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Youth fashion 2021: this is how you should combine your outfit with your eye makeup


Combining outfit with eye makeup doesn't have to be so complicated; the following tips will help you look an impact look with a balanced outfit

Por Karina Venegas
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Mexico City-combining an outfit with eye makeup can be a bit complicated, in principle. However, with a bit of practice and some extra tips you'll be able to do it like a professional.

Moda juvenil 2021: Así es como debes combinar tu 'outfit' con tu maquillaje para ojos

So if you will soon have an event or need some style classes, do not stop reading, because in the following lines you will find valuable tips.

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Now that you've got your makeup and your outfit ready, you're ready to steal all the looks that come through your way, so Don't stop glowing.

Sources: Unycos, Instagram


Tendencias Maquillaje para ojos outfit moda EstiloBelleza