Tener un animal en casa es sinónimo de un hogar llena de pelos. Más aún en época de muda, que tiene lugar en los cambios de estación. A pesar de que la cantidad que cae depende de factores como la alimentación, el cepillado o la raza (si es de pelo corto o largo), lo cierto es que es prácticamente imposible que los muebles, la ropa o el suelo duren limpios más de 24 horas.
Although this does not have to be a problem.There are tricks that can help when cleaning and getting rid of mute traces.For many of them there is nothing beyond the cleaning and cleaning objects that are at hand at home.
1. Cold air dryer
The dryer can become a great ally when taking off the hair of carpets, sofas and armchairs.By putting it cold and at maximum power, the hair fibers are sealed, which prevents static electricity from being generated and so that tissues are more easily taken off.
2. Latex gloves with water
Freegar gloves also serve.Simply wet them and pass them over the surface to clean.In this way, just as it happened with the dryer, the static electricity of the hair is reduced and they are stuck to the glove.It is especially comfortable for carpets and upholstery.
3. Adhesive tape
Adhesive tape rolls to clean clothes are very useful to remove hair from any garment.They can also be used in upholstered furniture.In case of not having these tape rolls, the same effect is achieved with wide adhesive tape or insulating tape, which spread more when it comes to large surfaces.
4. Water diluted softener
Before trying to remove the hair from the dirty areas, it is convenient to spray on these a mixture of diluted clothing softener in water.The reason?Thus the fibers of the hairs are softened and cause them to leave the tissues more easily when swept or collected by hand.This trick is highly recommended to clean the carpets.
5. Microfiber Bayets
This material, in addition to collecting fluff and dust, is also ideal for this task.They are antistatic, so the hairs take off from the tissues to which they adhere to static electricity.It is also advisable to buy microfiber mop and use plastic brooms, so they do not get entangled the hair with the bristles.In order not to lose the properties of microfiber, the ideal is to wash them with soap and water.
6. Wet sponges
As with microfiber cloths and latex gloves, wet sponges also allow the fibers of the hair to be sealed and easily take off from furniture and clothing.In addition, the porous material of scourers and sponges favors the collection of hairs and dust.
7. Brushes to spread food
For more concrete and small areas it is very comfortable to use plastic or silicone brushes to spread food.This material breaks with static energy and perfectly collects the hairs found in the upholstery.They do not agree if the surface is very large, since they can be desperate.
8. Special fabrics
Many people use buchers, blankets or fabrics of any kind to put on the sofa or the favorite chair of their pets.The best thing in this case is that the Cubrefá is of a material that repeats the animal's hair, that groups it and that makes it easier to clean it.
This Teijdo exists, the Uruguayan brand Aquaclean, in charge of upholstery of armchairs and sofas, and the Madrid firm Rock’n’Rone, specialized in furniture covers.Both produce antibacterial tissues, anti -wednesday and antiracle.In the case of the Spanish brand, it also produces the tissues sustainably with recycled plastic and without chemical processes.
Bonus Track: vacuum cleaner
The majority of pet owners are familiar with the vacuum.If you have an animal at home it is best to spend it daily on the ground, sofas and armchairs, according to experts.Although due to lack of time, more and more are those who opt for intelligent vacuum cleaners such as the well -known Roomba, who do the easiest task when they are not at home and are responsible for cleaning the soil and carpets.
Prohibited foods for dogs
Marina Prats
Life and Trends editor, Huffpost