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The exact moment in which the Asian wasp "devours" everything around him

Hace muy pocos días, se descubrió en la ciudad de Barcelona un enorme nido de una avispa asiática.This insect is located in the Jardines of the Monastery of Pedralbes, where there is a tree of Neísperos all flourished. Eso informó para el diario La Vanguardia de España, el periodista Marcos Isaura.The communicator told in a note, his experience with this impressive specimen.

Con respecto a porque ese nido, digno de una avispa asiática se encuentra en determinados arboles.“The insects that are, such as syrucids, bumblebees, flies, some bee (still survivor of the intensive hunting that the Asian wasp is doing), butterflies Red Admiral and, above all, the Asian wasps themselves are common that a tree of manelets are common”, Began by saying.

Then he kept talking about the characteristics of this type of insects and said the following: “It is not strange, adult insects feed on different sugary liquids such as nectars of trees and shrub flowers, ripe fruit juices, as well as sugary excretions ofAphids and Savia of Tree Buts ".

El momento exacto en el que la avispa asiática “devora” todo al su alrededor

The journalist who decided to share his experience to the readers of the newspaper La Vanguardia commented that this impressive fact was given in one of his visit a few days ago to the aforementioned monastery of Barcelona.There he could see the similar insect that is characterized by eating others with very similar qualities: bees.This huge wasp, can even devour your own.

Ya cerrando, el periodista hizo énfasis en la importancia de que este nido, hogar de una avispa asiática, se neutralice rápidamente porque de lo contrario podría traer grandes consecuencias.“Hopefully the waspero located in the gardens of the Creu de Pedralbes will be neutralized, because, otherwise, we will have to say goodbye to the native insects before the voracity of the Asian wasp, especially with the bees, so necessary for thepollination, ”he said.

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