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Patricia Maldonado is launched with a new collection of clothing!What will consist of?

The former pleasure panelist announced through her social networks that this Friday she will launch her clothing line called "Patyselmy", along with her partner, who is dedicated to the preparation and Maldonado designs the locker room for large sizes, such asShe defines it.

After more than two years outside the screen, Patricia Maldonado had to look.I have to eat, ”he said at the Live of Instagram.

The collection promises to be a good option for older people with very colorful designs "people do not have to dress as a grandmother", he also commented that she actively participates in every detail of the garments, so they are specialized designs "all these thingsI board them, they give me 2, 3 in the morning embroidering, ”he said.

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Along the same lines announced that his idea is to expand the public to which he will address, also making polerones and shirts for men, as well as accessories such as bags and wallets for women.

"On Friday of this week all the information where you can buy will appear," he said at the Live of Instagram, adding that he will use social networks to publicize his products and his YouTube channel.

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