“However, on the night of Tuesday, August 3, he could know an informal copy of the car that decrees the embargo for the sum of 30.000 million pesos to the bank accounts of several public entities and private companies that are demanded in this action.It is important to indicate that, in this order, the court did not order the embargo of EPM bank accounts ”, reads in the text.
The company added that for some reason, which does not know, the same court sent offices to the financial entities in which EPM has bank accounts ordering its embargo for a sum of "30 billion pesos" and, despite the fact that the court, at the request of the courts, at the request of the courtFrom EPM, he already rectified that the really seized sum was 30.000 million pesos and not 30 billion pesos, has not explained why the order directed to the banks persists to practice embargoes that have not been decreed.
“These and other inconsistencies of the Court, motivated EPM to file a appeal for replacement and a guardianship action against the decisions of the court.For now, EPM expects the outcome of the legal actions filed, ”he said in the report.