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How much does it cost to register a brand and how do I do it?Related Economic Post Innovation

The Ministry of Economic Development (SEDEC), through the Directorate of Competitiveness and Innovation, invites the business community and entrepreneurs of the State of Aguascalientes to carry out the brand registration process before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI)From the comfort of your home.

The brand registration procedure before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) is the protection of any visible sign that distinguishes products or services of others of the same species or class in the market.

Personalized advice will be offered at 449 971 0285 Extension 109, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and those who wish to start their procedure must send to email the name of its brand, description of the product or service, name of the applicant, domicile, telephone, CURP, RFC and logo.

¿Cuánto cuesta registrar una marca y cómo lo hago? RELATED POST Innovación Económica

The phonetic classification and search will be made free of charge and once the information is viable, the applicant issues the payment established by the IMPI.

Who can do it?

What do I get?

Validity: 10 years

Where can I make the payment?

What should I know about the response time? First response period for examination by the IMPI: 4 months.First response period for background exam by IMPI: 6 months.

How much does it cost? Brand registration advice and management is free, the request before the IMPI has a cost of $ 3,126.41 with VAT included.

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