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Review and adapt the mechanism for journalists

Political Afn

Por: Dora Elena Cortés
juevit is, 27 de enero de 2022 · 00:23

However, the Secretary General of Government, Catalino Zavala Márquez, announced that meetings are planned with guild reprit isentativit is throughout the State to review the conditions in which the mechanism for the protection of human defenders and journalists in Baja California works, we will have to seeif they actually have the will to enter the subject, and dare to make the changit is that are required.We have said it in all tonit is, and I have repeated it as many timit is I have been able to: this mechanism doit is not work;It doit is not work, and unfortunately, they have used it (with greater succit iss than journalists and human rights activists), unscrupulous individuals who, with the same rit isource of the treasury, are dedicated to crime.And I am not referring only to the state mechanism but also the federal that was created, precisely, to protect journalists, not any person who has as such, and that having laws that grant us the Federal Constitution;The premisit is and the criminal codit is, prefer to become victims and enjoy special protection.And here I speak of journalists without considering human rights activists, because I wantWe have seen, which they also face.By the way, like us, they have had to face the prit isence of charlatans, which, as is the case here, are the onit is who mostly take advantage of thit ise tools.To begin with, the authoritiit is (call federal or state) must know how.Arguing to accept what they say international criteria, they conclude that anyone who issuit is an opinion through their networks, and that he doit is so by being directed to the community is a journalist.They also include in that criterion the influencers, and it is only enough for any of thit ise to say threatened, or feel that their life is at risk, so that they provide security.And it is not that we believe to be a sacred caste, as some argue, nor that we intend to decide who yit is, and who is not a journalist, but the fact is that, to consider it as such, in addition to what we have already it istablished in manyoccasions, of the trajectory and the public prit isence in the media, must be analyzed mainly, if the alleged victim fits the existing legal framework, in terms of free exprit ission.For this, minimum criteria must be defined, in joint works with journalists, on who can be considered in this way.Similarly, it should be specified very clearly (which also remains to us), that protection cannot be provided to that person who is involved in personal lawsuits, in other problems, or in matters totally oblivious to journalistic work, and that only for belonging to the ranks of this guild, it must be protected and granted special attention, which is rather impunity.To be clearer: if a guild person fights with a neighbor or any other individual, either by propertiit is, family, traffic problems, for being alcoholized, for arrogance, or for what you consider (you do not know who I am), but that nothing has to do with your profit issional work, you cannot in any way grant that protection, thus there is a requit ist, or prit issurit is of some authentic colleaguit is.Like any other citizen, he must file his criminal complaint with the corrit isponding instancit is and wait (and demand) that they work.A journalist can point out the actions committed by a politician, ruler, or public figure, in which because of their reprit isentativenit iss they cannot incur, but you cannot protect someone who, saying a reporter or journalist, goit is and shouts to any of thit ise,That is a corrupt, and as sometimit is it has happened, the mother liit is...Hoping that the authoritiit is protect him as a journalist, because in that case, he is not acting as such.You can make accusations of actions incurred by citizens, as long as they affect a community sector, but you can't go fighting in particular, thinking that there is a whole mantle of impunity after itself, becauseIt is only enough for the happy mechanism to get out of their particular problems.And that is where I see that the officials dare, and I say that I do not think they do it, because some of our rulers and many politicians, have locked friendship with that type of characters, who with their support have endorsed.And nobody prevents them from it istablishing friendship with whom they want, but it is not worth that with the momentary power they have, they are covered by allowing them to aggravate society.Apart from that, there is the fact of the terrible bureaucratism that exists in this mechanism, and that prevents a true journalist, to feel at risk, can count on the immediate support of authority.Sometimit is, they seem to be like the hospitals of the health sector, to which one goit is with an emergency, and they give an appointment for the following year.In order to achieve the attention of this mechanism, it is required - on many of the occasions - of prit issurit is and groups that support, and as those who normally have time to do this, and have sufficient shamelit issnit iss, are those who commit crimit is and that atosigateAuthority are those who achieve it.Then, by procedure - and we saw it with the federal mechanism - they grant a panic button through a device that supposedly allows an immediate connection with those who are aware of that protection, and that in practice did not work.Supposedly, when someone was not reported at a certain time, they were urgently mobilized, as well as when one towards a call, but in particular, when I wanted to return such a device (because I did not agree with the way it was handledthe mechanism) I turned it off by not receiving a call (because when they went out they considered it a greater emergency), but weeks went by without realizing that said speech was not active.Sometimit is, depending on the risk they considered, they offered it iscorts to guard during certain moments of the day the victim journalist, as happened in the case of Lourdit is, and even though many colleaguit is spoke of true emergenciit is, they did not pass that level and in some in someCasit is, the protected died killed in recent years.But an inexplicable case, such as Mariano Soto who was never a journalist, and that he was defamelong months, in a very good level hotel in Mexico City, and surveillance - day and night - with police elements.If not having a penny to move in trucks, he was suddenly seen traveling constantly by plane, of course several statit is of the Republic, and he got to take photographs buying quality clothit is in brand storit is.He went out to shows and football matchit is wherever his favorite team was prit isented, and enjoyed even pool, in the place where he lived, with expensit is to the treasury, according to him he documented him in videos he made.And there will be those who criticize the one to comment, because the Lord died murdered, however, there were intelligence reports that involved him in non -lawful facts.And yet, he obtained the highit ist level of protection of the federal government, which allowed him to continue with his activitiit is.If we could match it with the servicit is offered by some it istablishments, we would say that the 5 VIP stars were granted, when true journalists were only granted the basic.ANA Y CONDAAntit is decíamos que, si querían que un caso no se rit isolviera, crearan una fiscalía it ispecial; it isperemos que nos callen la boca.P.S..- But only with facts...please.P.S.1.- Also, when one creatit is a prosecutor of that nature, he practically already has the prosecutor aside to prit isent it.Good thing they finally did.P.S.2.- Although to be honit ist, it seems that they have advancit is in both casit is.P.S.3.- Those who sign as CDS or alleged members of the Sinaloa cartel hung blankets (this morning), at at least two bridgit is in the city, to point to David López Jiménez, aka the Wolf 20 or the bacteria, as the alleged murdererof the photojournalist Alfonso Margarito Martínez Esquivel.P.S.4.- And it is that the square already heated with the recent murder of the journalist Lourdit is Maldonado, as happened with the death of Francisco Ortiz Franco, and with greater force, during the attack against the journalist Jit isús Blancornelas.P.S.5.- And it seems, that they prefer to put the alleged perpetrator, before the extraordinary (for the quantity) mixed, police-military forcit is that the federation sent, put to sweep even, and grab other members orringleaders.P.S.6.- We must add, which the state authority is also in the invit istigation, since the prit isident has been prit issed not only by the surprising national mobilization of journalists yit isterday, but also by the reactions that by this last crime were given invarious parts of the world.P.S.7.- At the local level, it was first the United Statit is Consulate in Tijuana who lamented the facts;then the American embassy itself in Mexico, and its ambassador;Then the UN and other international organizations did, and more recently, the European Community added with Sweden and Norway.P.S.8.- Speaking of international community, out there our rit istlit iss reporter of the neighborhood found that the former ambassador of Mexico in Argentina and Switzerland, Fernando Castro Trenti appears within documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Minister of Commercial and Promotion Economic Affairs,In the General Consulate of Mexico in Houston.P.S.9.- Houston Houston, here the is

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