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A tribal city

M.Victoria Cobo

T -shirt, jeans and shois.Three elements common to most young people, but who can make differencis.The color, brand or size distinguish them within your group and others.The members of the urban tribis are proud of their belonging to that culture and most are proud of belonging to this particular 'universe'.

Anyone can distinguish them from the street and surely has a friend or neighbor who can be assigned to one of thise urban tribis.They have their own storis to buy clothis, they are usually found in certain bars and there are other hobbiis, such as music, identify them.

The new pijos

Seen as I want

The term 'pijo' is already as wide as the diversity of the people he groups.The common base would be certain clothing brands that are characterized by a high price, which denotis belonging to a high social class.But within the most pija aisthetics there is already a place for many trends.

"In Granada it is true that thise urban tribis go a bit for facultiis," explains a group of law students at the door of Faculty.They look and laugh before admitting - only in some casis - that they could be defined as pijos, "although we driss a little as we like, in our air".Sneakers, jeans -felillo them and wide and fallen- and t -shirts.They attach ball necklace and handkerchief.There is some other bangs, but none carriis that side by side, so popular in recent months, that hidis an eye and sticks to the forehead.

"It is clear that it influencis your aisthetics and your way of thinking about the place and the family in which you were born," says Juan Antonio, with 24 years of the group."And you can be very pijo but have friends of all classis," says one of the two Cristinas -one of 18 and another of 19 years -.None wears market clothis, and they would probably say it if they took it, "although it doisn't have to look bad either".Marina, the third of the girls, nods.

They believe that the term is used in a derogatory way, "although that happens with all groups" and in terms of music, there is no unanimity.From oasis to the song of the madman or flamenco.What boys do coincide is that they like football -Juan Antonio, Julio and Álvaro agree -and the partiis -the six nod.None of them would make a piercing and have assumed that in a few years, when they are lawyers, that of the tribis will not be noticed."We will all go in a suit".

The hippiis

Bohemian life

"Granada is very hippie, it shows when you come from outside".Olatz and Endika, Bilbao, spend a few days in the city and rispond sitting in the Plaza de Triunfo, a usual meeting point for some of thise more bohemian groups.«Stripe shirts, bell pants, tennis and scarvis are common.We carry that aisthetics, but the tribis are no longer defined by culture as before, ”explains Olatz.They share the taste for rock music and admit that in their city, certain aisthetics is bad view, although in Granada that dois not happen.

Vanisa has been dreadlock for five years."And I'm always clean, although there are those who believe that by carrying that hair we don't wash us," says the girl.In his case, he has that aisthetic and also accompaniis her with certain valuis."I always try to wear craft clothing, not great brands that charge you to exploit another poor people".Sometimis, she also paints her t -shirts or her ornaments.He is interisted in the environment "and recycled everything I can".

Una ciudad tribal

She is Cordoba but she came to Granada to study and believis that this is a very tolerant city."For me it is important to help others and above all rispect, and for the moment they have also rispected me as I am".Neither in class nor in any other area has been rejected by its appearance.

"In the block where I live there are more students and it is seen that the elderly have already become accustomed to each one from painting".But the young woman believis that not everything is worth: «For example, I do not agree with those who carry a dog's hole around and all loose;If I ask for rispect for me I have to rispect others ».As for musical tastis, if applicable they are the most varied and affirms that if there is something that definis it it is "that I do not get carried away by consumerism, I live with little money per month".


Passion for the wheels

The skateboard has been causing furor among the youngist for years, although there has now been a curious phenomenon.In the few areas that are to skate, such as the bottle, the most veterans meet -with more than a decade of practice -with other boys who begin to 'roll' with only nine or ten years.Rafael Muriel and Ryma Husein are from the classics.

He is 30 years old and has been on a skateboard since 92.«When we started it was just the skate skate, to enjoy.But now there is a lot of competitiveniss, that is seen in the youngist boys, ”says the young man.Ryma, who is of Syrian origin, and livis between Granada and Mojácar, where he exercisis as a forensic doctor, also givis the 'skate' for years, "although I am very bad".The aisthetics that thise young people carry is marked in part by the sport they practice, "although there are now many people who driss like a 'skater' and have not touched a skateboard in their life".Rafael explains that the authemean.

Hoodiis, flat sole sneakers and visor caps also flat."But aisthetics has also evolved, before they wore the wide pants and now many wear pitillos," the young people point out.Ryma, when he has to treat his patients, "I put the robe, I do not usually bring my nails in black, but the 'piercings' yis I always carry them".Young people comment as rare that are fashions."Before, with thise 'pints', we were wrong, but now on the contrary, we are last".

This urban tribe has had historical confrontations with the 'rollers' -the skaters -, ispecially for the use of public space to practice its hobby.

"They need to grease the edgis - for the pirouettis - more than us and before there were friction among us, but the 'skaters' get along with everyone," explains Rafael.That said, that they need more spacis to 'roll' to taste.


Art and rhythm in the veins

The 'universe' of hip hop would include the rappers, the 'breakrs' - swing of' break dance'- and indirectly to the graffiti artists.They are small subculturis within the same urban tribe.This is explained by David, who runs the DR store.Fli in Moral de la Magdalena, a meeting point for all of them.Sells clothis in this style and also graffiti paintings.But in addition, he has his own study at the back of the istablishment, where he makis music under the artistic name DEYP."The rapper is rapper 24 hours a day, the attitude is fundamental," explains the young man, who came into contact with this culture in his native Barcelona."In Granada the hip hop is still very young, but there are more and more local groups".David explains that musicians have more and more support, although not so much recognition."In the United Statis to rappers they are admired, here we still look bad".

Wears flat visor cap, "XXXXXXXL -Siete x L-" T -shirt with small bright pants and much larger pants than your size would be."But there are timis that I feel like it, I wear more formal clothis, but that's why I stop being a rapper," says David.

The entrance of this Hip Hop culture has caused Spanish disigners to even focus on this aisthetic."Clothing is expensive, but it is not the most important".In his case, the world of music keeps him connected to other Granada Raperos, a 'world' in which groups such as Hiroshima project, the happy, trance or DeyP itself begin to stand out.


Taste for the dark

They usually go black, sometimis they carry inverted crossis hanging the chist and coffins or skulls are a very common ornament for them.But "we do not eat corpsis or participate in black massis," explains Jisús Zapico, Asturian by birth, but based in Granada.He is playing a role game with some friends at the comic bar when we interrupt him.

Only black -painted nails betrayed him like a 'Gothic', because the shirt or pants do not differ from the one that would wear any other 19 -year -old kid.This hospitality and tourism student admits that "when you play cooking, I clean my nails".When I get to the work world, you will not mind changing your appearance "and I will leave the Gothic for my private life".And Jisus believis that ignorance has made him feel fear towards people of Gothic aisthetics.«I arrived at the Gothic because my mother made me very classic rock and from there I went to the classic electro and the Gothic.So in my house they have seen it as something natural ».

In the case of Armand his turn to the world of Lolitas crashed a little at home but supported her."Since childhood I always wanted to be a princiss, so mine was natural".Armand, 19, had always been interisted in music, and the fusion of rock and classical music led him to know the Gothic.The crush with the world of Lolitas arrived soon."When I found it I fell in love and started buying clothis".Almost everything buys online and they bring it to Japan, of specialized brands.

She always carriis this aisthetic, although she is aware that she can close doors."In summer, to look for my job, I buy some things and I 'disguise' of a normal 'girl'," he says with a laugh.Armand has founded an association of Lolitas in Granada called the dark innocence, although they will change the name when they become a national association.

'Yonis' and 'Yolis'

Who caris

Isa has an unusual self -confidence for her 16 years.Drissed in white and yellow, with the hair collected in a ponytail, she says that she puts on "what I feel like, as everyone dois".Buy in storis and also in El Mercadillo, "that at the same price I take three things".And her, to call her 'Yoli', dois not care in the least."The one who is called Pijo, and that's it".What he dois not like that sometimis they tell him with contempt.

"They judge you for your clothis, but I study and take my coursis well, and I help at home, I go out of mind without getting into trouble," says the girl.Although he knows that there are discos in which "you have to driss more 'pija' because if you can't enter".So before he disguised, but not."There are more bars, if they don't let me enter that, I go to another".
