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Fast fashion is filling textile waste containers

Buy cheap clothes is fine, but only for our pocket.If we expand the line of interest a little further we will realize that maybe we are leaving more expensive than we believe.Because the environmental (and social) cost of that bargain we have just acquired, either in the store or online, is not reflected in the price.

Statistical data on the increase in textile waste at home are experiencing unprecedented growth.This fraction of our garbage, which barely appeared meaning in the reports of just a couple of decades ago, has currently represented between 6 % and 8 % of our domestic waste, placing the same level as light packaging.

Gas emissions with greenhouse effects associated with the textile industry already exceed those of the aviation sector

According to the study “A new textile economy: redesign the future of fashion” of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for the circular economy, currently the textile sector consumes more than one hundred million tons per year to make the more than 65 million tons of tons ofclothing that are manufactured every year.Figure that, if the current consumption trends could exceed one hundred million tons of clothing in the next ten years.

In most cases it is a clothing with an increasingly short life cycle.Crews made with low quality fabrics, mostly synthetic, plastic, with a very low production cost (at the expense of workers' labor rights) that allows the manufacturer to sell at a very accessible price and the consumer to be fashionable as the fashion ofeconomic form.That is what brands are called 'socialize fashion', but without assuming the high ecological cost.

La moda rápida esta llenando los contenedores de residuos textiles

As a result every second goes to landfills around the world the equivalent of a large -tonnage truck full of clothing.Also the waste from the washing, use and abandonment of these pieces of clothing, encompassed in the Fast Fashion concept, are pouring more than half a million tons of microplastics every year: the equivalent of 60.000 million plastic bottles.

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Regarding its role in the climatic crisis we are going through, the carbon footprint (CO2 emissions associated with its manufacture, distribution, consumption and management as residue) estimated for the textile sector already rounds 10% of global gas emissionsWith greenhouse effect.A percentage that could increase to represent more than a quarter before 2030.

For all this, we must appeal to the responsible consumption of clothing and promote trends that are experiencing great growth in other countries of the world, such as used clothes.A way to change with much more sustainable garments economically and ecologically speaking, and that allows to escape the uniformity dictated by market trends imposed by brands.

According to a study on the evolution of the textile sector in recent years presented by the World Bank, the main brands of Fast Fashion (among which several Spanish firms) do not wait for the change of station to renew their windows but in most of the majority ofCases replenish their stores with new designs every week.

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Thus, if in 2000 40 were manufactured.000 million garments per year, today the double is made.But at a much lower cost and quality, which promotes compulsive clothing consumption and accelerates its waste.

The average consumer is buying today 60% more clothes (in volume of garments, not cost) that only a couple of decades ago, generating an equivalent amount as a residue.An unsustainable trend that is collapsing fast fashion garbage containers and is generating a serious environmental problem.