 and the correlations between the nomenclatures of the CAN in Mercosur.In this sense, Minister Mayta said that Bolivia could comply with this commitment in the first years since its incorporation as a full member.
Origin regime.The Foreign Minister reported that Bolivia requested several years ago, modify the conditions contained in Annex 9 of ACE No. 36. “These conditions will allow us specific more flexible origin requirements;greater use of imported supplies in the production of national goods;and the possibility of using extra block produced or supplies. ”In relation to this situation, the diplomatic authority recalled: "Our application continues at the table and we hope we can discuss it to receive a favorable response from you."
On the other hand, the Bolivian Foreign Minister, article 8 of the Bolivia Adhesion Protocol to MercosurStates with them."This issue is of concern for our country, said Mayta, given that when reviewing the texts of different agreements with extra blocks we have been able to show that they lack a specific mechanism for adhesion of new members."
These factors lead to Bolivian diplomacy to request a meeting from the presidency pro tempore incoming."To discuss these issues we ask the incoming presidency of Argentina to convene a meeting of the working group for Bolivia's accession to Mercosur."
The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Argentina, Felipe Sola, the Foreign Minister of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Ernesto Araujo, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay Federico Gonzales and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreignof the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Francisco Bustillo.
La Paz, December 15, 2020
Bolivia Foreign Ministry