The moment Instagram, which owes its success to the photos, wanted to turn the video into the new selfie, it became clear that the moving image is the format to dominate in 2018. For some time now, social networks have benefited profiles that share videos, giving them more visibility among other users. Therefore, posting videos can not only be a more realistic way to immortalize your most important parties, but also an easy formula to gain more followers. Especially if you take into account the tips that stylist Maria Parra, who currently works on television creating the looks of presenters and guests, has revealed to us to get better on video. The main one, let the clothes be your size.
To go well on video, what is your number one tip? avoid the garments that are your size, both those that are very large and those that are small. These imperfections that can be concealed in the photo are difficult to avoid in the videos.
What look would you recommend to a short girl for a video? dark pants are a classic. Attached, with a stretch point, long that passes the ankle and with a small lateral cut. This season they wear thin strip sandals and very high wide heels.
And a girl who's tall? shorts and miniskirts that let a good part of her leg look. The knotted handkerchief skirt is one of the clothes of the season and is perfect for a tall girl to wear with thin strip sandals and middle heels. It'll get a kilometer leg effect.
In either case, is it a good idea to wear heels to make a video? yes, body attitude changes when you wear heels. You're more upright and that always makes you look slender.
On prints, which ones do you think favor the most? vertical stripes favor and are always fashionable. Paisley's print, another classic, is one of my favorites and is not usually subject to the trend. On the contrary, what we should avoid this summer is the clothes with a message. After the overdose of the last seasons in T-shirts, swimsuits and clothes in general, this season we Don't want to see it.
Is it true that video and television can add up to 5 kilos? the effect of the camera is different on different bodies. More than the camera, it is the type of plane that will or will not favor the person being recorded. Actors and presenters know each other a lot, and especially know their good plans.
What frame more stylizes in a video? recording from a high point of view favors, stylizes and elongates the figure. It is what in audiovisual language is known as a chopped plane, when the camera records from above.
What garments are the least stylized? cut garment in'A 'with an intermediate length or disproportionate volumes on sleeves are two clear examples of shapes that can distort the figure.
With regard to colors, is there one that favors especially in video? strong colors draw attention, stand out in movements and will always create an attractive visual effect on videos. This season the lime and fluoride tones are the most desired.
Should we adapt the colors of the clothes to those of our hair? yes: complementary colors work well together. Blondes fit the blue tones; the chestnuts, the turquoise tones; the redheads, the cyan and the brunettes the green ones. Light is very important in these cases because it modifies colors, so in each situation light will condition how they look and add nuances and tones to the colors.
Do you think it's okay to combine makeup with video clothes? play with color ranges, combine red or green tones in makeup and clothing, or mix complementary is fashionable. And they're also formulas that are going to work on video. My recommendation is to choose within the makeup and to pay attention and color in a single area of the face. For example: blue shirt and red lip, or linen dress in earth color and shadows of the same color. Mansur Gavriel's campaigns or Miranda Makaroff's videos are good examples of these color games.
To do well in a video on the beach or swimming pool, what style of swimsuit or bikini would you recommend? this is very personal, each person is favored by a type of swimsuit. In addition, depending on the skin tone or effect you are looking for, one color or another will work better in camera. I love bikinis in skin tones, in colors that are filled with the body's natural tone, but bathing suits in basic colors like black and white are my favorites with tanned skins. The classic shapes in these colors are reminiscent of the iconic bathroom images of the '90s.