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If you had to build Christmas dinner at your home, these 20 little things will make your fiestón a success

Conviértete en miembro Prime y ahorra en envíos, tecnología, belleza, música, moda y muchísimo más.Si te tocó armar la cena de Navidad en tu casa, estas two0 cositas harán que tu fiestón sea todo un éxito Si te tocó armar la cena de Navidad en tu casa, estas two0 cositas harán que tu fiestón sea todo un éxito

We hope you like the products we recommend.Only for you to know, Buzzfeed can collect a small part of the sales that leave this publication.Prices can vary and are in Mexican pesos.

1.If you are planning a well Pipirisnais dinner, with 3 -stroke food and the whole thing, you cannot miss this dishes of 105 super elegant pieces in pink gold ($ 619).
two.If all your amix are mega eco -Friendly this biodegradable dishes is the best option for the day of the Christmas super tamalization to all eat until you burst free of conscience ($ 583).
3.Tall, tall, do not forget to take these white tablecloths with golden details.It doesn't matter if the party is super formal or just a meeting -bonnet, the atmosphere will improve 1000% if the table looks beautiful ($ 366).
4.Obviously, you have to celebrate with a copita of house Madero that is finally already December, that they already paid you the bonus and that the good of the inns is alcohol ($ 849).
5.A foamy vinito Rosita de Freixenet is always a good way to say goodbye to the year. Con un delicioso olor y sabor, todo/as en tus invitados quedarán encantado/as ($6two0).
6.OMG. El brindis de celebración de fin de año en tu trabajo será todo un éxito con estas 50 fabulosas copas de plástico que harán que la bebida luzca elegantiosa y más deliciosa ($4two6).
7.In all inns it is almost mandatory that there are some Corona beers available for when the party begins to get a good COF-elJefesefue-Cof and even want to dance ($ 135).
8.With this frillage and not have punch in the inn?It would be a crime. Pero tu tranqui, que ahora puedes preparar hasta 45 tazas con esta caja de ponche en polvo de La Monjita ($two58).
9.HMMMMM, did you seem like something like that for the inn?You only need nuts, strawberries and, the reliable old woman, Ferrero Rocké chocolates.They never go out of style and they are perfect to brighten anyone's palate ($ 184).
10.Oye, oye, la decoración es importante y este set de 71 globos harán que todo el espacio luzca fabuloso y que todos los invitados entren en ambiente súper rápido ($4two9).
eleven.Take the best photos for Ig with this golden back curtain.You can not leave the inn without enjoying a photo shoot with your partner to have incredible memories of this year ($ 199).
1two.Si quieres agregarle un toque más divertido a tus fotos de la posada, este es el kit que necesitas para que todo mundo se sienta emocionado con la llegada del two0twotwo en la oficina (y todos reciban un aumento)($356).
13.OMG ¿Qué hay un bono sorpresa que el jefe preparó para todos? Estos sobres dorados con cinta para sellar son perfectos para semejante obsequio *guiño-guiño* ($two31).
14.If your inn is going to be one of those super cool inns where the boss makes gifts fa-bu-lo-osos such as blenders, pans and tuppers, you will surely need these gift bags so that everything looks pretty and does not noticethat someone will have a cup ($ 345).
fifteen.Do not miss this incredible disco Led light ball.The Bailongo moment becomes more cool if there are colored lights flashing to the rhythm of the best Christmas song "The fish in the river". ($two98).
16.A horn is essential for the pachanga, so don't think about it and take this laptop, with HD sound and bluetooth connection.Now, surely the carols are going to sound to all...Intensity ($ 599).
17.You only need this fabulous Microphone of wireless karaoke, a good horn and the perfect playlist to make the inn become the party of the year, ~ tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki ~ ($ 699).
18.This pair of Christmas hats are the most iconic in the world, yes. O sea, no puedes dejar pasar la oportunidad de que todos en la oficina los usen por un rato ($two75).
19.~ Give it, give Daaaaleee, take this piñataaa ~ it is a tradition of the inns, but it can also be the perfect (and healthy) form of deraking all the stress caused by your work.The plus is that you get a lot of sweets ($ 373).
two0.If you and everyone in your office plan

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Si te tocó armar la cena de Navidad en tu casa, estas two0 cositas harán que tu fiestón sea todo un éxito