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'The wheel of time': What are the 7 colored Ajah of the Aes Sedai?

The Aes Sedai -“Handmaids of all” as we've been told it means in the Old Tongue (we'll see...)- form one of the most fascinating groups in The Wheel of Time. A kind of Vatican with magic that is only made up of women and that is full of intrigues and internal tensions like those of Game of Thrones. From the beginning we have been shown that they play a fundamental role in the world of Robert Jordan, and even more so in the series. It is not for nothing that its creators have assigned the main star of the cast, Rosamund Pike, to the role of Moraine Sedai. Even unlike the Wheel of Time books, Egwene along with Rand, Perrin, and Mat have been listed among the Ta'Veren capable of changing the turning of the Wheel. And it is that Amazon Prime intends to give greater importance to female characters and the Aes Sedai offer a golden opportunity to do so.

We already talked about what it means to be an Aes Sedai in one of those keys to The Wheel of Time that any viewer should take into account when watching the series. We said that the Aes Sedai are the most important group of women with the ability to channel the Unique Power, heirs to the legendary heroines who have turned the White Tower -in the city of Tar Valon- into the center of the intrigues of the Lands Westerners. They are organized into seven Ajah, differentiated by the color of their clothing, and each of them is dedicated to a mission, has its own rules and customs, and is governed by a leader unknown to the other Aes Sedai of the other Ajahs.

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According to the Wheel of Time books and everything we've seen from this first season, these are the seven Ajah from Wheel of Time.

Blue Ajah – Moraine Damodred

He is the Ajah of just causes, dedicated to seeking and defending justice in the world. We put him first because he belongs to Moiraine, but he is the smallest group of Aes Sedai after the White Ajah. However, as Liandrin tells Nynaeve at one point in the fourth episode hinting that they are schemers, the Blue Ajah have become tremendously influential through their spy network. The blue sisters have even succeeded in having one of their own ascend to the Amyrlin Seat as the supreme leader of the Aes Sedai. She is Siuan Sanche and at the time she was Moiraine's best friend.

As we have already seen in the suspicious glances between Liandrin and Moiraine, the sisters of the Blue Ajah have a great rivalry with those of the Red. They are even forbidden to wear that color. Instead, they maintain a great friendship with the sisters of the Green and White Ajah. So get ready, because in the White Tower you have to choose sides.

'The wheel of time': What are the 7 Colored Ajah of the Aes Sedai?

Among other internal rules, like most Aes Sedai the blue sisters usually join a single Guardian, however, they are forbidden to marry; Not with the Guardian or anyone. Now you will understand the sexual tension between Moiraine and Lan.

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Ajah Red – Liandrin

The rival group of the Blue Sisters. The Red Ajah is dedicated to capturing the men who can harness the One Power before they go berserk and wreak havoc on the world again. Men like Logain Ablar, the character of Álvaro Morte. They are supposed to capture them -preferably alive but with the Reds you never know- and take them to the White Tower where they will be judged and tamed, that is, sectioned in their access to power. However, it has already been seen that many times the sisters of the Red Ajah prefer not to face the risk of putting their captives on trial and tend to take the law into their own hands.

So far we've met the ambitious Liandrin accompanied by several sisters. And it is that she is the most numerous Ajah of the White Tower, and the most hermetic. Not only do they hold great animosity towards the Blue Ajah, but they are forced to renounce all friendship outside of their group. Among their customs, their rejection of men makes them stand out as the only Aes Sedai forbidden from bonding with any Guardian.

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Ajah Green – Alanna

Known as the “Battle Ajah,” the Green Ajah is dedicated to combating Shadowspawn such as the Trollocs, and staying prepared for the Last Battle where light will meet darkness.

In the fourth episode we met two of its members, Alanna and Kerene. They tend to be the most cheerful and temperamental Aes Sedai, perhaps because they are the only ones allowed to have as many Guardians as they want... and how often they get to have relationships and marry them.

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Ajah Yellow

Dedicated to Healing, the Yellow Ajah specializes in healing, a gift where they stand out above all others. Given what was seen in the fourth episode, will the healer Nynaeve join this Ajah in the future?

So far we haven't met any named yellow sisters in the series, but in the second episode we got to see one of them being burned at the stake by the Whitecloak Eamon Valda. Not before cutting off her hands and adding her ring to the collection. Killing a member of the most peaceful Ajah in existence like this is like drowning a litter of kittens. Be careful with the Children of Light.

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Ajah White

They are the geeks of the White Tower, concerned only with logic. She's the fewest Ajah of all, obviously, and like her red sisters, they rarely bond with a Guardian. It is not that they are forbidden or that they hate men for their destructive capacity like the red ones, simply the white Aes Sedai are to other things. They are also the only ones who, so concerned about their affairs, have not deployed any spy network in the underworld.

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Ajah Gray

The White Tower diplomatic service. The Ajah Gris is dedicated to politics and mediation between the governments of the world to build peace and harmony between nations. Something like the UN, and with less success.

Ajah Brown

If Tar Valon had a university, it would be run by Ajah Brown. They are dedicated to research and knowledge, but with a passion that their white sisters do not have. With the libraries of the White Tower in her care, to a brown sister there is nothing in the world more important than a book.

In addition, they are characterized by not being the only Ajah that is not led by a person, but by a Council.

Ajah Black

This is a bonus track: the eighth Ajah, though the Aes Sedai try to deny it and its members remain secret. It is an Ajah made up of Darkfriends who work for the Dark One infiltrating all the other Aes Sedai, so they can be found in any of the seven Ajahs.

It is said that they have discovered the way to break the Three Oaths, so they can lie outright, build deadly weapons, and weaponize the One Power at will.

The Amyrilin Headquarters – Siuan Sanche

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The supreme leader of the Aes Sedai does not belong to any Ajah and is represented by the seven colors of the other groups. This is not to say that she did not come from one of them, and throughout the ages there have been leaders of all Ajahs, but once an Aes Sedai becomes an Amyrilin Seat she is considered "of all Ajahs and none" and not should show no preference between them. In theory, sure. Currently the Amyrilin Seat is Siuan Sanche and comes from the Blue Ajah.

The Amyrilin is elected by the Antechamber of the Tower, something like the Council of Cardinals we met in The Young Pope, and her position is for life unless there is a rebellion, which in The Wheel of Time these things can happen. The person she trusts is called the Guardian of the Chronicles.

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