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8 Luisito advice communicates to grow your business |BUSINESSMAN

Escrito por Elizabeth Meza ... el 08 Jul 2021
Luisito Comunica cuenta con más de 36 millones de seguidores en YouTube. Foto: Especial

You have surely heard of Luisito Communica, entrepreneur and youtuber, famous for his travel videos.Throughout the years Luis Arturo Villar has sought how to diversify his image and venture into various businesses.

Luisito Community has more than 36 million followers on YouTube, but the videos is not their only business, it has another five: King Paloma, its clothing brand;The Deigo Restaurant, where he has invested actions;His Pillophon telephone brand, his great bad tequila and his amazing libolugares

But what about your companies, how do you travel and administer all businesses?During a talk "How to create a personal brand", presented in Talent Land Digital, the Yutuber shared how it makes it possible and gave talents advice to create a business or make it grow.

1.- Constancia

"Constancy is everything for people to remember you and the algorithm recommends you".Yes, being constant is key in social networks.The more content it goes up and more often is more likely to remain in the minds of the followers.

The same happens in companies, having content content of interest will help you to be in the minds of customers and think about your brand when they require a product and/or service.

2.- El tiempo es lo más valioso

Luisito remembers that he started in 2009 doing homework videos, he had no audience or money to start a business, but over time more people began to watch his videos and decided to spend his time to create content.

8 consejos de Luisito Comunica para hacer crecer tu negocio | EL EMPRESARIO

“We all start with nothing, but we all have time and it's the most valuable.If you have no money and or audience, what you have is time and you have to invest it, ”he said.

In this sense, he recommended seeing time as a project, because things are gradually giving themselves, like each of his businesses.

3.- Escoge una marca principal

Although diversifying has been one of the characteristics of Youtuber, Luisito recommends choosing a brand as the main.

For him, social networks are their main income, because other businesses have been possible thanks to the image that has been created in the videos.

"My Core Business is social networks and if I do not invest, it is sure that other businesses will not work".

4.- Saca lo máximo de tu proyecto

Villar's main income comes from YouTube, but knows that it is not the only way to earn money, there are also other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, where content can be exploited and obtain income.

"Not putting all the eggs in a single basket," is what the youtuber said.To have relevance in the digital world, material must be created to other communities and not only bet on a.This makes people of various ages consume their contents.

He comments that Google pays 70% of what the videos generate, but Facebook is also a good option to obtain income, so he opted to revive the channel and throw three short capsules of the videos of the videos.

Only his stories on Instagram are seen for 4 million people a day, a network where he also obtains income and has four YouTube channels: trip, Instagram videos and two podcast;In curtains and better moments.

5.- Crea un buen equipo de trabajo y delega

For the content creator, the work team is fundamental, they will make the business flow, grow and you can dedicate yourself to new projects.The most important thing is to learn to give up responsibilities, not you can do everything.

“Only on the subject of generating content, we are a team of 12 people.It is me the one who records, a person cuts the content, another edition, is the one who manages the publications and many more people behind ”.

6.- Genera proyecto para que otros crezcan

"A company, a long time ago gave me a valuable advice, a career does not have to grow vertically, it can also grow horizontally," that is, creating different businesses along or next to a main business.

He mentioned that he is passionate.Such is the case of his great bad tequila that has a tamarind taste.

7.- Crear una marca lleva tiempo

For a brand to begin to bear fruit you have to invest time and advertising, it does not grow overnight.

"You have to stop thinking in the short term, some businesses take to bear fruit and you have to wait," he said.

8.-Busca tu pasión, no importa la edad que tengas

Employment is not for everyone nor is it the objective that you must follow if it is not your dream, Luisito emphasizes “follow your passion”, whether to create a business or grow within a company.

"If you want to undertake it, but if it is not yours it grows within the company, seeks to be the best item you like and probably a future you will be the CEO of the company".

You will probably learn from business and decide to invest and create your own company.

"You are in the field you are, make sure you like it, that you fill you with cool experiences and things ....It is never too late to start a new project, the crisis of the 30 does not exist, ”said Luisito.

Elizabeth Meza Rodríguez / El Empresario
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