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Grinch Bots steal the best offers of the season: automatic buyers

Previously, purchases were competitions between people "while exhausting stocks".The game changes and the doubt is who can beat the Grinch Bots?

The scalper bots, better known this season as the Grinch Bots, are scheduled to buy scarce items on websites.

Now that online purchases are more demanded every day, Grinch Bots buy everything at a speed that prevents common (human) users, even having the opportunity to buy something.

The technology is sophisticated and the opportunists see a great window for the resale.A practice that is not something of some people, but organizations that are dedicated to selling and buying much more expensive.

The resale increases

It is estimated that the Grinch Bots will buy more than 100 million dollars in shoes, and will monopolize other sectors of the retail such as clothing, collectibles, computers, electronic, games and any attractive agreement where demand exceeds supply.

The scalper bots operate at superhuman speeds that consumers cannot match.COVID-19 pandemic made this Bots development, something exponential and this year as well as 2020, record transactions are expected online.

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What is the next step?

Grinch Bots se roban las mejores ofertas de la temporada: compradores automáticos

After buying the items, these Grinch Bots take out the items to the market with much larger prices to the originals.While they have been operating for a while, the US authorities already work in their prohibition.

The result of this practice for desire articles at Christmas, shines consumers to lose the best gifts Ombarte forced to buy them on resellers of resellers such as eBay with great margins of gain.

What are they doing?

Automate the payment process on electronic commerce websites.The Grinch Bots are programmed and several of them are owned by computer pirates.Other of them are built and sold to consumers known as "Botters".

Its main characteristics are:

When the Botters buy their bot, they program it with their personal information: shipping and billing addresses, credit card information, user names and passwords.

Anticipating a sale, the Botters enter the specific merchandise they expect to buy from a specific retailer.Once the sale is activated on the website of the target retailer, the Bot begins the payment process.

The famous legend and steps to confirm "if you are not a robot" is totally useless against the Grinch Bots.Botters can manually complete any necessary action that the retailer requires during payment, such as completing a captcha.

Brenda Marquezhoyos

Editora web.
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