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DVIAIRE COLLECTIVE, Second -hand luxury to a 'click'

Internet has transformed our lives.It has been doing decades, it is true, but the pandemic has meant the great gun of the mass sale online.The companies in the luxury sector - and not so much - took advantage of the months of world confinement to "get up to date", if they were not yet.Today the virtual "showcase" is an essential part of the results account.

In the heat of the networks, multi -brand multinationals have managed to position themselves as online sales leaders.This is the case of dressing collective, which with a value of 1.700 million dollars has become a reference for second -hand luxury items.Its positioning in the so -called "circular economy of luxury" is relatively novel: they saw the "reef" much earlier, when the appetite for brands excluded the market to the middle class "aspirational" from the market.It was then that this business niche was born that is a real market.

In fact, the month of September was spectacular for the firm: SoftBank joined the financing round promoted by the dressing team and the announcement meant lifting 178 million euros.Risk capital companies are in the virtual economy that has been uncovered as more real than ever.Dressed Collective says that they are successful because "they are extending the useful life of clothing as younger consumers become more aware of the environment".


Vestiaire Collective, el lujo de segunda mano a un 'click'

Commitment movement or not, global sales of second -hand goods are expected to double up to 77.000 million dollars in 2025, according to a Globaldata report.Total, grandmothers already said: "The important thing about faces marks is that they never become fashionable".