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This is how the design of a bedroom should be for a relaxed and restful rest

A good, relaxed and restful sleep, which will help you recover your energy every night to wake up exultant in the morning. That is what we pursue, the ideal of night rest. And to achieve this it is essential that our bedroom meets certain basic requirements without which sleeping comfortably becomes quite a feat.

In search of the best rest

This is how a bedroom design should be for a relaxed and restful sleep

If you don't fall asleep easily at night and don't get enough sleep, in the morning you'll be tired and in a bad mood, and everything will be uphill for you. But to achieve a quality rest you have to prepare in advance.

Doctors Eduard and Carla Estivill, sleep experts, explain it in their book The Tokei Method (ed. Plaza & Janés): you have to prepare yourself to sleep well by adopting certain healthy habits such as having a light dinner, not taking stimulants and practice digital disconnection at least two hours before bed.

On the other hand, the bedroom is another factor to take into account. It will be much easier for you to fall asleep, and ensure that it is of quality, in a favorable environment: in absolute darkness, in silence and with a pleasant ambient temperature, between 20 and 23 ºC.

Read: Yes, these habits will help you sleep better (and that 2021 will not take away your sleep)