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Japanese agency looks for overweight people to ‘rent them’

Of course: the company warns that "if its purpose is inappropriate, it will be asked to withdraw even during negotiations". Tras la elección se acuerda el pago de 2.000 yenes la hora (alrededor de 65 mil pesos) por un servicio personalizado.However, the company also offers its service to corporate customers.In this case the price can vary and decides in the negotiation.

¿Cómo nació la idea?

As stated on the entrepreneurship website, its creation dates back to 2016.The creator, who calls himself Mr.Bliss, launched a clothing line and it was difficult to find a model.In fact, he mentioned that it was more difficult to find models than ‘cool’ clothes with large sizes, which is usually a tedious task for many people.Fue por ello que decidió crear una agencia de talentos que tuvieran las características que él buscaba.

(Do you visit us from the time app? See the publication here).Today both the clothing brand and the talent agency work along and attract the attention of people interested in this innovative concept.Vale mencionar que DEBUcari está disponible en varias ciudades de Japan y ese es, precisamente, uno de los filtros a la hora de elegir a un ‘acompañante con sobrepeso’.

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10 de junio 2021, 02:21 A. M.
Margarita Contreras Delgado10 de junio 2021, 02:21 A. M.






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Agencia japonesa busca personas con sobrepeso para ‘alquilarlas’

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