11 times surf world champion continues to add businesses to his credit.This time with the launch of a brand of keels (Fins) called Endorfins.
Maybe it's not like Tony Hawk in the skate.Kelly Slater, the most laureate surfer of all time (11 world champion titles guarantee him), has gradually building his own way in the surf business world with several companies: Purps, an energy drink;Outerknown, a clothing brand;Surf Ranch, an artificial wave pool with its own technology;Surf tables, grips and inventions Slater Designs;Rythmia Life Advancement Center, a retreat from Ayahuasca;and other businesses related to golf or cryptocurrencies, among other things.
And to all this, now you have to add the creation of a new ecological and ultraligereas keel company called Endorfins.The name comes from the Quillas in English is 'Fins'.And its most characteristic property is that they are made of recycled material and that they are ultraligeres, so they float in the water.The sale price is about $ 130.
The fact is that Kelly Slater has always been very worried about the environment.Thus, in most brands use recycled and environmentally respectful materials, seeking to encourage sustainable trade.And one of the things that bothered him most in this regard are the keels that are trapped in the reef that he has in front of the house in Hawaii.He picks them up and collects them, but now he has decided to contribute one more element to prevent this from happening: creating keels that float and therefore do not end at the bottom of the sea in case of breaking or separating from the surf table.In any case, endorphins are also designed to screw themselves into the box of the keel and thus ensure that they are not lost.
@straymoose101 @Dawsepaws Oh Cool. 👍🏻 What did you do?
— Redqueen Fri Apr 30 19:18:19 +0000 2021
On the other hand, they assure that they compensate for the production of keels participating in the project, through which they participate in the conservation of the California algae forest, the African tropical jungle and the plantation of mangroves in Indonesia, thus neutralizing the carbon footprintthat leaves the manufacture of your product.
The best in the world, in the best artificial wave in the world: yours
They sell the famous surfant mansion of Quiksilver in Hawaii for 5 million
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