The former panelist of "Los Angeles in the morning" shared a series of photos where she covered the face of that famous.Before the unknown, it was Vicky "Juariu" Braier who decided to tell who was talking about.Through the comparison of images, she confirmed to her followers that the defendant was Floppy Tesouro, which, like the dancer she has her own sportswear capsule that spreads through her social networks.
image.pngBefore the great scandal that was generated, the model decided to make their discharge and responded to her colleague in search of not being part of the conflict.”What they upload does not belong to my sportswear capsule.When I upload looks with my sportswear tagged to the brand, ”he explained in dialogue with Intruders (America).In this way, he said that the designs for which she was accused by Cinthia are not of her authorship, but are garments of other brands that she only dressed.
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Also, the exparticipante of the dancing for a dream pointed out that it was not going to be mentioning the subject, removing entity to what happened: "I do not like to confront, it is not my style, so I will not answer him".Finally, it wanted to differentiate from Cinthia and supported other people who are in the field, wishing them do well: “I am a good companion, there is room for everyone.We must not assault ourselves, on the contrary we have to support ourselves ".