If you missed your SEP Aprende en Casa II classes this Monday, don't worry. Here we leave you everything seen during the day.
First year of secondary school
>What conditions limit my freedom?
Expected learning: Identify the social conditions that make it possible or that limit the exercise of the right to freedom in their immediate surroundings.
Emphasis: Observe with a critical sense their immediate surroundings to identify the social conditions that limit the exercise of their freedom.
What are we going to learn?
In this session you will learn a little more about the exercise of your freedom and the way in which, sometimes, it is conditioned, be it by circumstances, rules and even by yourself.
The purpose is for you to develop a critical look at your environment or nearby areas of action, to identify what social conditions may limit the exercise of your freedom.
What do we do?
To get started: have you read or heard about acrostics?
An acrostic is a composition, in verse or prose, in which the first letters of each line can be read vertically, as they form a word or message.
Next, you will read a student's exercise.
Freedom is
Important in my life because it is a
Balance between right and responsibility to
Freely express my opinion.
Recognize it as the right that
We are all free to
Act autonomously and
Decide with awareness and responsibility.
Have you thought about whether you are free to feel, think and act in the spaces and environments in which you develop your life? Have you thought about whether there is something or someone that limits or hinders the exercise of your freedom in them?
It begins by remembering that freedom is the faculty or human capacity to be able to choose between various options and decide what one wants. It is a fundamental value from which other freedoms derive, such as those of movement, belief and thought, and, in addition, it gives rise to other values such as responsibility.
The right to freedom is shared with other people, since we live in society, that is why you exercise your freedom in an environment and with the influence of social conditions or circumstances that occur in it.
The environment refers to the environment in which we develop and to the people and things that surround us, while social conditions are the existing circumstances, situations or states that affect the life and well-being of people. Circumstances can also affect the relationships of human beings in the community where we operate, and these limit or affect the exercise of freedom.
To favor the exercise of freedom, social conditions must be built, and the first one obliged to do so is the State, since it is the one that must guarantee that we can exercise our rights.
There are also conditions that can limit the exercise of freedom; For example, the customs and traditions in a community can favor the preservation of their culture, but they can also hinder the exercise of freedom of a girl or an adolescent if she is not allowed to attend school.
Insecurity and violence are also other clear examples of circumstances that limit the exercise of freedom in an environment. When the inhabitants of a place (street, neighborhood, municipality, state or nation) do not feel safe to walk in their environment, they do not act with full freedom.
There are also social conditions that favor and protect the exercise of freedom, such as living in a stable family, with parents who seek the development of their children.
Is it possible that environmental conditions influence decision-making and the way we exercise our freedom?
Everything depends on the circumstances of each person, although sometimes they limit it, on other occasions they can exercise it with total autonomy. If you decide to belong to a group of friends in which violent actions are important, it is most likely that the exercise of your freedom will be limited or your well-being will be affected.
Below, you will read an excerpt from the book Two Concepts of Freedom, by Isaiah Berlin, one of the most renowned thinkers of the 20th century.
Which of Berlin's ideas about freedom struck you?
It is important to emphasize the idea: "To direct myself and not be driven by an external nature or by others", since it speaks to us of autonomy and getting ahead despite external conditions.
We present you the answers of a student when asked about the Berlin text.
What is your opinion of the text?
R= I like to talk openly about the ability to decide for myself, what I want without anyone's influence, nothing and leave a mark.
What does it mean to act autonomously?
R= Decide based on what I believe and feel without others convincing me to do something of which I am not convinced.
At some point in your life. Have they made decisions for you?
R= Yes, my parents when I wanted to practice a sport, when I was younger in how to dress.
What do you understand by self-government?
R= Being the owner of what we do, say and think based on my principles and conventions.
Which would you rather be subject or object? Explain the difference.
R= Being a subject, I relate it to Spanish, the subject performs the action, is the protagonist, but the object is used to suit others. I want to be the protagonist of my life, I listen to suggestions, advice, but at the end of the day I am the one who decides what I prefer
What Isaiah Berlin expressed regarding freedom, allows you to reflect not only about what it is, but also leads you to think about aspects such as autonomy, self-government and the limits of the exercise of freedom.
We invite you to identify how free are you? or what are the conditions that limit your freedom? The idea is to make a table to organize your activity. You will read a series of conditions that may or may not limit the exercise of your freedom; you can answer: YES, NO or SOMETIMES, according to what is closest to your situation.
With the previous activity, you can analyze whether or not there are conditions that allow you to exercise your freedom. If these are not favorable in your community, we invite you to reflect on whether you can do something to change them or how you can influence to achieve it.
One more condition to procure freedom is in the norms, since the members of a society must conduct themselves based on them. In order for society and citizens to have a harmonious coexistence, there must be joint responsibility; that is to say, that each one fulfills his part.
In addition to personal limits, that is, thinking before acting and those that are imposed by society through laws or regulations, there are other circumstances or situations that condition the exercise of freedom, for example, the guardianship of parents, the influence of friends, values.
Watch the video below that explains how freedom can be achieved in school.
The video states that the student must be the center of the teaching to educate in freedom, and suggests the generation of an environment of:
According to what is exposed in the video, freedom is achieved with actions such as:
- The participation of students in school decision-making.
- Collaboration in the elaboration of the rules of coexistence.
- Being an active part in the discussion forums.
- Democratic election of the members of the student society.
Surely you agree with the above actions to improve the conditions in which the freedom at school But doing so means thinking before acting. Reflect on what decision you would make in each of the following situations.
What would you do if…
- ... some classmates from your school invite you to go to school?
- ... Your parents are not at home for the weekend and a group of friends They ask you to throw a party?
- ... Your sister arrives late from a party and asks you to keep the secret and not tell your parents?
- ... Your parents They advance you a month of expenses, with which you can go to the movies, spend it on clothes or save it?
The above are just a few examples of how circumstances influence the exercise of freedom.
Watch the following video about Liliana, a teenager who tells about her experience during a weekend at home and with her neighbors. She identifies what limits the exercise of freedom.
Liliana's neighbors have the right to have a party at their house, but not to disturb the peace of others and not respect the limits when exercising their freedom.
You live in different contexts and conditions that, on occasions, limit the exercise of your freedom and can hinder the fulfillment of your purposes or goals in your life project. In the following scheme you can see some limiting or hindering aspects.
- The customs of a certain community can hinder the exercise of a profession.
- Family beliefs that do not allow adolescents to develop certain skills because of their gender. < li>The economic situation that does not allow fulfilling certain purposes.
- Discrimination based on origin, gender or disability.
- Generalized violence in the streets or in the community.
- Exclusion due to age or social status.
- The permanence of stereotypes promoted by the media.
Remember that there are only some conditions, not all.
To act and decide freely in adverse circumstances, it is necessary to make decisions assertively, for which it is important:
- Be aware of your actions.
- Avoid harming others.
- Avoid damaging other people's property.
- Avoid harming yourself .
- Be consistent with your thinking and acting.
- Think of others.
- Act in accordance with the rules and regulations established in the spaces in which you develop yourself.
Opportunities to act with freedom and responsibility present themselves every day of our lives.
The information given throughout the session can be useful for you to look at the spaces in which you develop, your home, school and community, and act responsibly to exercise your freedom.
In order to exercise their freedom, all people need to be aware of the conditions in which they live. Living in the city is not the same as living in the country; You must adopt a critical, analytical and reflective attitude, in addition to considering a positive approach and assertiveness in decision-making to achieve your purposes. It would be ideal for you to become an autonomous and at the same time assertive person, capable of analyzing different scenarios, taking well-being and personal growth as a principle, without neglecting the common good.
To continue learning about the conditions that limit the exercise of freedom and further reflections on the subject, we invite you to consult your textbook, infographics and videos located in reliable sources on the web.
To finish, we share with you a fragment of the work of the philosopher Fernando Savater, on freedom. This is found in his book Ethics for Amador.
Let your imagination run wild. Make an acrostic with each of the letters of the word "freedom". Write a sentence that expresses what you think about this right, you can even illustrate it, either with a drawing or some cutouts.
>Reconstructing the facts
Expected learning: Read and compare news articles about a piece of news, which are published in various media.
Emphasis: Reconstruct the sequence of events.
What are we going to learn?
Through this session, you will learn how the sequence of an event can be reconstructed, so that you reflect and take it into account when reading a news story. As you will have already noticed when reviewing the news, there is a great diversity of ways and perspectives from which they can be approached, they do not necessarily have a chronological order, for example. This is due to several reasons, which you will learn about and work on in this session.
What do we do?
To begin, look at the following image.
As you look at it, think of five things you do when you start a new day. Regularly, we do a series of activities such as:
1. Bathe
2. Have breakfast
3. Brush our teeth
4. Wake up
5. get dressed
6. get up
Now, as you noticed, you have just read the first actions that we regularly do in an everyday day at the moment of starting it.
However, pay close attention, that when thinking about these actions, perhaps you did it in a disordered way. as well as in the example, since the first thing we do is wake up; afterwards, the most common thing to do is get out of bed; then many tend to bathe, then get dressed and last have breakfast. Did you realize that every day we do a series of activities in an order? What actions do you do and in what order do you do them?
Write in your notebook the above actions, but in the order in which you perform them.
The above is an example of how the actions we perform, such as the morning routine, carry a certain order. This is relevant because when we read or find out about news, they usually also have an order to present the events that occurred. However, as you will see throughout the session, sometimes the informative notes do not follow a linear order, but we, as readers, have to reconstruct these facts. It may even be that the news lasts for several days in the media and, therefore, the facts cover more time.
To continue, we invite you to read the following informative note:
"UNAM, ready to go back to school"
From the editorial staff
The rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico toured Ciudad Universitaria to personally verify that the buildings are ready to receive the community next Monday the 25th."
Faculties and schools are ready for thousands of university students to return to classes," he said. The rector later moved to the Collection Center in the Olympic Stadium, where he thanked thousands of university brigade members who have supported the reception and sending aid to those affected by the earthquakes.
It is estimated that the University has sent around 900 tons of aid to the affected sites".
As you could see, in this informative note, facts are presented in order so that what the news wants to report is clear and understandable. Well, did you notice what events happened and in what order they happened?
The informative note indicates that:
- First, the rector of UNAM went to the Ciudad Universitaria facilities to supervise that the buildings are ready to restart classes.
- Later, he went to the Olympic Stadium to meet with brigade members.
To complement the information, you can answer the other basic questions, such as who was involved? When did it happen? and where did it happen?
Next, we will share the answers to the previous questions so you can check if they match yours.
- The people who were involved were the university brigade members and the rector of UNAM.
- September 24, 2017 was when the rector toured the Ciudad Universitaria facilities.< /li>
- The events occurred in the facilities of Ciudad Universitaria and in the Olympic Stadium.
As you could have noticed, the previous news item is written chronologically, because the events They follow a sequential order.
Read the following sequence of events, considering the information from the previous briefing note. Write in your notebook the following questions with their respective answers, where you express the differences between the original note and the sequence of events.
- First, the UNAM brigade members supported the reception and delivery tasks.
- Next, the UNAM sent 900 tons of aid.
- Later, the faculties and schools were ready to return to classes.
- Then, the rector toured the UNAM buildings.
- Finally, the rector visited the Collection Center in the Olympic Stadium.< /li>
This is due to the fact that the informative note, on the one hand, presents the facts in its wording and, on the other hand, these facts are part of others in reality. For example, in the informative note that you have just read, the writing indicates that the rector went to the facilities of Ciudad Universitaria, but these facts are also part of others, such as that there was a strong tremor and that is why the brigades helped to the victims
In order to support you with more tools and better understand about the reconstruction of the sequence of events in the briefing notes, do a quick review of some key concepts.
The news is a relevant fact that happens in a certain place and time.
The informative note is the text and journalistic genre through which the fact is made known, through the written press, Internet, radio or television.
All the informative notes answer certain fundamental questions to inform about the event or news they deal with: what happened?, who or who participated?, when did it happen?, where?, how? and because?
By comparing the news stories published in different media you can reconstruct the facts. You should consider that the informative note generally presents the information according to the importance of the events and not in the order in which they occurred, since, according to its structure, the most important events are mentioned in the first paragraph and, in the body, details or details. Therefore, reconstructing a sequence will help you to clearly understand how the events occurred in a chronological way and, for this, it is important to always consider the questions: "what?", "who?", "when ?" and "where?", mainly, but you can also include others: "how?", "why?", "what for?", for example.
We invite you once again to read the following informative note.
"Victim of "bullying" is now a promoter of preventing bullying in Guaymas
By: Uniradio News – October 5, 2017
By: Manuel Rábago Parra
Guaymas, Sonora. A young woman affected by bullying has created Fundación en Movimiento with the aim of eradicating bullying, and today she travels throughout the Mexican Republic training teachers on how to prevent and treat victims of bullying.
Trixia Valle, author of the book I suffer from bullying and... I don't want to go to school anymore!, affirmed that Guaymas is one of the first municipalities that has promoted the training of teachers and parents, with the aim of detecting children and young people who are living a "nightmare" in their own schools.
"I have to confess to you that I thought I was over everything that happened to me at school when I was in elementary school. In fact, I thought I had an almost perfect life until one day they interviewed me about my experience with bullying, and then I realized everything that this situation had marked on me".
During the interview, the writer shared that for six consecutive years she was the victim of attacks, ridicule, rejection, aggression and practical jokes.
After studying for a degree in Psychology and experiencing what it means to be a victim of bullying, she discovered how much a person is destroyed for their entire lives through bullying."
Source: Manuel Rábago Parra, "Victim of 'bullying', is now a promoter of preventing school bullying in Guaymas", available at: https://goo.gl/5plgNg (Accessed: November 10, 2017). (Adaptation
In your notebook, reconstruct the sequence of events of the informative note you just read
Remember, first ask yourself what happened? Include all the facts and arrange them chronologically. Do not forget to consider other questions: "who?", "when?", "where?", so that you can carry out the sequence of the previous news.
As you could see in the informative note, first it is mentioned that a young woman affected by bullying has created Fundación en Movimiento, later it is said that she travels the Mexican Republic training teachers on how to prevent and treat victims of bullying.
In the third paragraph it is mentioned that Trixia Valle is the author of the book Sufro bullying y… I don't want to go to school anymore!; Later, it appears that Trixia Valle suffered bullying during primary school, and finally the informative note ends, mentioning that the young woman studied for a degree in Psychology.
Now look at how the facts are organized in the news story. If you look closely, the sequence of events from the journalistic note has already been reconstructed here, so that you reflect on and reproduce the true sequence of events, that is, the order in which they occurred and not as they are found in the news.
Unlike the journalistic note, the timeline first mentions the bullying that Trixia Valle received in elementary school, then it is said that she studied for a degree in Psychology, where she discovered how a person is destroyed through bullying school, and this last one is the third step. She later created a foundation with the aim of eradicating bullying. Later he wrote a book and finally toured the country giving training to teachers on this subject.
As you have observed during this session, an informative note is written in a certain order, since it presents how the events occurred, and this is because in this type of narratives the intention is to present the information according to the importance of the events and not in the order in which they occurred; This is where we enter as readers to be able to reconstruct the sequence of events, in order to know in a sequential or chronological way how the events occurred from beginning to end.
Now we ask you the following question so that you reflect on it and answer it in your notebook: What steps must be followed to know and organize the facts?
Always remember that the reconstruction of the sequence of news events must be faithful to reality. Whoever reports a piece of news and writes the informative note cannot falsify, confuse or distort the facts to justify their point of view. That is why the journalist or editor must be impartial and objective.
This expected learning is important for your life and training because it allows you to understand the way in which the facts are presented, and thus you can better understand the events when reading various informative notes.
Next, you will read another informative note.
"Tremblers in Mexico City
Mexico City. After thirty-two years, an earthquake shook Mexico City and caused scenes of panic among its inhabitants, approximately two hours after the drill was carried out in schools, offices and shopping centers to commemorate the earthquake that occurred in this city, the same September 19, but from 1985.
According to the National Seismological Service, the seismic movement had a magnitude of 7.1 and was recorded at 1:14 p.m.
The inhabitants of Mexico City immediately evacuated the buildings due to the intensity of the tremor; however, users of social networks report the fall of several buildings in downtown areas.
So far it is known that a house fell in the San Rafael neighborhood and a building collapsed in Concepción Béistegui and Yácatas, in the Narvarte neighborhood.
At the moment, power and water cuts have been reported in some areas of the metropolis, but the damage has not yet been quantified.
This earthquake occurs less than two weeks after the 8.2 magnitude tremor that claimed 98 lives in the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco."
Adapted from: El diario.mx, September 19, 2017, available at: https//goo.gl/s4WTMm (Accessed: November 12, 2017)
Based on the note, answer the following questions: what happened in the previous informative note? Where did it happen? When did the events take place? And how did the event happen? In addition to these answers, write in your notebook if the news is written in an orderly manner or, with the help of the questions, you can see that it is not so and it is written based on the events that the journalist or editor considered most important.
Here we share a proposal:
What happened? An earthquake shook Mexico City.
When did it happen? On September 19, 1985, and after thirty-two years, the same event occurred again.
Where did he go? In Mexico City.
How did it happen? With a magnitude of 7.1 degrees.
Since in the informative note the events are presented in order of importance and not necessarily in chronological order, our job as readers is to reconstruct the sequence of events in order to know in what order the events occurred or happened. the news.
Remember that every news article includes a partial point of view of the news event and the only way to know a fact in several dimensions, to have a complete panorama of it, is to reconstruct it from different points of view. To do so you must consider some steps, such as the following:
Check the information in various media and review different versions of a piece of news, particularly if it is a high-impact story.
Prefer information from reliable sources, from printed newspapers or Internet sites from universities or research centers, for example.
Investigate what is said about the subject in other national or international media.
Do not forget that it is advisable to consult and read notes from recognized media, as well as verify that the information they provide contains data from reliable sources.
Nowadays it is common to find "fake news" on social networks, so you should always verify the source where it comes from, preferring Internet sites of universities and research centers.
We also recommend that you have the notes you made in your notebook at hand, as they will be useful in the following sessions related to this expected learning.
To expand the information, you can consult the expected learning in your Mother Tongue textbook: "Read and compare informative notes about a news item, which are published in various media", specifically the section dedicated to reconstructing the sequence of facts and carry out the activities that are proposed to you.
We invite you to:
- Search, in printed or electronic newspapers, for news stories about a story.
- Choose an news story and read it.
- Recognize the sequence of events in the story previous informative briefing, based on the answers to the questions: what?, who or who?, when?, where?, how?
- Change the data you obtained from the previous questions; then, read the reconstruction of the informative note to your relatives and ask them what difference they find in the order in which the news is presented and the sequence of events that you carried out.
>The Napoleonic Wars
Expected learning: Learn about the main military campaigns that Napoleon Bonaparte undertook between 1799 and 1815 and the European monarchies with which he confronted. Likewise, learn how liberalism spread from its conquests.
Emphasis: Recognize the post-revolutionary process in France with Napoleon Bonaparte, the Napoleonic Wars, and the Congress of Vienna.
What are we going to learn?
This week you will delve into the figure of a character whose military exploits earned him worldwide fame. Napoleon Bonaparte, who between 1799 and 1815 carried out various military campaigns with the purpose of conquering vast territories and making France the most important empire of the early 19th century in Europe. In addition, you will learn how liberalism spread from those territorial conquests. Hence, the purpose of this session is to recognize the post-revolutionary process in France with Napoleon Bonaparte, the Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna.
What do we do?
Last week you discussed the causes of the French Revolution, the revolutionary process and its influence today. Today you will work on the period after the French Revolution, therefore, the guiding question asks the following:
What processes characterized post-revolutionary France?
To answer this question we will refer specifically to three processes:
The time of the Consulate
The Napoleonic Wars
The Congress of Vienna
It is very important that, as you progress in the session and in the construction of the wall newspaper, that you take notes so that you can solve the new challenge.
Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most important figures of the post-revolutionary period in France. In the following image one of the members of his army presents Napoleon with his banners as a sign of respect.
To find out who Napoleon Bonaparte was and what led him to pursue a military career, watch the following video:
Napoleon Bonaparte studied at a military school and, as France was involved in multiple wars, he had the opportunity to demonstrate his knowledge and military ingenuity, becoming one of the greatest military strategists in history.
Napoleon was a man very committed to the French Revolution, although we tend to identify him more with the years after his coup. During the French Revolution, governments headed by the National Convention and the Committee of Public Health faced foreign invasions from Austria and Prussia, and internal uprisings by those who disagreed with the government. It was then that Napoleon participated decisively in the battles for the defense of France. In addition, the figure of Napoleon was essential to maintain the power of the Directory from 1795, by organizing the defense of its members in the Tuileries Palace, in the heart of Paris.
Before the expedition to Egypt, Napoleon had gained fame as a military strategist, especially for his victories in Italy; which brought stability to France and the government of the Directory. However, while Napoleon was in Egypt, the Directory began to weaken as they lost military battles, plunging the country into a wave of political and economic instability.
In this context, one of the members of the board, Sieyes, proposes to Napoleon to return to France and carry out a coup on 18 Brumaire of the French Republican Calendar, which is equivalent to November 9, 1799 of our Gregorian calendar . It is worth mentioning that the Republican Calendar was proposed during the French Revolution and adopted by the National Convention in 1793. According to this calendar, the year began on September 22 and was divided into 12 months of 30 days each and 5 days reserved for holidays. republican.
One of those months was called Brumaire or of the mists, hence the 18th Brumaire, the day and month in which Napoleon launched the coup against the Directory. This calendar was in force both in France and in its colonies in America and Africa until 1805, the year in which Napoleon abolished its official use, returning to the Gregorian calendar; which helped in reconciliation with the Catholics and the papacy. Interesting. Going back to the topic, Sieyes' plan was to create a Consulate led by three people, among whom he had the most power; However, Napoleon enjoyed great popularity and had the support of the influential French bourgeoisie and a sector of the army, for which, after the coup d'état in 1799, he managed to establish himself as First Consul of France and consolidate, in that figure , all power.
Napoleon wrote many letters throughout his life, in which we can see his thoughts reflected. We suggest you read one of them, dated a few days after the coup and addressed to the French businessman Jean Pierre de Batz.
Paris, November 24, 1799
"I received your letter of the 27th of Brumaire. Why do you feel devastated in relation to a day whose results favor so much order, freedom and enlightenment?... by now, first impressions have passed and no doubt he will be eager to resume the part due to a distinguished lawyer, which should be as foreign to any spirit of partisanship as patriotism itself.
No sensible man can suppose that the peace that Europe still demands can be achieved through factional warfare and the disorder it produces.
The mere title of French citizen is worth much more than any of the more than a thousand denominations that have sprouted, over the last ten years, from the spirit of the factions that are throwing the Nation into an abyss from which it will finally The time has come to rescue her, once and for all.
That is the purpose of my efforts. That is what is centered, from this moment, the consideration of every thoughtful man, the esteem of people and the hope of glory".
Napoleon was truly convinced that he had freed France from the abyss; he saw in the coup the only way to defend the freedom of French citizens. That is why it refers to 18 Brumaire, as the day when the results favored order, freedom and enlightenment. For many historians, Napoleon's coup d'état marks the end of the French Revolution, although for others it meant the failure of the democratic desires that originated it.
Napoleon understood that peace in Europe could not be achieved through war. For this reason, after proclaiming himself Consul of France, Napoleon tried to make peace with the rest of the European countries and with England, France's greatest enemy.
Although Napoleon spoke of peace in this letter, the truth is that as a military strategist he saw in war the only opportunity to initiate an expansionist policy in Europe. Without the war, Napoleon would not have been able to build the French empire that he achieved in the early 19th century.
After the coup, the first process of the French post-revolutionary period has to do with the time of the consulate, that is, with the appointment of Napoleon as First Consul of France, which spans from 1799 to 1804. Let us highlight its main characteristics:
First, a new Constitution is promulgated where the executive branch would be made up of three consuls, among which the first consul would have the greatest power. Power that Napoleon used to become First Consul for life and hereditary in 1802, thanks to the support of the bourgeoisie and the army.
Second, a concordat is signed between France and the papacy, which put an end to the problems that had existed between the Catholic Church and the French state since the beginning of the revolution.
And third, the Napoleonic Code is issued in 1804, which guarantees freedom of ideas, equality and the secular nature of the State.
The second post-revolutionary process is the Napoleonic Wars. And to talk about them, we present a map that you will use to learn about the most important events, conquests or battles.
Napoleon participated in several wars to defend and conquer territories in favor of France, even before he became First Consul. Those are the so-called French Revolutionary Wars, where, France gained territories within present-day Italy and Belgium and the United Provinces of the Netherlands were annexed, France and the annexed territories are colored orange on the map.
It also places England in purple, since it was the number one enemy and orchestrator of most of the wars against France.
The Napoleonic Wars began after the proclamation of Napoleon as First Consul of France and ended in 1815 with his fall. In June 1800 Napoleon reorganized the army and faced Austria in the battle of Marengo. Napoleon emerges victorious from this battle and signs a peace treaty making Austria his ally.
Note that on the map Austria is colored blue as an ally and the battle of Marengo.
In 1802, France and England signed the Treaty of Amiens, which put an end to the war between the two countries; which leads to a brief period of peace.
The Napoleonic Wars extend until 1815 because in 1804 a crucial event occurred that provoked the enmity of several European nations against France; This fact is related to the following image.
It is the moment in which Napoleon takes the crown from the hands of the pope, who is behind him, to crown himself as emperor of France and also crown his wife Josephine. By the way, many of the characters that appear in the painting were not present, but were added by the author to please Napoleon. The fact of Napoleon's coronation was key to the resumption of the Napoleonic Wars, since by proclaiming himself emperor, Bonaparte encouraged other European countries, especially those that had absolutist governments, to see France as a threat and seek to overthrow him. This fact also marks the beginning of the Napoleonic Empire, which lasted from 1804 to 1815.
After his coronation, France again began to have problems with England, for which Napoleon tried to get ahead by setting a trap for his rival in the West Indies, to later face him at the Battle of Trafalgar, very close to Spain. But the attempt did not work and he was defeated.
Although Napoleon lost this battle against England in 1805, he reorganized his army to face the Austrians, who had declared war on him again at the Battle of Ulm, within the territory of the Confederation of the Rhine, marked color map yellow, as a French dependent territory, and the Russians at the Battle of Austerlitz which is inside Austria. Both were great victories for France by winning the territories of Venice and Bavaria.
Just the following year, in 1806, Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm's kingdom of Prussia declares war on France. That is the war where Napoleon takes Berlin. And after this battle he created the Duchy of Warsaw, with which France gains one more territory, marked on the map in yellow, for being a territory dependent on France.
With the capture of Berlin, Napoleon began a continental blockade to prevent England from having access to European goods and thus, once and for all, win the war. However, Portugal, which was an ally of England, broke that blockade.
As a consequence, Spain and France sign the Treaty of Fontainebleau to jointly invade Portugal. When Portugal breaks the blockade, Spain and France become allies, but once Napoleon leads his troops into Spanish territory, he decides to break the treaty and invade Spain as well, imposing his brother José Bonaparte as emperor in 1808. That is the historical moment in which Napoleon's empire managed to conquer the largest territorial extension for France.
As far as you know, Napoleon's empire controlled:
The Swiss Confederation
The Confederation of the Rhine
The Grand Duchy of Warsaw
The kingdom of Italy
And Austria and Prussia as allies
By 1812 Napoleon was forced to attack Russia to maintain the continental blockade and defend the Grand Duchy of Warsaw from Russian incursions. The campaign against Russia was disastrous and Napoleon lost many of his men. For Napoleon it was a very difficult time because the Russians used a different tactic, which consisted of attacking and then retreating, forcing Napoleon further and further into the territory. of the. Thus the Russians were able to lure Napoleon to Moscow and by the time he tried to return to France it was too late, having been trapped in the Russian winter without food and water supplies and under attack by Cossacks.
For this stage, the Russian Empire is marked in purple on the map as an enemy of France.
The defeat against Russia meant the beginning of the collapse of the Napoleonic empire, since it was taken advantage of by his other enemies. In 1813 the English supported the Spanish resistance and together they managed to defeat the French army, for which Napoleon was forced to sign peace with Spain and restore the monarchy.
Taking advantage of Napoleon's recent defeats, Prussia returns to declare war on France.
And by October 1813, Napoleon is forced to face the armies of England, Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Austria at Leipzig, which lies within the Confederation of the Rhine. Outnumbered by enemy forces, the Napoleonic army loses the war.
These failures led the French Senate to force Napoleon to abdicate as Emperor of France in March 1814.
After he resigns as emperor, he is exiled to the island of Elba, guarded by an English commissioner. He remained on the island until March 1815, when he returned to France and took power again, but attacked by European countries, he was forced to face them at the Battle of Waterloo, Belgium, in June of that same year, where he was defeated. definitively, and banished by the English to a small island called Santa Elena, where he died five years later.
The last process in post-revolutionary France, after Napoleon's first abdication, was the Congress of Vienna. Between September 1814 and June 1815, representatives of England, Russia, Prussia, Austria, France, Spain, Portugal and Sweden met in the Austrian capital, with the aim of reestablishing the national borders altered almost 20 years earlier by the French revolutionary wars. and, later, by the Napoleonic wars.
They urged to erase all traces of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic empire. On this map, you can see how the new European geography was organized.
What changes do you notice between the map of the Napoleonic empire and the one derived from the Congress of Vienna?
The borders of France, Austria and Prussia were modified, as were the territories that today make up Italy. Similarly, you can see that the kingdom of the Netherlands, the German confederation and the kingdom of Poland arose.
Another important agreement made at the Congress of Vienna was the restoration of absolutism in France and Spain with the return to the throne of the Bourbons. As you will remember, Napoleon had to restore the Spanish monarchy, with the return of King Ferdinand VII, who was ratified by the Congress of Vienna, and in France, after Napoleon's exile, the monarchy also returned with Louis XVIII. Both kings ruled under the absolutist regime.
With what you have seen so far, you can now answer the guiding question of the session: what processes characterized post-revolutionary France?
Now you know that the processes that took place in post-revolutionary France were the Consulate, that is, the government of Napoleon as First Consul of France, the Napoleonic Wars framed by Napoleon's empire between 1804 and 1815 and, finally, the Congress of Vienna which ended in 1815.
Remember that History is built from the consultation of different sources, and by doing so, to prepare your work, you will enrich your learning. For this reason, you can complement what you have learned today with bibliographic, digital and audiovisual sources or with the materials you have available on the Aprende en casa II page and, of course, with your textbook.
We suggest you read "Fouche, the dark genius", by Stefan Zweig, who talks about the life of Joseph Fouche, one of the most influential politicians of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, spy and creator of French Ministry of Police. A reading that, without a doubt, will contribute to enrich your knowledge.
This time you will write the autobiography of Napoleon Bonaparte.
As you know, an autobiography is one that narrates the life of a person and is told by themselves. So the challenge is for you to assume yourself as Napoleon Bonaparte and write his autobiography, where you tell about his birth, his achievements, his failures, his tastes and his experiences. Like a biography, the autobiography is written in chronological order.
So that you don't get confused, the difference between biography and autobiography is that the biography is written by someone other than the person, while the autobiography is written by the person who experienced the events.
To start with the elaboration of the challenge, you can consider the facts about the life of Napoleon that you have reviewed today and the ones that you will learn throughout the week. Do not forget to write the text of the autobiography as if you were Napoleon, you can start with "I, Napoleon...". To guide you on how to write, you can take the letter you read during the session as an example.
>Human capabilities and their extent
Expected learning: Identifies the role of tools, machines and instruments in the development of technical processes.
Emphasis: Identify how technical means can expand human capabilities.
What are we going to learn?
In this session you will learn about the capacities of the human body, such as strength, resistance and those we have through the senses, among others. Also that these capacities change or can be enhanced according to some factors.
In addition, you will identify the function of the instruments, tools and machines that allow the expansion of human capacities in the development of technical processes.
What do we do?
To start the session, identify some of the human capabilities, for example:
—The Vision
—The Audition
These capabilities have been enhanced through the creation of adequate technical means to achieve a certain end, which humanity has created to satisfy some of its needs. For example, the magnifying glass works as an extension of the eyes to enhance vision.
The tweezers help the fingers to have greater precision to be able to remove a splinter, for example.
Human beings have always generated various technical objects, such as machines, instruments or tools in order to satisfy needs, facilitate their activities and increase their bodily capacities, such as physical and sensory ones.
Speaking of the visual capacity of the human being, there are many technical objects that potentiate this human faculty; The magnifying glass is one of them, but there are also microscopes that help us see much smaller things like viruses and bacteria. On the other hand, if what we want is to see distant things, we can use binoculars and using a telescope we could see the stars and part of the solar system.
To learn about how our vision in outer space can be enhanced, watch the following interview with an expert.
Photography is fascinating and even more so when you can capture images of space, which is exactly what astrophotography is all about. What you have just seen is a clear example of how technical objects potentiate the bodily capacities of the human being, in this case vision.
The senses are an important part of the human being and when one fails, the others are potentiated. Multiple technical means have been created for our bodily capacities to improve. For example, visually impaired people, lacking vision, have developed other ways to communicate, such as the braille system.
To learn a little more about this topic, read the following information on the TR-06.
Braille system.
It is a tactile and functional literacy code, which is why it has been a system that has made possible the authentic literacy of people with visual disabilities, giving them full autonomy to read and write and, therefore, have access to the information and the written expression thereof.
It helps both people with visual disabilities in the terms exposed, and people with visual impairment since they have benefited from the tactile code as a complement to the visual code that they perceive with diminished difficulties inherent to low vision.
The Braille writing system is undergoing a transformation process, extending to fields such as computing and, in general, to new technologies. Today there are devices that transform the information contained on computer screens and digital notepads into Braille characters and synthetic speech.
To encourage people to be integrated into society, technical means have been created that have potentiated our bodily capacities, these means have had technical innovations and have solved several of the needs of society.
And if we talk about inclusion, just look at the people who translate the Braille system or who are fluent in sign language.
You already know how technical objects potentiate our physical and sensory capacities. Now you will learn about how to potentiate our capabilities through tools, machines and instruments within technical processes allows a reduction in production times.
Each innovation that is carried out in technical means implies an improvement in its function or operation, or a reduction in time, in addition to less human participation. Watch the following video with an example of making tortillas.
If we talk about an artisanal process, we have that a single person fully participates in its preparation, we have handmade tortillas.
On the other hand, having understood the technique used, a small manual press was generated to which human force is applied to make tortillas, although the human being still participates in the process, the manual press is delegated the movement of the hands to make the tortillas, thin and round.
Currently there are industrial machines that produce tortillas on a large scale, which are packaged and have greater commercial distribution. The human being no longer participates so much in this last process.
Reading recommendation:
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Book: The Little Prince.
The book The Little Prince tells the adventure of a young man who does not understand adults, he decides to take a trip with his plane, when he was flying over the Sahara desert the plane broke down and since he had no companion, he had to fix it him, but with the drawback that he only had water for eight days.
It is here that he meets the Little Prince, who asks him to draw a lamb and it is at this moment that they become friends. The young man begins to ask him where he comes from and then the Little Prince tells him that he comes from a very small planet that on earth is considered an asteroid.
Later he tells her the story of a rose that was the most precious the Little Prince had ever seen, she was always demanding of him. The Little Prince got fed up with the flower and left. Later, he admitted that he missed her.
We invite you to read this classic of universal literature.
To recap:
You have seen how technological instruments potentiate human capacities, specifically physical and sensory ones, examples of this are tweezers and a magnifying glass that can be used to remove a splinter.
In the interview with the expert you learned about astrophotography.
You observed the different ways of producing tortillas, as an example of an artisanal technical process where the tortillas are made by hand and the industrialized ones, where more complex machines and tools are used.
Reflect and answer the following questions: how could you improve a process that you carry out, through tools, machines or instruments?, what could you innovate to make your activities easier?
We invite you to discuss with your teacher or professor about how human beings have potentiated their capacities in multiple ways.
Second grade
>What strategies and actions promote gender equity?
Expected learning: Analyzes the implications of gender equality in situations close to adolescence: friendship, courtship, study.
Emphasis: Identify strategies and actions to promote gender equity.
What are we going to learn?
You will know the aspects that will allow you to reflect on what concerns behaviors and actions of daily life, as well as on the strategies and actions that you can carry out to promote gender equality in your personal relationships, friendships, couples, in the school community and in society in general, so that all of us can develop, without distinction, our skills and abilities.
The materials you will need are: a notebook or a piece of paper, a pen or pencil, and your textbook so that you can write down the main ideas, questions or reflections that arise from what you will analyze throughout the session.
What do we do?
You have surely noticed that, in adolescence, the physical differences, tastes, the ways in which you relate to each other, activities and other traits that distinguish women and men are becoming clearer. But, at the same time, you share interests; For example, they may have a circle of friends who like the same music or the same type of clothing.
Nobody chooses sex, there are those who are born female and those who are born male according to biological and physiological characteristics, or those who are born with sexual characteristics that do not correspond to these binary notions.
However, in societies the idea prevails that the sex we are born with defines what we should like, how we should dress, how to behave, the roles we are going to play, and even what kind of people we will be.
These social assumptions often lead to extremes by imposing ideas or roles, validating certain customs and behaviors that "dictate" what people should be and do according to their sex or, conversely, what they should NOT be and do .
This situation affects people's inalienable right to freedom and has many negative effects, not only on their personal development, but also on society as a whole.
It is important to mention that there is no destination drawn in advance, much less only two ways to be possible; This would imply pigeonholing women and men so that they necessarily assume certain roles and behaviors without having more possibilities. It would be like saying: "If you are born a man, you will be an airplane pilot and if you are born a woman, you will be a cook", to mention these cases.
Watch the following video.
1._Human sexuality
In society there are still ideas that determine the way of being and how women and men should live their lives; this, since we are born, from those ideas, patterns, roles and customs pre-established by people from another time; but, unfortunately, this has been established through inequitable and unequal treatment, mainly towards women, taking biological differences as a justification.
Of course, it's not about denying these differences either; however, under no circumstances should the treatment between people be unfair, discriminatory or demeaning. When this happens, the lack of gender equity prevails, sustained by this differential or unequal treatment.
Unfortunately, to this day, there are situations that discourage fair treatment between women and men, particularly those that limit or hinder the conditions and opportunities for women's personal development. It is under these circumstances that gender equality has been promoted for years as a way to counteract and eliminate these adverse situations.
But what is gender equality? How can it be promoted?
Gender equity
Gender equality is impartial treatment between women and men so that they have the same opportunities and conditions, according to their needs. This implies acting fairly.
This means that treatment should not be based on differences attributed to sex, but rather depends on the needs of people so that they have the conditions they require for their personal development, without being limited by ideas, stereotypes or roles established by society.
For example, in sports, if a woman wants to take up boxing or weightlifting, the belief that only men practiced these sports should not be an obstacle for women to also train in those sports. disciplines.
Or vice versa; For example, I recently read an article about a Nigerian teenager who danced ballet without the necessary conditions and in the rain, but since ballet is his passion, the idea should not be imposed that this artistic expression is not suitable for him because the fact of being a man.
If we talk about the school context, both the students can act as group leaders, representatives of a student council, study the workshop that is most to their liking or participate in cultural activities such as dance, theater, music or other activities, without distinction.
Although there may be differences in treatment, these should only depend on the specific needs of each person, without losing sight of respect for human dignity, and not on society's preconceived ideas about what it means to be woman or man. For example, a mother with a baby that she must breastfeed has the right to be assigned time at work for breastfeeding; this is a case of a specific need.
How can we promote gender equity? Through what actions or strategies?
Reflect on what has been discussed so far.
And, to give you more ideas about it, listen carefully to the following excerpt and identify which actions are mentioned.
2. gender in our lives
One way to promote gender equality is to change the ideas associated with certain stereotypes or roles; this can be done from each person.
But how? Analyze, for example, if what you say and do is based on respect for the rights of other people and human dignity.
Household chores, professions, trades, sports and various activities do not have gender, rather, if the person has the abilities and skills to perform them, they can perform them regardless of whether they are women or men.
Another aspect that was mentioned in the video is promoting equality in terms of opportunities and rights for both women and men.
Gender equality is not something distant, neither for you, nor for other people; therefore, it can be promoted through our behaviors, behaviors and actions that promote fair treatment between women and men. Otherwise, it would be as if someone had told them from childhood: "It is your turn to always dress in this color, eat only this type of food, listen to music of this style, you will study this career and have this job, you will marry this person and have three children.
It doesn't sound like something fair that other people should choose for you, but rather they are matters that depend solely on your personal choice, because, in the end, those decisions will affect your life; therefore, for this you must have the conditions, opportunities and, of course, the freedom to carry out all the necessary actions, without impediments due to being a woman or a man.
Next, I invite you to reflect on what you would like to be and achieve in the future in relation to your tastes, preferences, expectations, goals or aspirations that you have, of course, considering gender equality.
To complement your answers and ideas, listen carefully to the testimony of Giovanna, a high school student, regarding her dreams, expectations and plans for the future.
VIDEO. Giovanna, high school student.
What Giovanna commented regarding your expectations or plans, does it have to do with gender equality?
As noted above, the conditions and opportunities for each person's development should not be determined by gender.
Giovanna mentioned that she likes art and science, she doesn't know if she will have children or not; however, the idea is that she develops personally and professionally, regardless of whether she is a woman, as this should not be an impediment.
Because, for example, what would happen if I decided to be a mechatronics engineer or a petrochemical engineer; marry but not have children?
Your family, friends, acquaintances or acquaintances should not limit you by preconceived ideas such as: "You, a mechatronics or petrochemical engineer? Those are careers for men." And then: "Don't you plan to have children? No one will marry you."
Under these circumstances, inequity in treatment by the people with whom you interact would prevail.
Hence the importance of gender equality, since it is necessary to have behaviors, carry out actions and use strategies that promote it in daily life, in relationships with our family members and other people, both at home, at school , on the street and in the town where we live. For example:
On your person:
Fight gender prejudices and stereotypes.
Recognize discriminatory attitudes against others.
Report acts that discriminate against them based on their gender.
Avoid replicating ideas, patterns or roles that lead to inequity.
In your family:
-Participate in household activities without distinction.
-Avoid sexist, discriminatory and denigrating comments.
-Avoid machismo and also extreme feminism.
Support the expectations and aspirations of family members regarding their personal development, without relying on the stereotypes and roles that have prevailed.
At your school, with their friends:
Create mixed spaces (for women and men) for sports and school work as a team.
Encourage coexistence and friendship between men and women.
Avoid conduct or behaviors that discriminate against or denigrate people of the opposite sex.
In public space, street or community:
-Report acts of gender discrimination.
-Recognize equal opportunities.
-Create spaces free of gender exclusion.
Prejudices associated with gender are often almost imperceptible because they are rooted in culture. It is necessary to recognize that sexism exists in our society and that it affects everyone, as it frequently does not allow women, with all the abilities for study and work, to develop in these spheres, while, in the same way, men Men are separated from very valuable aspects for society and the family, such as household activities or child care.
It is necessary that we become aware of all this that seems normal to us and that we understand that we cannot simply divide the world in half; on the one hand, men and, on the other, women, but, as in all families and, even more so in the great family that is humanity, women and men are part of the same project and there cannot be only success of one or the other.
To complement the above, in relation to strategies and actions in favor of gender equality, watch and listen carefully to the following video.
3. Gender and sexual identity
Based on what was mentioned in the video, what can you do to promote gender equality?
One option is to use reasoning and critical thinking that allows you to discern what conducts or behaviors go against gender equality, and even against your right to freedom.
For example, something very common and that unfortunately perpetuates machismo is that, in families, parents, uncles, grandparents, sisters and brothers encourage behavior of this type when they say: "He's a man, he has the right to have other couples"; "Your brother can be late because he is a man, you, because you are a woman, must return early"; "Tend to your brother"; "It has to be a boy to be the heir." To dismantle these types of ideas, they must use critical thinking and avoid unfair treatment.
In our country, machismo is very common, that is, the belief that men or male humans have natural privileges denied to women, which has led to enormous economic, political, social, and cultural inequalities in the spheres of the family, the school, the public space; also in sports, art and science.
The important thing here is to make yourself aware as a society and eradicate such behaviors. How?
Listen to the following suggestions about it.
4. Being women_ being men
As you heard, it is necessary to recognize the ideas and prejudices that you have and then be aware and think about how to avoid and eradicate them.
You must also be responsible for yourself, for this we must "assume you as a subject of our history", as it was said in the video, being aware that you are free to decide what world you want and, through your actions, change those prejudices, regardless of whether they are present in our history and our culture.
Another strategy in favor of gender equality has been the struggle and the numerous efforts that women and men have made throughout history, due to the fact that women had been excluded in different aspects of political life, economic, social and cultural, since historically it had been relegated to the domestic sphere.
It is necessary to know that, in addition to what you can do directly in favor of gender equality, there are institutions or organizations dedicated to these issues that can help guide and carry out strategies and individual or collective actions in favor of the rights of all and all.
Likewise, there are laws and even international treaties that guarantee matters relating to gender equity, as well as gender equality. For example:
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
The American Convention on Human Rights.
The Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women.
The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
The Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination.
General Law for Equality between Women and Men.
The General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence.
In each of these international documents and national laws it is clearly established that both equity and gender equality are necessary conditions to ensure that women receive fair treatment according to their needs, and guarantee the exercise of their rights and responsibilities on an equal basis with men.
To recap that you watched this session.
It described what gender and gender equality are and you reviewed some examples that will make it possible to give an idea about each concept.
It was also emphasized various actions and strategies that you can apply in your life to promote gender equity in your relationships with the people you live with.
Today's Challenge:
Reflect on the following and talk to your family members.
In your space, what other actions do you think can help promote gender equality in your actions and daily life?
>The meter, its multiples and submultiples
Expected learning: Solves problems that involve conversations in multiples and submultiples of the meter, liter, kilogram, and units of the English system (yard, inch, gallon, ounce, and pound).
Emphasis: Solve problems involving conversations in multiples and submultiples of the meter.
What are we going to learn?
In this session you will study the meter, a unit of length in the International System of Units. You will also learn about multiples and submultiples in this unit.
What do we do?
Leonardo's teacher asks him to measure the distance he travels from his house to school. This makes Leonardo curious, and he wonders:
Why measure?
To answer, analyze what a magnitude and a measure are.
The International Bureau of Weights and Measures, through the International Vocabulary of Metrology, defines magnitude as:
The property of a phenomenon, body or substance, which can be expressed quantitatively by a number and a reference.
In this case, the length is the magnitude we are defining.
So, to measure magnitudes, we rely on a tool that we call a unit of measurement. Analyze what a unit of measure is.
The meter is a fundamental unit that is part of a consistent system of units, called the International System of Units, which is based on seven fundamental units, corresponding to the units of length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of matter and light intensity.
This time we will talk about the meter as the fundamental unit of length in the International System of Units, which is abbreviated as "SI".
The International System is used in Mexico and many other countries; in others, instead, the English System or Imperial System is used, including Mexico.
The unit of measurement is a reference that is used to measure the physical magnitude of a certain object, substance or phenomenon, for example, for the length:
The elbow
The rod
The fourth
They were used to determine measurements in ancient times. And the most used currently are:
The meter, the kilometer and the centimeter
The yard, the foot and the inch
Have you had any experience with any of these units of measurement? Is any used in your locality in a specific way? If so, describe it by noting its advantages or disadvantages as a unit of measure.
Now let's focus on the unit of measurement that we will study in this session, which is the meter. The meter is the unit of length that allows us to determine the distance between two points.
Some examples of length are:
The distance between your house and your school.
The distance between the kitchen and your bedroom.
The distance between one end of a table and the other.
The distance between the tip of a pencil and the eraser of that same pencil.
In these examples the lengths are common around us, but the lengths can be very large or very small.
What is the subway?
The meter is the unit of length in the International System of Units. Multiples and submultiples are used to measure and express lengths that are appropriate to their order of magnitude.
To do this, analyze the following activity that will allow you to recognize the usefulness of the meter and that of its multiples and submultiples.
According to your experience and knowledge, mark with a tick the unit of measurement that you consider most convenient or the best option to measure the following distances and lengths.
Think about the reason for the unit of measurement you have chosen and record your argument.
Before proposing the answers to the previous questions, analyze what the multiples and submultiples of the meter are, and what kind of measurements you can make with them, since it will be useful to determine which is the most appropriate unit to carry out the measurement. measure in the situations described above.
What are multiples and submultiples of the meter?
The multiples
These are units of measurement larger than the meter. They are used to measure objects, or others, larger than the meter.
The submultiples
These are units of measurement smaller than the meter. They are used to measure objects, or others, smaller than the meter.
Multiples of the meter refer to units of measurement greater than the meter.
They are generally used to measure objects whose measurements are greater than the meter from the multiples of ten.
Submultiples of the meter refer to units of measure less than the meter.
They are generally used to measure objects whose measures are less than the meter from submultiples of ten.
It is important to note that the multiples of ten are those obtained by multiplying the measurement units by ten; submultiples are obtained by dividing them by ten.
With this definition of multiples and submultiples, reflect on their usefulness in measurement and how their use facilitates the handling of measurements and calculations, since sometimes it is necessary to measure very large lengths, and other times, very small ones. In both cases, using the meter as a reference unit can make it difficult to operate, manage, and interpret.
Now know what the multiples and submultiples of the meter are.
Look at the following table, which shows the multiples greater than unity and their equivalence in powers of ten: deca, hecto, kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa, zetta, yotta.
Now look at the following table that shows the submultiples less than unity and their equivalence in powers of ten: deci, centi, milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto, zepto, yocto.
The most common multiples in everyday life that are used to measure lengths greater than a meter are decameters, hectometers, and kilometers.
The decameter is abbreviated dam, and is equal to 10 meters.
The hectometer is abbreviated hm, it is equal to 100 meters.
And the kilometer is abbreviated km, it is equivalent to 1000 meters.
The common submultiples of the meter in everyday life are used to measure lengths smaller than the meter and are the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter.
The decimeter is abbreviated dm and is equivalent to one tenth of a meter, that is, 0.1 m (zero, point, one).
The centimeter is abbreviated cm and is equivalent to one hundredth of a meter, that is, 0.01 m (zero, point, zero, one).
The millimeter is abbreviated mm and is equivalent to one thousandth of a meter, that is, 0.001 m (zero, point, zero, zero, one).
For the multiples and submultiples of the meter, it is true that each unit of length is 10 times greater (the one on the left) than the one immediately below (the one on the right).
Now that you have analyzed the multiples and submultiples of the meter and the usefulness in its management, go back to determine the best options in the situations that were raised previously.
Reflect on what you thought and determined as the best option.
According to what you have analyzed, you will mark the unit that you consider most convenient to measure the following distances and lengths.
Subsection a: The distance from one city to another is obviously greater than one meter; therefore, it is convenient to use one of the multiples of the meter, dam, hm, km.
Note that it would not be practical to use the millimeter, centimeter, or decimeter, since these units are submultiples, and think they are useful for measuring lengths less than a meter.
In this case, the most appropriate unit of measurement to determine the distance from one city to another is the kilometer.
Part b: Think about how the houses might be next to each other; It may be that there is a separation house between them or they could also be separated from corner to corner of the street, for this reason he considers that the meter is the best option to determine the separation distance between two houses.
There are even places in our country where the houses are separated by very large properties or land, and they could have chosen hectometres or kilometers.
Remember that the answer must give meaning and meaning within the context.
Part c: This type of worm will definitely be less than a meter long, so we'll use a submultiple, and the best option is centimeter.
Part d: Obviously the distance from our planet to the Sun needs a multiple, since it is a distance greater than a meter, and for this reason we would use the kilometer.
Part e: The hectometre and the kilometer are multiples of the meter and are equivalent to 100 m and 1000 m, respectively, this length is too "big" to rope cattle.
On the other hand, if you use the centimeter or the millimeter, submultiples of the meter (representing one hundredth and one thousandth of a meter, respectively), they are very small units for what you need to measure, so in this case It is best to use the meter as the unit of measure to measure the rope for lassoing cattle.
The above situations give you an overview of the use and usefulness of multiples and submultiples of the meter when determining length measurements. However, it is important to recognize that, on many occasions, when wanting to determine a length, it is possible to express it in two or three multiples or submultiples.
This means that it is not determinative that a measurement can be expressed in a single unit. For example, when measuring a length in centimeters, it can also be expressed in millimeters, or that some length measured in decameters can be expressed in meters. Hence the importance of recognizing the equivalences between multiples and submultiples of the meter.
What would happen if in a certain circumstance you were presented with calculations involving measurements given in centimeters and millimeters?
The important thing is that they are equivalent.
For example, to determine the area of a rectangle, whose base is given in centimeters and the height in millimeters.
Before reviewing situations of this type, analyze in detail how you can obtain equivalences between the meter and some multiple or submultiple, or vice versa.
To get the equivalence between a multiple of the meter and a submultiple, you'll use a data table like this one.
Find the equivalence of 6 decameters to centimeters.
1 decameter is equivalent to 10 meters, so we multiply 6 x 10, and we have 60 meters.
6 decameters are equivalent to 60 meters.
1 meter is equivalent to 10 decimeters, so we multiply 60 x 10, and we have 600 decimeters.
6 decameters are equivalent to 60 meters, and 60 meters are equivalent to 600 decimeters.
1 decimeter is equivalent to 10 centimeters, so we multiply 600 x 10, and we have 6,000 centimeters.
6 decameters are equivalent to 60 meters, 60 meters are equivalent to 600 decimeters, and 600 decimeters are equivalent to 6,000 centimeters.
Therefore, 6 decameters is equivalent to 6,000 centimeters (cm).
The equivalencies that you have determined can be obtained with the following procedure: we multiply 6 x 10 x 10 x 10, which is equal to 6,000.
Why do we multiply 6 by three times 10?
What do you think? What conclusion can you come to?
To obtain the equivalence between a multiple of the meter, in this case, the decameters, and a submultiple, which is the centimeters, multiply 6 by 10 to obtain its equivalent in meters. The product is multiplied by 10 to obtain its equivalent in decimeters, the product is multiplied by 10 to obtain its equivalent in centimeters.
Also, you know that 10 x 10 x 10 equals 1,000; This way you can multiply 6 x 1,000 = 6,000, and you get the same numerical value.
When calculating the equivalence of 6 decameters in centimeters. Consider that we are looking for the equivalence between a larger unit with a smaller one.
Look at the table, there are three places between the dam and the cm, to find the equivalence we multiply 6 by 1,000, whose product is 6,000.
So, 6 decameters (dam) is equivalent to 6,000 centimeters (cm).
To obtain the equivalence between the meter and one of its multiples, you will rely on a data table like this one. We are going to look for the equivalence of 7 meters to kilometers.
1 meter is equivalent to 1 tenth of a decameter, that is, 0.1 decameters, so we divide 7 by 10 and we have 0.7 decameters.
7 meters are equivalent to 0.7 decameters.
1 decameter is equivalent to 1 tenth of a hectometre, that is, 0.1 hectometres, so we divide 0.7 by 10 and we have 0.07 hectometres.
7 meters are equivalent to 0.7 decameters.
0.7 decameters are equivalent to 0.07 hectometres.
1 hectometer is equivalent to 1 tenth of a kilometer, that is, 0.1 kilometers, so we divide 0.07 by 10 and we have 0.007 kilometers.
7 meters are equivalent to 0.7 decameters.
0.7 decameters are equivalent to 0.07 hectometres and
0.07 hectometers are equivalent to 0.007 kilometers.
Therefore, 7 meters is equivalent to 0.007 kilometers (km).
When looking for the equivalence of 7 meters in kilometers, you are establishing the equivalence between a smaller unit with a larger one.
Since there are three places in the table between the m and the km, to find the equivalence we divide 7 by 1,000. Dividing 7 ÷ 1,000 we obtain the result 0.007 km.
So 7 meters (m) is equivalent to 0.007 kilometers (km).
As a conclusion we can say that, when converting between units, we have to:
To convert from a larger unit to a smaller unit, multiply.
To convert from a smaller unit to a larger unit, divide.
Apply what you have studied to solve the following activity:
April, Sandra, and Luis bought a jump rope.
April bought a rope that is 238 cm long, Sandra bought a rope that is 31 decimeters, and Luis bought a rope that is 2.2 meters long.
Who bought the longest rope?
When joining their ropes, what is the maximum total length that could be obtained assuming staples and not knots are used to join them?
What is the difference in measurement between April's string and Luis's string?
In the situation you have measurements in meters and in submultiples of the meter; to operate mathematically with these data, it is necessary to have them in the same unit, for this it is necessary to establish their equivalent.
You must convert 238 cm to meters, which is the length of April's string, and convert 31 decimeters to meters, which is the length of Sandra's string. The length of Luis's rope is already given in meters and is 2.2 meters.
Start with the chord of April, from 238 centimeters to meters.
In this case, you are going to convert from centimeters to meters, that is, from a smaller unit to a larger one, and as seen in the table, there are two places of difference between one unit and the other, so we will divide by 10 and then enter 10, or we'll divide by 100.
When 238 is divided by one hundred, the result is 2.38, which means that 238 centimeters equals 2.38 meters.
When you convert 31 decimeters to meters you will divide by 10, because when you look at the table you will see that there is a place of difference. 31 divided by 10 equals 3.1, therefore, 31 decimeters equals 3.1 meters.
You have now converted the lengths of the strings to meters.
Answer the questions raised by the challenge that was presented to you.
What is the longest rope?
April's string is 2.38 meters long.
Sandra's rope is 3.1 meters long.
Luis's rope is 2.2 meters long.
2.38 m is greater than 2.2 m, but less than 3.1 m.
3.1 m > 2.38 m < 2.2m
So the longest rope is the one Sandra bought.
By joining their strings together, what is the total length that would be obtained?
The sum of 3.1 meters, 2.38 meters, and 2.2 meters equals 7.68 meters.
The maximum total length would be 7.68 meters.
What is the difference in measurement between April's string and Luis's string?
The difference between 3.1 meters, which is the length of Luis's string, and 2.38 meters, which is the length of April's string, is 0.72 meters.
Performing unit conversions is a technique that allows us to operate with measurements when they are not all given in the same unit. What you did in the previous challenge was to convert from submultiples to the base fundamental unit, the meter, for that reason the conversion was based on division.
Performing unit conversions is a technique that allows you to operate with measurements when they are not all given in the same unit. What you did in the previous activity was to convert from submultiples to the base fundamental unit, the meter, for that reason the conversion was based on division.
Solve some more examples.
A runner participates in a 12 kilometer race, so far he has covered 65 decameters. How many meters do you have left to go?
The total distance is given in kilometers and what it has traveled, in decameters. Now you must determine the distance that remains to be traveled, in meters.
Convert to meters so you can work mathematically to determine how far you have to go.
Total distance of the race: 12 kilometers in meters.
You will perform a conversion from a smaller unit to a larger one. Since there are three places of separation between the "km" and the "m", you will perform a multiplication by 1,000.
This is how we determined that 12 kilometers equals 12,000 meters.
So far it has traveled 65 dam.
Find the equivalence of 65 dam to meters.
You will be converting from multiples to meters, and there is one place of separation between them, so you will multiply by 10.
This is how it is determined that 65 decameters are equal to 650 meters.
You've converted the total length of the race to meters, and you've also converted the distance he's traveled so far to meters.
Now determine how much he still has to go, and this will be through the difference between the total of the race and what he has traveled.
How many meters does he have left to go?
It must cover 12,000 meters and it has covered 650 meters, by subtracting these amounts we obtain that it still has 11,350 meters to cover or 11.35 km, or 1135 dam.
It is important that you consider that there are other units of length, such as the light year and the seeming to measure astronomical distances. Investigate its equivalence with some multiple of the meter.
There are also very small units, such as the angstrom, to measure molecular and atomic distances. Investigate its equivalence with the meter.
Today's Challenge:
To reinforce what you have learned, do the following.
What is the equivalent in meters of the following units of length?
Light year
To solve it, you can lean on your textbook.
>Recreating I walk
Expected learning: Collect popular legends to represent them on stage.
Emphasis: Visualize the scenic representation of episodes from a legend.
What are we going to learn?
In this session you will review some elements that will be useful to recreate the environments and places of a staging, in this case, that of a legend
You will analyze different aspects of a story and, from there, you will unravel the plot to define time, space and characteristics of the characters; With this you can create a storyboard.
The materials you will need for this session are: notebook and pencil or pen so you can take notes. It might also help to have your textbook handy.
In other words, you will identify the elements that can be convincing, and that are within your reach, to recreate the physical space of the scenes in a play. For example, if a play says that it takes place in a dark forest, you will have to define what elements you can use to recreate that forest and also make it dark.
You will also reflect on the costume elements or props that the actors may need to represent a legend.
What do we do?
There is a fundamental element that is considered as a guide to elaborate a story, the storyboard, which is a sequence of organized images. From this element, you select the materials, the lighting, the type of costumes and scenery, among many other elements that will help you create an environment and atmosphere in your work.
Have you seen a play that is based on a narrative text such as a novel, short story or legend?
Having read the original text before gives you certain advantages, since you can have a point of comparison or know extra elements of the plot.
The adaptation, with all its strategies, makes it a dramatic work that works on its own, giving you a complete and different experience. To achieve that goal, complex work is required.
In order to adapt a narrative text to a dramatic one, a set of elements that belong to the original writing must be analyzed. And also take into account that, while in narrative texts there may be a voice that tells us everything that happens, in a dramatic text we know all the events by seeing in the present what the characters do and say.
In a play it is the "characters" who show us the story.
Do you remember what the plot is?
Plot refers to the set of events in a story, and the order in which these events are told by the author. In a nutshell, it's what the play is about.
Within the plot there are some elements to consider.
If you start to analyze a text, you will find that almost all of them have a link of events that will be presented in a beginning, a middle and an end.
These are the three conventional units of any story. Within the development there is the conflict, also called "node", and the "climax".
The knot or conflict
It would be the fundamental problem, the obstacle that the characters must overcome, the moment in which we see the characters act guided by their deepest desires.
The climax
It is the culminating point of the work, the decisive point in which everything raised in the work has consequences.
The climax is the most exciting moment of the entire play, as it decides whether or not the characters reach their goal; therefore, the climax gives rise to the outcome of our work. It leads us to the end of the plot.
To examine this aspect called "plot", you will review the text "La mulata de Córdoba".
History documents that people from Africa were brought as slaves by the Spanish, arriving mainly at the port of Veracruz. Thanks to the miscegenation between Spaniards and Africans, the so-called mulattoes originated.
The founding of the city of Córdoba took place in 1618 due to attacks and assaults carried out by the so-called runaway blacks, people who rebelled against the system of slavery to which they were subjected.
Such a situation led the Spanish to found this town in order to protect Spanish subjects and royal interests.
In addition to the fact that the social situation of the mulattoes was not so different from that of African people: they could not access universities, an ecclesiastical career, or the military.
At that time, those who used the plants as a healing remedy could be accused of practicing witchcraft and punished by the Holy Inquisition.
Worldly behavior, as they called it, was cause for "burning," which was the maximum penalty for those accused of heresy and sorcery.
Based on the story, identify the most important moments in the narrative sequence. Remember that it is divided into three: approach, development and outcome.
You can guide yourself using a chart like the following:
Plot analysis
Legend: "The mulata from Córdoba"
In the "Leyenda" row you will place the title of the selected story: "La mulata de Córdoba".
In "Characters" you will write down the main, secondary or fleeting figures that appear in the story, for example, the mulatta, the suitor or the jailer.
"Space" is the place where the plot takes place, for example, the jail, the Villa de la Córdoba de los Caballeros, the city of Córdoba, Veracruz, a park, etc.
And in "Time" we can write down the time in which the facts are told, such as the year 1618.
Time and space are two fundamental aspects to think about in the plot, since all action is framed in a specific moment and place, which are the ones that our characters will inhabit.
To carry out your adaptation, you must also try to clearly weave the moments that the original text raises, this in order to transform them into a text that works for a scenic representation.
Start with the approach.
Remember that the pitch prepares the audience for the story; It places us at the time and place where the events occurred. At this time you can identify elements such as:
The mulata was a beautiful woman who never aged.
She was called "mulata" because she was of African and Spanish descent.
She had healing abilities and lived alone.
He lived in Córdoba, in the year 1618.
According to these elements, the approach also introduces us to the characters: what they do, how they live, what peculiarities they have, and gives an overview of what is happening. It gives us the first approaches to the way of thinking of the characters, their obsessions, their fears.
This first impression of the characters may change. You may discover, as you go along, that they are not as you first think.
After the approach, in the "knot" you will find that moment in which two opposing desires collide with each other, and which, being incompatible, will unleash development, since the characters must make decisions and carry out actions to try to achieve your goal in the work.
Ocaña, her suitor, tried to conquer her,
but she refused to go out with him.
If the knot indicates the conflict or clash of forces and desires, we can say that, in this case, it is that Ocaña, the mulata's suitor, tried to win her over, but she refused to go out with him.
Both want completely opposite things and, therefore, are incompatible within the dramatic text that you will create.
Then you have the development, where you find all the actions that the characters will carry out to achieve their objective. In your legend you can summarize it with Ocaña's accusation that the mulatta is a witch, and how this leads to her arrest and death sentence.
Ocaña accuses her of being a witch.
She is arrested and sentenced to death.
Then you reach the climax, which is the culminating or most intense part. Just when the mulatta is imprisoned and it seems that there is no hope for her, he paints a ship with unfurled sails on the wall of her cell; he asks his guard what is missing from that ship, and he replies that it is sailing. Immediately afterwards, she jumps into it and leaves before the astonished look of the guard and, of course, of those of us who will observe such an event on stage.
Paint a ship with unfurled sails.
The guard tells him: he only needs to navigate.
She jumps into the painting and disappears.
The denouement is the final part of the story, where it is raised how the environment was rearranged after everything that happened, for example:
The jailer goes berserk.
No one heard from her again.
At this point in the plot it usually happens that the main conflicts are resolved and with this the work comes to an end. However, there are also adaptations where an open ending remains, which fosters mystery on the part of the viewer.
When adapting a legend, you should ask yourself things like:
What are the pertinent changes to the original plot for our staging to work?
And how to organize the events of the legend to present them in actions?
Keep in mind that you cannot transcribe each of the events in the original text as is. Edits and changes will be necessary. Something that can help you when making these decisions is to imagine the staging: which and how many characters are involved, how they look, which places you consider essential for them to function.
Remember that all these choices will help make your work more credible, that is, that what happens on stage is credible in the eyes of our audience.
Using the previous tables will help you clear up questions and doubts regarding the plot you are going to formulate. It is very important to know the historical context of your legend, since this will help us to know what will be the relevant space for it to happen.
Learn about how you can create a stage space.
Alternatives to create a stage space.
To build the scenic space for your story, you must keep in mind all the elements reviewed above and consider: your budget, technical conditions and estimated time to develop the project.
When selecting the place for the representation, it is convenient to be very attentive to the atmosphere and elements that the starting text proposes. Distinguish whether the spaces are public or intimate, as well as the sensations that are generated in you.
This, little by little, will help you decide if you want everything to happen in the same space, or if the staging is convenient for the places to change constantly.
You also have to keep in mind that there are many ways to set the same story, it doesn't necessarily have to be realistic.
There is a technique called storyboarding, which could be translated as "storyboarding". With this technique, a drawing is made for each of the scenes of the work in the sequence that is required.
Making a drawing of each different space can reveal the colors, the environment, as well as the costumes that our work has.
See an example of how, from a drawing, you can start creating your stage space.
Each of the drawings you make will be different depending on the characteristics of the story, but also on the imagination of whoever is creating it.
Here you can see some close-ups to space. As you can see, the architecture and the costumes refer us to another era, that is, they frame us in a certain time and space. We can even distinguish some emotions in the characters that appear here.
It would be very difficult to build a cathedral to put on stage. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that these types of tools serve as a starting point or references to find the atmosphere of your work; it does not necessarily mean that they have to be shown as is on stage. Here the imagination would come in to think with what object, drawing or element you can represent a cathedral on stage.
Remember that you need to know how it will be possible to bring your ideas to life according to your budget.
In the following images you can see some ways in which your ideas can materialize.
As you can see, more than budget, in these cases a lot of creativity is required.
Once you find the actions, places and events in our text, you can come up with ingenious and simple ways to recreate them. As in the image where, thanks to a game of shadows, you can see the fight with a dragon.
The viewer also lends their imagination to make the staging happen.
Perhaps, to recreate the cell, you don't need bars and just rely on the costumes, lighting and the words of the character. And by making sketches or drawings of those spaces we can distinguish which of these elements are essential.
Doing this type of analysis, you can find the way in which, without too much budget, you can make an effective theatrical performance.
And what if you don't have professional lighting?
Creativity comes into play again. Think that the light is different if it is emitted by a flashlight or by a candle. There are already game possibilities. You can also try holding different fabrics or materials in front of a flashlight and see if the color quality and intensity changes.
Another resource is background music that also helps you create atmospheres. It can even help us solve scenery elements. Think that if you put on the sound of the sea waves, it would no longer be necessary to recreate an entire beach, the sound simply begins to evoke a specific place.
All the references that you select and discover can be included in your storyboard. From the type of lighting you imagine to the costume references for your characters. Remember that the storyboard is a visual support that will facilitate the assembly of your staging. It is a tool that helps translate your thought into images.
Keep in mind that you don't have to be an expert cartoonist to make your storyboard, as this sketch is just a general overview of what will come to life in the actual assembly. The important thing is not in the drawing, but in the details that serve as a guide for each one.
Having your storyboard will allow you to correct or improve the elements that you will need to prepare the scenery, verify the props, select the costumes, among many other things.
Remember that these are some of the tools that you can use when planning the production of your adaptation of a legend. You can develop some others.
The degree of similarity that exists between the original work and an adaptation depends on each creative process. The important thing is that you find a creative way to solve its assembly. You have to think about the resources you have, both in scenery and in costumes and lighting.
All of this influences when making decisions about our adaptation.
This activity tests the adaptor's acumen and creativity to select the right elements and preserve the story in such a way that it remains interesting and engaging for the audience.
Remember that the adaptation of a narrative text to a dramatic one requires analyzing the plot and identifying the elements of time and space, as well as the characteristics of the characters that you will include in your adaptation.
With all these elements, you will be able to define how many acts or episodes your play will have and how many scenes it will be divided into. You can also proceed to the elaboration of a storyboard.
Today's Challenge
In order to visualize the scenic representation of episodes of a legend, create in your notebook the storyboard of the legend that you like the most.
>Do charges charge bodies?
Expected learning: Describe, explain and experiment with some manifestations and applications of electricity and identify the care that its use requires.
Emphasis: Describe and identify the electrification processes (conduction, induction, rubbing).
What are we going to learn?
Today's session is entitled: "Do charges carry bodies?"
You will analyze what electrification is and identify its processes and how conduction, induction and friction work.
To facilitate this work, do not forget to take notes of the main ideas, your reflections and the questions that arise during the development of the topic.
What do we do?
During this session you will be able to answer questions such as: What does it mean? Could it be that electric charges are called that because they carry something? Could it be that all bodies have electric charges? Could it be that All bodies can be electrified? Will it have something to do with energy?
It is important to review some concepts that you have learned in previous topics, for example, that matter is made up of atoms, you must understand that matter is everything that occupies a place in space, from the micro to the macro, as a mosquito or a pin to a building or an elephant. I invite you to think of 3, 4, 5, 20, more examples.
The atom was considered the smallest unit of matter, now you know what the quark is. The atom is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.
Imagine that protons and neutrons get along very well and that's why they stay together in the nucleus; while the electron has more of a wanderlust and is found in the orbits as if they were cars in a race around the nucleus.
The electrical phenomena you have seen show a fundamental property of matter, electrical charge.
As you studied in previous topics, protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge; therefore, electrical phenomena are directly related to the interaction of the particles that make up the atom.
Is it then that the word electricity comes from electrons?
What does electrified mean?
It is the set of physical phenomena related to the presence and flow of electrical charges, some of these phenomena are, for example: lightning, static electricity, among other examples.
Knowledge of electricity is very old. It is known that Thales of Miletus, in the sixth century before our era, observed that when rubbing a piece of amber with a woolen or leather cloth, it attracted light materials such as fluff, bird feathers and hair.
The word electricity originated in ancient Greece, the word comes from the word elektron; this one means "amber", which is the fossilized resin of a tree.
How is lightning formed? Does it have to do with static electricity?
Watch the following video.
Lightning-like energy
Based on what you saw, there are several concepts you already know. To strengthen your knowledge perform the following experiment.
Use an inflated balloon and begin to rub it into your hair, remember that the hair must be completely dry and free of any substance such as gel or spray. You will notice that the hair begins to rise; the hair is acquiring a new hairstyle and that is thanks to the electrostatics.
As you reviewed a moment ago, an atom has the same number of positively charged protons as negatively charged electrons. So all bodies have the same amount of negative charge as positive, we call that a neutral body.
Since it is the electrons that are found in the orbits, we already said that they like to go on a trip, when a body loses or gains electrons it can acquire a positive or negative charge, thus acquiring electrical properties, then it is said that it has electrified.
The ways to electrify a body are:
By friction
By contact and
By induction.
Do the following activity to experiment with these concepts.
To demonstrate this: you will need the following materials: a PVC pipe and a piece of cotton flannel. You will rub the tube with the flannel and you will notice that while you rub it you can listen and even observe how sparks are generated. This means that the tube is being charged electrically, the friction with the flannel causes the tube to lose electrons and remain positively charged.
Friction refers to when two bodies are in constant friction
Now, to check that this PVC tube is electrically charged, you will use some plastic strands from a bag that you have used, you must put on a glove so as not to interfere with the electrical charges, you will throw the plastic strands into the air, you will place the tube of electrified PVC below and you will see what happens.
There, electrons are being transferred and the result is that a body will have more protons than electrons and that is why it will have a positive charge and the other material will have a negative charge due to the excess of electrons. Remember that the law of electric charges says that those with the same charge repel each other and those with different charges attract each other.
By contact.
You are only going to use a plastic ruler and once again you will rub on a body, it can be on your hair or on a cotton flannel, cut some pieces of paper on the table and once you start rubbing you will make contact or touch someone the pieces of paper and they will see what happens; It's electrostatics.
You have happened to see a party where someone rubbed one or more balloons in your hair and brought them close to the wall and the balloons stayed there, as if they were stuck.
Think of other examples from everyday life.
When you're wearing a thick wool sweater and you touch another person, you feel a spark of electricity that you now know is static electricity, or when you brush your hair and your hair frizzes or frizzes.
By induction
Have you heard of the obedient can?
When a charged body approaches another neutral body, it is producing a rearrangement of the charges of the second body, that is, as if they were aligned.
Do the following experiment:
Rub the balloon in your hair and this time you will use an empty can of soda, if you are going to reuse it try to wash it and dry it well, now once you rub it you will call it an obedient can because where we direct the balloon the can will go .
About aluminum, remember that it is also a metal or, for example, if we talk about electricity and water, how careful should we be when using electricity?
You must take certain precautions and always ensure your safety.
Remember that static electricity is a flow of electrons, but it is not constant and in electricity electrons flow constantly through wires and conductive materials such as metals such as aluminum. However, when a body acquires a positive or negative electric charge, that charge remains until it can be moved away by means of a current or electric discharge, as in the case of the lightning that we saw at the beginning of the topic and that, of course, can become dangerous.
Watch the following video on safety rules to avoid risks.
2.-Beware of electricity
As an interesting fact, a single lightning bolt has enough electricity to supply at least 200,000 homes and its temperature is five times the temperature of the surface of the Sun. When it strikes a living being, such as a tree or a person, it causes irreparable damage in tissues and organs, it can even cause the death of the organism.
The principle under which laser printing technology is governed is electrostatics.
Watch the following video where they will explain a little more about how laser printers work.
VIDEO. Laser printer operation.
Laser printers are a much more sophisticated version of the experiment you did with the PVC pipe and paper. Where instead of a PVC tube there is a roller that when electrically charged makes the printer ink adhere.
Another example of an application of electrostatics is the method known as electrostatic painting. Unlike traditional liquid paints, it prevents bubbles from forming on the surface and runs, offering a more uniform finish.
The characteristics and advantages of electrostatic painting are many for both the manufacturer and the end user, since it reduces production costs and saves on inputs because due to their characteristics powder paints are 100% reusable and are not wasted. the application is easier, cleaner and more ecological and as if that were not enough, they include a very wide range of colors and finishes.
As for the end user, they get a product with a durable and aesthetic finish.
For its application it is necessary to use a powder painting machine and a curing oven in a process that does not emit any type of solvent that harms the environment, this being one of the many reasons why it is a type of paint increasingly used. For the recovery of paint, a paint booth is used, which has an integrated module where the paint that does not adhere is captured in order to recover it and use it again.
It is called electrostatic painting because of the way it adheres to the pieces and for this to happen it is necessary to use a powder painting machine, specialized equipment in which the paint is mixed with the air, charging it electrically. The electrically charged particles adhere to the surface to be painted, which is grounded. The result is a uniform, high quality coating that adheres to the surface, is attractive, of a high quality and is durable.
Once adhered to the surface, in order for the particles to adhere to it, they undergo a heating process in a curing oven in which they become a continuous coating. This is due to the fact that when the pigments melt due to the effect of heat, the resins and minerals react by forming a durable and uniform film on the surface where the paint has been applied.
Powder paint can be used for various applications, such as: painting bicycles, electrical appliances, shelves, metal furniture, metallurgical parts, tools, pipes, handicrafts, commercial displays, packaging and decorative items.
Watch the following video to learn more about this process.
VIDEO. Electrostatic painting.
Today's Challenge
Create a concept map in your notebook to serve as a summary. Use the concepts seen in the session: electric charge, electrification by induction, electrification by contact and electrification by friction.
>Changes in technical production systems
Expected learning: Use different kinds of techniques in an articulated way to improve processes and create technical products.
Emphasis: Identify changes in technical systems in the production process.
What are we going to learn?
In this session, you will learn about technical systems and their interaction with humans, as well as the impact on the development of production systems.
Remember to integrate the work in your notebook and discuss the concerns or the most interesting aspects with the person closest to you and with your teacher.
What do we do?
You will start knowing the definition of what a technical system is.
Technical system.
It is the series of systematized and organized procedures that are necessary for the elaboration of a good or product.
The technical system is the interaction between human beings, tools, machines, materials and the environment to obtain a product or service in accordance with social demand.
A technical system can be a person using a hammer to drive a nail into the wall, where they interact in an organized way:
a) The person, hammer operator
b) The technical medium, hammer
c) Inputs, cloves
d) The actions. Which respond to what am I going to do?, what am I going to do it with?, how am I going to do it?, why am I going to do it?
e) The environment, time and place.
Other examples of a technical system are driving a car, an assembler of industrial cranes, a group of expert engineers controlling the atomic reactor of a nuclear plant, and a mathematician developing algorithms on a personal computer.
Its main objective is to transform an "original situation"
for a "desired situation"
Identifying how the technical system works in a productive process allows the results to be measured quantitatively, that is, productivity; and qualitatively, for example, the qualified personnel for said activity, as well as the interactions of each of the factors that participate in the system.
Characteristics of a technical system:
It is characterized by the operation of knowledge and knowledge expressed in a set of actions, both for decision-making and for its execution and regulation.
Every technical system seeks to be efficient when transforming materials to obtain a product.
Each system is made up of subsystems that interact with each other, with an intentionality.
Technical systems can in turn be part of a larger system, making them subsystems.
The innovation of technical systems causes changes in the relationship of the human being with the tools, since the actions may seem slower, less precise and the energy is limited, unlike the use of machines, since with their use in technical processes actions are faster and more productive.
With the intervention of automated and specialized machinery, the intervention of people is reduced and errors in the development of the product or service are minimized as it becomes more efficient, fast and accurate.
The changes experienced by technical means also change the relationship between people and material.
Look at the following image which shows the classification of systems based on the relationship of people with technical means and materials.
Based on the above we have:
When a person relates more directly to the product, it is because they generally have knowledge of the properties of materials and mastery of actions, and know the entire production process of the product. These production processes are known as craft processes.
When the person's relationship is more direct with the machine, the operator knows how the machine works and manipulates it through pedals, handles and buttons. In this way technical gestures are simplified. This technical system is characteristic of artisanal and factory production processes.
And finally, in the machine-product system, the machine automatically controls the phases of the technical process, so the person does not directly control the materials. These systems are characteristic of mass production, it is generally in this system where innovations in technological systems are present.
Watch the video with an example of the man-product system, of the amaranth production process
VIDEO. Amaranth production.
Did you observe how people interact with the tools for obtaining amaranth?
This is a characteristic of artisanal production mainly.
Another of the changes in the technical systems in the production process is when the machines are introduced.
In the following video you will observe a dental service, where different machines and techniques are used to provide a service.
VIDEO. Machine-Dentist.
Look at another example where instruments, tools, and machines are used.
VIDEO. Milling machine.
In this video you watched a person operating a milling machine and a lathe.
Currently, many of the production processes use automated machines where people have little intervention. If we look at the following slides, we will notice that there are no personnel who directly manipulate the industrial machinery.
In this system, automated machines absorb the various human actions such as strategic, instrumental, and mainly control actions, which is why the people involved in the technical processes do not have control over them; In addition, the product that is obtained is in series.
The product or service are those that are obtained through technical processes in a sequential manner, to satisfy a certain social need or personal interests.
Therefore, according to the type of product we have that the processes can be:
Processes of elaboration of goods and services, where an input or product is transformed.
Quality control processes, in order to verify that the products fulfill the function for which they were created.
Modification and innovation processes with the purpose of improving processes or products.
Changes in technical processes also imply:
-Modifications in the organization
-Changes in knowledge
-Working conditions
-And changes in the very structure of production
All of the above are interrelated to make changes in the ever-increasing complexity of technical media.
The complexity of technical means is related to working conditions and, in turn, working conditions to lifestyles.
The processes in the changes in knowledge, have to do with the increasing complexity of the technical means and these with the automation in the processes. In turn these with the type of production.
The above is achieved through a planning that supports what is going to be done in the technical production process, taking into account that it will surely have changes over time.
This relationship between human, technique and materials gives rise to productive technical systems, which have changes and innovations over time.
These changes that we appreciate in technical systems are due to the fact that knowledge and knowledge are transformed, because innovation processes occur in technical objects and also because human needs are modified.
In the following video, observe the importance of change in technical information storage systems over time.
VIDEO. Changes in information storage.
Did you notice the changes in the way information is stored? We increasingly need to use products that take up less space, but with greater storage capacity, since there is a need to transport information anywhere.
To reinforce the concepts that you have already reviewed (technical system, manufacturing of goods, quality control, modification and innovation), watch the following video where they explain changes in technical systems of industrial and architectural design.
VIDEO. Changes in Technical Systems.
Today's Challenge:
According to the video "Changes in Technical Systems", create a time line, placing images, drawings or clippings chronologically, of the changes in the technical system that were generated over time.
Identifies the name of the product, what type of technical system it is, and what changes it has had. Observe the image.
Third year of secondary school
>What information do I need?
Expected learning: Express their arguments clearly and support them with information analyzed when debating a topic.
Emphasis: Select information for a defined topic.
What are we going to learn?
The purpose of this session is: "Selecting information for a defined topic".
We suggest you do all the activities and, if possible, with the support of your family or the people who are with you.
Search for the information that is useful and appropriate, sometimes, it is not such an easy process. You are going to learn a lot.
This session aims to identify the characteristics of information that can be used to express arguments in a debate.
Search for information is sometimes a very complex activity since currently with a click you can access a lot of information from different parts of the world and in many languages.
I recommend you keep a record of the doubts, concerns or difficulties that arise when solving the activities that will arise during the session.
What do we do?
Remember that your goal is to collect information to use when participating in a panel discussion.
Have in mind a topic that you would like to work on, if it is complicated, we suggest some questions that can help you choose one.
Like, for example:
What topics interest you? That is, depending on your tastes and interests, you can identify a theme; If you are interested in music, dance, or cooking, you can use this to identify an aspect that you would like to address in a panel.
What topic would you like to learn about? Taking into account topics that you do not know and about which you know little, you can identify a particular one that you would like to know more about and investigate.
What problem would you like to investigate? Taking into account problems that you are familiar with, such as those related to the environment or health, among others that you find in your environment, you can also choose an aspect of these problems that attracts your attention.
These questions are just examples that can help you define the topic, you can ask yourself other questions and topics by reading academic texts, books, newspapers, or even watching movies, documentaries or topics related to your personal experiences.
Now ask yourself these questions, they can help you a lot when defining a topic. Because sometimes it is difficult to know how to start looking for information if you are not clear about the aspects to investigate.
Remember that the perspectives can be varied, so make sure they are interesting and innovative, but above all that they provide knowledge to those who listen to it.
Once you have raised the topic, I suggest that you create an outline that will help you define the information you need. Have your notebook, pencil or pen handy to write down your outline.
If you look closely, a simple outline helps you identify the information you have and the information you're missing; that is, the first box in the organizer helps you record the information you already have, while the second box helps you define what do you want to know about the topic?
Look at the example:
Chosen topic: Why did World War II happen?
What do you know about the topic?
Characters who participated
What year does it start and end in?
What do you need to know about the topic?
Causes of World War II
As you can see in the example, the topic chosen to investigate was:
Why was World War II started?
Remember that a topic can also be posed as a question to be answered.
The information that is available is:
Characters who participated
What year did World War II start and end?
And the information you need to know is:
Causes of World War II
This scheme is useful to define where you start to investigate and apart from that it is very practical. Make it very clear what you have and what you need to know, so you can define where to start your search.
Now that you have a defined topic, the information you already have and what is missing, it is important to select the reading materials you need.
Watch the following video from 1:00 to 2:47, which tells you about the information selection process.
How to select reading materials according to their relevance.
Mother tongue Spanish. First grade.
Block 2.
A good strategy for selecting materials to develop your theme is the development of guiding questions.
The video mentions that you can elaborate these questions using the circumstantial:
What for?
If you remember, the example topic was: why did World War II happen?
What you need to know about the subject is:
The causes of World War II
The guiding questions that you can ask yourself can be:
Which countries caused World War II?
How did World War II start?
Why did World War II start?
What is meant, then, is that the guiding questions help you to recognize what is fundamental to your topic: which countries provoked the war, how they started it and why they did it. By answering those questions, the issue is practically resolved.
Are you now a little clearer on how to define a research topic? How to prepare guiding questions? I hope so and if not, don't worry, you will continue working on the subject.
Once you have the topic defined, it is important to have clear search strategies to find books, documents and other sources that can be useful to you.
It is time to get down to work and work on your purpose, which is: Select information for a defined topic.
In order for you to be able to select information adequately, you need to evaluate it. For this I propose that you use a log to help you record your work.
Have your notebook and pen handy so you can jot down an outline.
In your work log you can write down the questions or guiding questions that you saw previously. Those that use the circumstantial: how?, when?, where?, why? And for what?
-Write down the date you are working.
-The sources of information that you consult such as books, magazines or Internet sites.
-And the information you collect to answer your questions.
Look at the example with the theme of the causes of World War II
To better understand how to make a work log.
Take the topic as an example, see how you can work with a blog.
In the first column write down the consultation sources you used and in the second column the information collected. This record must be made during the development of the investigation.
It is important that you do not forget to correctly annotate the bibliography of books, magazines and websites.
This blog is very useful, to quickly locate the information you have and where you obtained it.
Once you collect enough information in your blog, adding more reference sources, you will be able to see which of these give you more knowledge and enrich your work.
Here's a video from 1:48 to 2:04 and 3:24 to 4:20, which explains two techniques that help you select information:
-Text scanning and scanning reading.
How to select reading materials according to their relevance.
Mother tongue Spanish. First grade.
Block 2.
From what is understood in the previous video, the text sweep consists of making a superficial examination of the information, but without reading it in detail, but reviewing titles, subtitles and images. This technique helps you to get a general idea of the content of the text.
While scanning reading helps to look for specific information in a text such as words or themes.
Both techniques can be of great help when selecting information about your topic.
How about doing a text sweeping exercise when searching for information?
Remember that to perform a text sweep you can search for titles, subheadings, conclusions, concepts, data and key dates.
You will take the same topic that you have worked on previously, the Causes of World War II
But this time you will only identify:
-key concepts and,
What would be the titles, concepts and dates you would look for on this topic?
To identify the title you must look for everything that has to do with World War II. The concept you would have to look for would be causes and the year the war started, 1939.
You must think of a topic that is of interest to you, reflect: what titles, concepts or dates would you look for when selecting information?
Learn about another technique that may be useful to you.
Anticipation in reading
Mother tongue. First grade.
Block 2. Sequence 6.
This anticipation of reading is very interesting, since it can be useful before you start reading any type of text. The questions that attract the most attention are:
What is my motivation for reading?
What information do I have about the topic or text before reading it?
What do I want to know?
What can the text give me?
Knowing the context of any reading you will be able to know if it serves your purpose or not. These questions help you define the purpose or purposes you have when looking for information.
Remember that your expected learning is related to seeking information to discuss a topic, so you must not lose sight of this objective.
So far, you've reviewed a variety of strategies that can help you select information in a variety of texts, from asking leading questions and working journals, to reading strategies like text scanning and exploratory reading, to reading anticipation.
But now look at what happens when you consult electronic sources of information.
Since today it is very common that the information you consult is found on the internet and sometimes you do not know where to start with so many pages that you find.
Watch the following video that gives you some guidelines in this regard.
How to search for information on the Internet?
Mother tongue Spanish. First grade.
Block 2
Many of the points mentioned in the video relate to the points you just saw, such as being clear about the topic, subtopics, and the use of key words or concepts.
In those aspects that are mentioned, you realize that in the search for any type of information it is essential to know the topic that you are going to investigate, but in the case of searching on the Internet it is also necessary to take into account the type of pages you are going to consult.
Query information using:
-Academic search engines
-Pages of public institutions and organizations: libraries, universities, magazines or cultural foundations
By doing so, you can be more confident in the information you find.
Even so, it is necessary to take into account certain criteria to make sure that the information is reliable.
You must check that the information you use presents all these elements:
- Name of the author or responsible institution
- Check if the page is commercial, educational or institutional
- Consulted bibliography
- Date of publication
Based on these criteria, you will be able to select reliable information that will help you carry out your research.
In this session, you should learn how to select information to investigate a topic, as well as techniques for searching for information. Especially since you don't have to read entire books to find what you need.
The content of the session gave you elements for your school investigations and the idea is that you put into practice the strategies seen here, since they are of great help to continue learning.
Today's Challenge:
Use some of the strategies you learned in this session to select information, using books, newspapers, magazines, Internet sites, or whatever is available to you.
That is, write guiding questions, make a work log, or implement reading strategies to practice the way you select information.
Remember that family involvement is important, because together you learn more.
>Ionic or molecular compounds?
Expected learning: Identifies that the properties of materials are explained through their structure (atomic, molecular, ionic).
Emphasis: Differentiate between ionic and molecular compounds based on their properties.
What are we going to learn?
Bill Nye, who is a popularizer of science, makes you think about this sentence: "Science is the key to our future and if you don't believe in science, then you are holding us all back."
You realize that together you can build a future that has both scientific and ethical support and, with this, achieve a harmonious coexistence in the social and natural environment.
In this session you will differentiate between ionic and molecular compounds based on their properties.
Everything you will learn will be done through the relationship between chemistry and biology, that is, biochemistry.
Chemistry is so close to you that you don't even realize what life would be like without it. Since pre-Hispanic cultures, the properties of substances were well known, as well as the chemical processes that satisfied different human needs.
Did you know that without chemistry there is no cooking? A calcium oxide reaction is the key to your diet.
In Mexico, one of the essential foods is the tortilla, which is made with corn. To obtain corn dough, it is necessary to previously carry out a fundamental chemical reaction: nixtamalization.
This treatment consists of cooking the corn grains in water with calcium oxide or stone lime.
It is the same compound that is used for construction. Calcium oxide combines with the cell walls of corn, made of cellulose, a natural polymer that humans do not digest.
In this reaction, the cell walls soften, forming a kind of gelatin, so that the grains are much softer. In addition, calcium is incorporated, so that when eating tortillas or foods derived from corn, it is a source of calcium that is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, particularly the bone system.
Thanks to nixtamalization, you can enjoy tasty tortillas and all those dishes that use corn.
Science was practiced by pre-Hispanic cultures and is still applied today, and in something as rich as gastronomy.
If you have any questions or concerns, write them down in the notebook, so that with the help of your teachers and from a distance, you can solve them.
Your body is made up of an infinity of atoms, ions and molecules, which are in constant interaction, you yourself are the evidence of those interactions. All matter, including living things, is made up of different atoms.
You will know and understand from chemistry how it works in your body, and you will also learn why it is necessary to take care of your body.
What do we do?
Living beings are characterized, among other things, by having a cellular organization; that is, living beings are made up of one or more cells, inside there are ions and molecules that are organized into cellular structures.
Another way of saying it is that cells are like the bricks that build tissues; these, in turn, to the organs and systems that make up individuals.
Well, the molecules are like these particles or dust that make up this brick. Molecules are made up of approximately 98 percent elements such as C, H, O, N, P, and S, while the other 2% correspond to elements such as iron, calcium, sodium, copper, magnesium, iodine, and chlorine.
The different combinations in which these elements can be joined give rise to the formation of millions of molecules with specific properties. Those that are composed of carbon are called organic compounds, one of the most important is glucose.
This molecule, along with others, participates in reactions, which produce a molecule called ATP, which contains a large amount of energy. ATP is the abbreviation used to refer to adenosine triphosphate.
Look at the formulas for both glucose and ATP, and write down the elements that make them up.
Continue with the composition of living things. In addition to glucose that belongs to carbohydrates, there are other molecules, such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, these represent 30%, water constitutes 70% of the human body, but you also find some ions such as sodium, iron , calcium, potassium, etc., in very small proportions, but with very important functions.
Remember that in previous sessions you have established that all matter is made up of atoms and that they react to form a molecule, and that they tend to acquire a more stable configuration like that of noble gases.
Elements tend to be stable at completing eight valence electrons, that is, in their orbit or energy level furthest from the nucleus, based on the octet rule.
Atoms are held together and form molecules by chemical bonds. In the body, chemical reactions or, in this case, called metabolic reactions occur, where molecules are continuously produced or degraded; that is, chemical bonds are formed and broken.
In these unions, some atoms tend to gain or lose electrons very easily due to their electronic configuration, forming electrically charged atoms, which are called ions. Those atoms that easily gain electrons are said to be electronegative and will form negatively charged ions, called anions. If the atom loses electrons, the positive charges of the nucleus will predominate and, therefore, positively charged ions, called cations, are formed.
In ionic compounds, the atoms are held together due to the attractive forces that arise from having opposite charges: cation - anion.
But what properties do ionic compounds have?
Create in your notebook a comparative table, from the brainstorming, concepts that you are learning in this session. Add those concepts to your glossary that you identify in this session.
Ionic compounds have the following properties: High boiling temperature, like melting temperature, they are generally soluble in water, in the form of crystals, they do not conduct electric current, but in aqueous solution they do. But how is this possible?
Look at sodium chloride as an example. Chlorine atoms are much more electronegative, so they strongly attract the valence electron from sodium atoms.
Then the chlorine atoms attract the valence electron, that is, the electron in the orbit or energy level furthest from the nucleus. And chlorine is transformed into the chloride anion, and sodium, into a cation. The electrical attraction between them causes the ions to stick together.
The sodium ion is part of the digestive secretions, it participates in the absorption of nutrients. Another ion, potassium, is essential for the heart's pumping of blood. Potassium loss causes hypotonia, hyporeflexia, impaired nerve impulses, and can lead to death from cardiac arrest.
That is, hypotonia means "lack of muscle tone" and "hyporeflexia" is a decreased reflex response. Potassium is found inside the cell, that is, it is an intracellular ion, unlike sodium, which is an extracellular ion.
Another important ion is the calcium+2 ion, which is located in bone tissue, together with phosphorus it forms a complex called hydroxyapatite. In other tissues, such as muscles, it participates in muscle contraction and blood coagulation.
Do you remember what pre-Hispanic chemical process used to incorporate calcium into our diet? Indeed, in nixtamalization.
In addition, with the calcium ion, together with the Mg+2 ion, it is located in soft tissues and is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions. In plants, it is part of the chlorophyll molecule, and is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. If you lack this ion, you would present nervous irritation and convulsions.
Analyzes Fe+2 and Fe+3 ions, which in the blood are found in erythrocytes, cells responsible for transporting oxygen to all cells. They are not free, they are bound to a protein called hemoglobin.
Without iron, you feel fatigued and have poor physical performance, since the transport of oxygen to the body's cells is affected and this element is essential for living beings.
Which is the ion that participates along with hemoglobin in the transport of oxygen? The ferrous ion is positively charged 2, forming the group known as heme.
There are other ions that are fundamental, such as zinc, copper, iodine, the phosphate group (PO4)-3, Cl- chloride, sulfur, Mg+2 and fluoride.
Search in a reliable source and make a table where you can place the importance of the ions in the human body that have just been mentioned.
Some atoms tend to share valence electrons with other atoms. Then we talk about molecular compounds. When the difference in electronegativity does not exist or is very low, the atoms of chemical elements that unite share valence electrons.
Hydrogen gas is made up of hydrogen molecules and not separate hydrogen atoms. When a hydrogen atom bonds with another hydrogen atom, both have the same ability to attract electrons.
Therefore, the shared pair of electrons will be located at an equal distance from the nuclei. Hydrogen atoms share their electrons to have the electronic configuration of a noble gas, in this case, helium.
Shared atoms belong to both. Look at the following example. This occurs if the elements have the same or similar electronegativity, there are cases where there is a difference in electronegativity.
These bonds are called polar covalentes, the distribution of the electrons is asymmetric, there are areas where the partially negative charges of the electrons predominate. Close to the atoms of more electronegative elements.
There are areas where partially positive charges predominate, which are due to the nuclei. This happens in the atoms of the less electronegative elements, since their valence electrons are far away.
This type of union is the one you find in most biological molecules. Carbon joins other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur through covalent bonds, as well as other carbon atoms, forming long chains. For example, glucose, which is a sugar from which you can acquire energy. Another example is proteins, such as collagen, lipids or fats, such as fatty acids.
Another molecule that is extremely important is water. The cells of which we are made contain between 70 to 90% water, and all the reactions that occur in the cytoplasm are in an aqueous medium.
Remember that the cell is like a factory where many processes are carried out, and in a factory there are several departments or production areas. The cytoplasm is one of them, its function is to house other departments or areas, but they are not called that in the cell, they are called cell organelles. It is composed of mostly water, salts and other molecules.
Water is an ideal biological solvent. The water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms joined to one oxygen by a covalent bond. Due to the difference in electronegativity between them, an asymmetric distribution of charges occurs, which is why a dipolar molecule is formed.
Oxygen, which is more electronegative, more strongly attracts the pair of electrons it shares with each hydrogen, thus generating a partial negative charge on this atom and partial positive charges on the hydrogen atoms.
What properties does water have? Describe them in your notebook.
Water has a liquid state of aggregation if it ranges between zero and one hundred degrees Celsius. Ice floats in the same water, but liquid, that is, water in a solid state has a lower density than in a liquid state. Water acts as a solvent for polar molecules.
The high polarity of water also favors the cell, because it forces nonpolar substances to aggregate or stay together, thus contributing to the formation of membranes, which are mainly made up of nonpolar substances.
Membranes are another cellular organelle and their main function is to be a selective barrier of substances and delimit the cell.
Membranes are made up of lipids, which fulfill a function of being the selective barrier for the cell. That is, it selects which substances enter the cell and which leave it.
The type of bond between the atoms or ions of a substance is related to its physical and chemical properties.
For example, most ionic compounds, such as sodium chloride, are solid substances with high melting and boiling temperatures because the attractive force between positive and negative ions is very large, and a lot of investment is necessary. energy to separate them.
The vast majority of ionic compounds are soluble in water. Ionic compounds in solution can conduct electric current by the presence of cations and anions. However, in the solid state they do not conduct electrical current.
To better understand this topic, watch the following video from minute 3:44 to 6:41
What is a chemical bond?
Examples of ionic compounds are salts, that is, compounds made up of a metal and a non-metal. Like, for example, copper sulfate, which is a fungicide, which eliminates fungi and algae in swimming pools.
Molecular compounds can be solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature. As examples:
Glucose (C6H1206) is a solid.
Water is a liquid.
And carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas.
Molecular compounds such as carbon dioxide or glucose share a pair of electrons.
They are soft substances, with variable solubility and do not conduct electrical current. Another example is sulfur; it has a low melting point, it is solid at room temperature.
There are special cases, such as diamond, formed exclusively by carbon, which, although it has covalent bonds, has a very high melting temperature of 3,550° Celsius.
Using certain criteria, it is easy to classify a particular substance into ionic or molecular compounds. For example, if a substance is gaseous at room temperature, it is certain that it is a molecular substance. If it conducts electrical current, they can almost assure that it is a metal. Metals are good conductors of electrical current.
Why do molecules have a characteristic geometry? The CO2 molecule is linear and symmetric, while the H2O molecule is also symmetric but angular, with a bond angle of 104. 5° This is due to the repulsion of the charges; remember that like charges repel or move away and unlike charges attract.
Ionic compounds form regular three-dimensional structures, called giant structures, crystal lattices, or crystals. The more atoms or ions there are, the bigger the crystal. The arrangement of atoms or ions on a submicroscopic scale is reproduced on a macroscopic scale, as you can see in the crystal of copper sulfate.
However, in molecular compounds there are a finite number of atoms joined together, giving rise to the grouping of 2 or more atoms called molecules. Only the group 14 elements carbon and silicon form covalent networks.
They are the only ones that form four links: elements with three links cannot form networks, since three points always determine a plane.
In the case of silicon, silicates are formed, which are the most abundant group of minerals. In addition to forming giant structures, carbon gives rise to carbon chains, in which it is fundamentally bound to hydrogen, giving rise to hydrocarbons and the rest of carbon compounds, commonly known as organic compounds and which are the basis of living matter. One last interesting property is solubility. The vast majority of ionic compounds are soluble in water.
Ions, when in solution, "break" ion-ion interactions, consequently, there are interactions between ions and water molecules.
The weaker the interactions between ions, the more easily the ionic compound will dissolve in water
Considering the constitution of the body and the importance of water, go on to:
Fun fact. Distribution of water in the body.
Between 80% and 90% of blood is water.
The skin contains between 70% and 75% of this fluid.
The heart, liver and kidneys, between 70% and 80%.
The lungs, about 85%.
Bones contain 22% water.
Muscles, between 70% and 75%.
The brain, around 75% or 85%.
Fatty tissue is 10%.
Eyes are made up of 90-95% water
The human body is almost pure water.
Ionic and molecular compounds have different properties. The purpose of this experimental activity is to distinguish ionic and molecular compounds based on their properties.
The materials you will need are:
Salt. This is its common name, its name in chemistry is sodium chloride.
Copper sulfate
Glucose. Both sugar and glucose are carbohydrates.
Sulfur and/or paraffin,
Sachet of Life Oral Serum; If you don't get it, make your own oral life serum as follows: 2 tablespoons of sugar; half a teaspoon of baking soda; half a tablespoon of salt, and when you add a liter of water to it, you can flavor it with lemon juice.
Other materials you will need are:
Distilled water or it can be water that was previously brought to a boil; alcohol;
sports drink. It can be powder or liquid.
Beakers, but if you can't find them, clear plastic ones will be very helpful;
a spatula or spoon,
and device for measuring electrical current conductivity.
You will analyze the appearance, state of aggregation, water solubility, melting temperature, and electrical current conductivity of each substance.
Record your observations in a tab like the one shown below.
We suggest that you place identifications on the cups with a marker, label or tape. Observe each substance that you have, write down the appearance and state of aggregation.
In a combustion teaspoon you will place the copper sulfate; in the other, sugar. Observe which one becomes liquid.
You can do this part at home, with the help of an adult, in metal corks and removing the plastic they have, and on a griddle. Place the substances, put a controllable heat source on it. Observe what happens and write it down.
Always remember to take the necessary measures to prevent an accident. Take a sufficient amount of each of the solid substances, in each of the plastic cups add approximately 10 ml of water and shake.
For the liquid substances, you place them in a glass, approximately 10 ml, and add 10 ml of water, shake and see if they are soluble in water or not.
Finally, in the glasses that contain the dissolved solids, you insert the tips of this device, which is an electrical circuit, to check if they conduct electrical current or not.
In the case of liquid substances, you place them in plastic cups and check their conductivity of electrical current. From the properties of each substance, infer whether it is an ionic or a molecular substance.
Look at the following table where, by way of concretion, it explains the properties of ionic or molecular substances.
That they give cramps, or rather, muscle spasms, indicates that there is an ionic imbalance between the ions involved in muscle contraction, that is, between sodium and potassium.
Besides, if you don't consume enough water, reactions with molecular compounds cannot take place.
Remember that glucose, by presenting a covalent bond, gives rise to the formation of new molecules that will give you energy to continue exercising; this super molecule called ATP or adenosine triphosphate.
Observe how the table that was made in the experiment was solved and check your answers.
In addition, it is important that you discuss with your teachers those answers where you have doubts or want to expand your knowledge.
Today's Challenge:
Reading opens up the possibility of creating, reflecting, imagining; therefore, what to read?
We recommend John Emsley, Molecules in an exhibition, you can find it in the Libros del Rincón collection.
>Measure of Probability
Expected learning: Solve problems that involve calculating the probability of complementary, mutually exclusive and independent events.
Emphasis: Express the measure of probability.
What are we going to learn?
The purpose of this session is to: Solve problems involving mutually exclusive and independent events. For which you will solve some problems of daily life where these characteristics are applied.
Start by remembering that probability measures how often an outcome occurs in a random experiment under sufficiently stable conditions. Also that, in a random experiment, the probability that a random event A will occur is equal to the quotient of the favorable cases in which event A can occur among the possible cases of the random experiment. It is expressed in the following way.
Consider problems where you apply the characteristics of mutually exclusive events and independent events.
What do we do?
When are two events mutually exclusive?
In order to determine whether two events are mutually exclusive, in essence it is that one or the other occurs, but not both at the same time. Now look at a problem that involves these kinds of events.
The random experiment is to toss a dice and a coin at the same time.
The sample space is: 𝑆 = [1𝑠, 2𝑠,3𝑠,4𝑠,5𝑠,6𝑠,1𝑎,2𝑎,3𝑎,4𝑎,5𝑎,6𝑎]
And its cardinality is: 12
Considering the sample space, fill in the missing data in the following table.
The table states an event, event A, which is that an even number and sun fall.
The possible results of it are observed, which are [2eagle, 4eagle and 6eagle] and its probability is obtained that 3 twelfths, which is also a fourth, which is equal to 0.25, equal to 25%. Complete it:
How would you define event B? and its probability?
Look at the possible outcomes of the event: 2 eagle, 4 eagle, and 6 eagle.
B is the event: An even and eagle number falls and its probability is 3 twelfths
What are the possible outcomes of event C? And its probability?
They are (4a, 5a, 6a), since they are greater than 3 and eagle comes out and their probability is 3 twelfths
What are the possible outcomes of event D? And its probability?
They are (1s, 3s, 5s), since they are odd and the sun rises and their probability is 3 twelfths
How would you define event E? and its probability?
Look at the possible outcomes of the event: 1eagle, 2eagle, and 3eagle. The event E is a number less than or equal to 3 and eagle falls and its probability is 3 twelfths
How would you define event F? and its probability?
Look at the possible outcomes of the event: 4 sun, 5 sun, and 6 sun. The event F is A number greater than 3 falls and sun and its probability is 3 twelfths
The table is now complete. Now you can ask yourself some questions. Compare events A and F. Do they have elements in common? What makes them different?
Remember the possible outcomes of event A and event F. You do have elements in common 4s and 6s. They differ in 2s and 5s.
Can events E and F occur at the same time? What is the probability that one or the other will occur?
You can see that they don't share elements. But the probability that one and the other occur at the same time is when they share elements. The cardinality of that is 0, therefore the probability is 0.
Can events A and B happen at the same time? What is the probability that one or the other will occur?
But the probability of both occurring at the same time is when they share elements. The cardinality of that is 0, therefore the probability is 0.
Reflect: What meaning can have the fact that two events have common elements? What about the fact that two events have no common elements?
Think about it.
Two events that cannot happen at the same time. In fact, if one is fulfilled, the other is not. They are mutually exclusive events. And as you saw, the probability of both occurring at the same time is 0.
Review Independent events and how they are identified, in order to determine the probability of their occurrence in an experiment.
Watch the following video:
Note a problem involving these types of events.
In a game, four consecutive tosses are thrown and the sun falls on all of them.
What is the probability that sun falls on the fifth toss?
Do the results of the first four flips affect the result of the fifth?
What is the sample space of each toss?
The sample space in each toss is the same: for the first toss it is [sun, eagle], for the second toss it is [sun, eagle], for the third toss it is [sun, eagle], and for the fourth toss flown is [sun, eagle]. What is the sample space for the fifth toss?
Think about this: Does the probability of an event occurring influence the probability of it happening again when you repeat the experiment n times, as in the case of the coin?
Analyze the question and record the result in your notebook.
Look at another situation.
There are 5 tokens in an urn: one green, one yellow, one blue, one black and one red. What is the probability of drawing the black token? It's a fifth.
Without looking, a chip is drawn. If the black token is drawn and the ballot box is not returned.
What is the probability of drawing the green token on the second draw? It's a room.
As you can see the probability changes. Why is this happening?
Note: Is this result affected by the first extraction? Yes. The sample space changes. This was something that did not happen with coin tosses.
If the black token is drawn and returned to the urn and in the second draw the blue token comes out and it is returned, and in a third one the black token comes out again and is returned. What is the probability of drawing the yellow chip on a fourth draw?
Reflect: In the case of the urn, the fact of extracting and returning a token does not affect the result of the next drawing; the probability of each event remains the same.
What significance can the fact that the probability stays the same have? Think about it.
When the occurrence of one event does not affect the occurrence of another event. They are independent events.
Watch the following video from 4:20 to 6:09 and from 6:23 to 8:11.
Look at the solution to challenges and questions that were raised in previous sessions.
In the session on: "Solving problems involving the similarity properties of triangles".
3 challenges are mentioned, these are:
The first challenge: Do you remember the character that was mentioned in the video? The one who, without doing it directly, but, by means of triangulation, of the projection of his shadow and the height of a person known as data, and a simple operation measured the height of the great pyramid of Egypt.
The answer to this challenge is: in the 6th century, the Greek philosopher Thales, measured by the pyramid of Cheops by similarity of triangles.
The second challenge: at the end of the "Napoleon's Theorem" exercise, where the similarity of equilateral triangles is demonstrated, starting from a scalene triangle.
Why is it called Napoleon's Theorem?
After the previous challenge, the following questions followed:
Today's Challenge:
You learned to solve problems by applying the characteristics of mutually exclusive events and independent events, applied in problems.
We suggest you review your textbook and solve the problems that have these characteristics, share your results with your classmates and reach a conclusion.
Remember what Galileo said in his book The Assayer:
"True knowledge is written in a huge book, continuously open before our eyes, I mean the universe.
But one cannot understand it, one must learn the language and recognize the characters in order to understand the language in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics."
>Innovation and design
Expected learning: Use information from different sources in the search for alternative solutions to technical problems.
Emphasis: Elaborate the design of a process, product or service with innovations.
What are we going to learn?
Before beginning, review some concepts learned in the previous session.
Start by remembering that free hardware are devices whose specifications and diagrams are publicly accessible, so that anyone can replicate them.
Software was also discussed, a term that refers to a set of computer programs, instructions, and rules to execute certain tasks on a computer and that can have applications in different field emphases.
Some examples could be some simulators of electronic mechanisms, as well as CAD programs that help to model machine mechanisms, as well as clothing modeling and general design.
CAD is called computer-aided design, and they are computer programs to create graphic representations of physical objects, either in second or third dimension, that is, 2D or 3D.
CAD design or technology refers to the creative technique of developing industrial products, that is, those objects that can be produced in series and on a large scale.
This type of design turns out to be complex because it must offer innovative solutions, which consists of applying changes to previous products.
The factors that intervene in the design process are the context, the subject and the object.
The design is the result of an idea that must satisfy a need, which is demanded by the subject, that is, the user to whom the object is directed.
So the context refers to the circumstances surrounding the situation? In this case, the space or community to which the object is directed.
Finally, the result of the final design is defined as an object, which satisfies the needs and demands of the user.
What do we do?
In the field of architecture there have been several innovations; To learn a little about it, watch the following interview.
1. Interview with an architect
"Innovations in architecture"
Architectural design is easier with the use of software.
Another field in which CAD design has become relevant is in the modeling and manufacturing of industrial parts with the support of Machines and Tools.
In the manufacturing industry there are machines and tools that allow machining, threading, cutting, boring, turning, roughing and grooving geometrically shaped parts per revolution, this action is performed by machine tool technicians.
We suggest you find the meaning of all these verbs.
The technicians carry out their work in machining workshops using machines and tools to manufacture different devices, but always following a design line according to the client's needs.
Currently there are lathes and CNC machining centers, also called computerized numerical control, these machines use a software or computer program with alphanumeric data according to the XYZ coordinate axes of space, so that you can control by yourself the speeds and the part and tool positions.
CNC machines are used in different industries such as: machinery manufacturers, the automotive industry, the oil industry, furniture production, the medical industry and even for the manufacture of pipes for water transport among others.
Practically, these machines work alone, since they allow obtaining the pieces with the shape and dimensions that are previously introduced into the machine's memory by means of a programming language and according to the previously established design.
Watch an interview where a machine and tool specialist will talk more about the topic.
2. Interview with a machine tool technician
Innovations in the design process of mechanical parts
Innovation is present in the modeling of parts and part of it is thanks to computer aided design or CAD programs.
Now turn your attention to the solar heater with recycled material, which was a suggested solution in past sessions to combat pollution.
It is clarified that innovation is not only present in the design of products, it is also carried out in the development or process of a service. And yes, in the case of the solar heater with recycled material, an innovation is not only shown in its components, but also in the way of obtaining solar energy.
What did you notice about the picture of the solar heater?
The design is in 3D, the image has projections, shapes, textures, lines, volume, colors, dimensions and that it is designed to scale.
With the above, you realize that currently CAD design is relevant in any field emphasis and can be used to model any idea.
It is also important to mention that it is not necessary to be a professional designer to use one of these programs, since currently most of them are in Spanish and it is only a matter of reading and daring to experiment.
A proof of the above will be shown with the following video, in which a sample of a 3D innovation design will be given.
Own video "CAD Program"
CAD design is very easy to do, it is just a matter of imagining, designing and modeling.
We mentioned that innovation is the design in which, based on an idea, a need is recognized, a product, service or technical system is developed or improved, and techniques are applied.
Innovation not only implies adding technological sophistication to products, services or systems, but also adapting them to the needs of the user.
There is a wide variety of "Computer Aided Design" CAD application software or programs that are easy to use and freely accessible.
Today's Challenge:
We suggest you investigate the following questions:
1. What is a patent?
2. How important is it to patent an idea or innovation?
This information will help you for the topic of the next session.
Don't forget to share this activity with your teacher and save your notes.
The school beyond the classroom
Expected learning: Participate in actions to actively promote and defend respect for freedom in the school space.
Emphasis: Analyze what school space means in contexts of social distancing.
What are we going to learn?
"In times of crisis, imagination is more effective than intellect." This phrase, which is attributed to the physicist Albert Einstein, is more than illustrative of the current context.
As you know, in this period in which you are affected by the pandemic caused by Covid-19, it has been decided to suspend face-to-face activities in schools of all levels. You have experienced it, so it is important to talk about the meaning of the school space in this context of social distancing.
You are facing a new experience, perhaps no one had imagined that you could be in this situation for so long, in which you must stay at home. As you may have already realized, the distance learning experience is very different from the face-to-face education, which you have already received most of the time.
In this session you will reflect on how the idea of school space was transformed and how they relate to and learn from it in this context of social distancing.
Throughout the session you will learn about cases that show how students and teachers have adapted to the new conditions, creating new ways of living in the school space, as well as some difficulties and suggestions to address them.
You are going to use the notebook and everything you use to write your notes.
Record any doubts, concerns or thoughts that arise and discuss them with your parents, your teachers or one of your classmates.
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused students and teachers to transform learning practices and conceive the school classroom as an unconventional way, which has been working online or from other media, such as radio or television from home.
In the face of changes, it is important to find a way to adapt; Yes, during this period the recommendation is to stay at home, but you have to guarantee your right to education as well as that of girls, boys, young people and adolescents.
What implications has this event had on the way you learn? How has the school space been modified in these circumstances?
Begin by identifying what the idea of school space refers to.
The activities you carried out when you attended school implied the exercise of your freedom, through decisions and actions to meet needs; For example, decide what time you would get up to go to school, decide who your friends will be, friends and the way you related.
Think back to your first day of school last year: you showed up for school, packed your things, and left the house. At the entrance of the school there were quite a few people, new students, your classmates, classmates and friends. Entering the school, you saw well-known teachers and teachers, there was the patio, places to spend time during recess, the classrooms. Even some places in school that brought back fun memories. Those who changed schools may have been concerned about meeting their new classmates, classmates, and teachers.
Traditionally, the school space has been the school, there you meet friends and your teachers. In the school there are places and rules that organize school life in which coexistence and learning is achieved.
Which are these places? Regularly, there are classrooms, a library, a blackboard, seats, and a patio or playground. The school is not only that, but also a space for socialization where you interact with your peers, with teachers, managers and administrative staff; that is to say, there they carried out educational activities such as taking classes or homework, but you also talked, played and met different people.
With social distancing, school spaces were left empty, the concept of school had to be reinvented and the classroom is now the living room, dining room or patio of your house; in many cases, students meet their teachers and peers through digital devices.
Think about the subject Civic Education and Ethics. where do you live and generate learning? The educational space, in this case, is in the place where you see this content, where you interact with your classmates, with teachers.
It is not just a physical space, because you have a distance education experience. So, part of the educational space is a combination of your house with that of your classmates and that of your teachers.
Look at the images of teachers who adapted a space in their home to be able to work with their students from a distance. In image 1 you can see a desk, computer, notebooks, books; in the background, a wall with didactic resources as in a classroom; at the top there is even confetti. On the wall there are also personal photos.
In the following image you will see a teacher smiling; On the wall there are papers stuck, they are of different colors; Above the teacher's head is a photo of a generation.
In another image you will see a teacher making notes in a book, she is at her desk, she has a computer, pens, pencils, a square and other papers. In the background, on the wall, there are maps and pasted papers, as well as a blackboard. Next to it there is a plant and on the right side, personal photographs.
Life at home is combined with educational work: in two of the images there are plants, in all three there are souvenir photos. Above all, you notice the effort to bring the educational experience closer to what has been known in face-to-face education. Surely some of your teachers have done the same. You, what have you done to adapt your house as a school space?
The experience of distance education has been lived in many ways in the country and in the world. This is because not all people have the same tools at hand. In some social groups, the youngsters stopped going to school, turned on their computers and resumed classes; They are the least part of the cases, it must be said.
In other cases, more traditional strategies have been sought: the teachers made folders with activities, readings, and exercises, distributed them to their students, and then collected them, evaluated them, and returned comments.
In Mexico, according to INEGI data, less than half of families had a computer in 2019, but more than 90% of homes have a television. So we hope that most of the students your age will be able to watch sessions to support their learning.
But it is also known that the work of your teachers and teachers cannot be replaced. Therefore, they are waiting to support you. To do this, they sometimes use video calls, record videos and circulate them on mobile devices, sometimes they also make copies, send jobs, among other experiences.
Most strategies require you to stay in front of a screen for a long time; This has led to the reporting of cases of students or teachers who show fatigue in some parts of their bodies, back pain, neck pain, arm pain, hip pain, and even visual disturbances.
You have had to learn to find comfortable positions that help you cope with long hours in the same position, and you need to know that the most comfortable position may not always be the healthiest.
Decision-making to take care of your health in these cases involves aspects from finding an adequate posture, taking care of your diet and maintaining muscular activity for intervals of time.
It is not healthy for your eyes to remain fixed for periods of more than 10 minutes, it is convenient that you take breaks and break the monotony. Get up, walk, stretch your body and drink water.
But it's not just the classes or study activities that have changed. Breaks have turned into walks to the kitchen to look for something to quench thirst or hunger, talking with a family member, looking for something through the window, or sometimes lying down a bit.
Recess is used to clear the mind, relax before continuing with the studies. In it, the students play, talk, eat something, walk, laugh. This helps them continue the journey with their minds and emotions ready to learn.
How are your breaks at home now? How do you break the monotony and try to clear your mind and body? It is necessary that you have moments of distraction, they are convenient.
If you are alone during the day, you can find a hobby to clear your head, listen to music or write to someone. If people stay at home with you, it's okay to talk, to hang out a bit. In both cases you can support household activities, play or move a little. What decisions have you made to compensate for the time you spend studying? What actions do you take to rest in the free time offered by distance education?
Remember that when a person decides according to freely chosen criteria and takes responsibility for their actions, they are considered to be an autonomous person.
Distance education makes work much more autonomous; Depending on the school grade, sometimes you have the support of siblings or parents to carry out some activities that are more complicated.
What do we do?
Autonomy is important in development, an autonomous person manages to build by himself and for himself the arguments and reasons why he performs his acts. If a person has developed their abilities to solve problems on their own, their demands for autonomous action have surely increased, and that is great.
In your case, this autonomy serves to look for your own materials, regulate your study times and activities, in addition to requesting support when you consider it.
But it is necessary to take care that this autonomy does not become individualism. This could happen if, suddenly, you fail to think collectively, even if you study and do homework alone, remember that you always depend on other people. It is also important that you keep this in mind: there are many things that you can improve in society, so it is important that you continue learning and exercise your freedom responsibly based on knowledge, appreciating the support and opinions of family, friends and neighbors. What is expected is that you take others into consideration to follow your reasoned and responsible will.
At every opportunity, work together, plan activities together, so that you share your thoughts and, as far as possible, break the barriers of distance to grow, supporting each other.
Look at the following testimony from Gio, a college student.
Secondary students live in very similar conditions due to the distancing that the pandemic has forced. Coexistence has been limited in all senses, now the relationship with siblings, parents or relatives with whom they live has intensified.
New students view this distancing more severely. Entering an institution without knowing their classmates, and having to do it through digital means, is a new experience that challenges everyone to take initiatives, propose activities that allow them to meet, open up to share something of themselves in the framework of respect; They will experience what it is like to embrace their new and new companions from a distance, with the arms of trust and goodwill, to share and grow together.
The school is a space where there are specific rules to promote an environment conducive to learning. As activities move from school to home, house rules need to be adjusted to allow sessions to be possible.
What happens to the rules of the house when they are combined with the rules for studying online?
Listen to the testimony of Xavi, a university student.
As Xavi rightly says, the rules get mixed up and, sometimes, contrast; however, the principles of respect remain. If you take your class in a room, it may not break the no eating in room rule. But if you take your class in the dining room, it may violate the rule of not eating in class, so it is necessary to organize the school space in time of social distancing.
The rules establish guidelines that you must follow for the sake of coexistence; they must be congruent with the needs of regulating people's activities. When needs change, so must the rules that apply to everyone equally.
If you have siblings, it is also possible that you share study spaces and hours; there it is also important to have rules, share the experience and support each other. You could also identify the moments to remain silent, because if someone is concentrating, they require calm, just like it happened in your living room, but now with your family.
The environment at home is sometimes not conducive to taking the classes; It has happened to more than one or one of them that, while in class, everyday sounds filter through. Although sound effects affect people differently, you can find a quieter place. Even think about schedules to do your work in these places.
You must learn to negotiate spaces, times and conditions in this context. Tolerance has become a fundamental need for remote work.
Currently, there are people who consider that the isolation due to the pandemic affects them emotionally.
There are adolescents and young people like you, who have been more affected or affected by the lack of physical coexistence with other people. This depends on the conditions you have at home, the people you talk to and your emotional situation.
There are also cases of young people who live very close to their classmates, or who have other means of communication; this situation can reduce the need to live in person at school.
Given these impacts, it is important to seek creative forms of communication, as well as to stay alert to take care of your health and avoid the risk of spreading the virus.
Work in virtual classrooms retains some characteristics, but in most of its forms, something has been modified.
For example, the participation during some classes was intense, the spontaneous voice of the students is now very limited to only a few participations.
The tasks have to be done in a way that can leave you testimonials compatible with digital media.
For example, Aurora, who for Art Education made an artistic representation analogous to a painting and edited the two images to share with her teacher.
Or Alan, who made a representation of the solar system for his Geography class and presented his beautiful work online.
These are some cases of how students adapt to new conditions, surely you have seen or done things this creative. What is needed is a little perseverance and imagination. Recognize the resources that are available and seek to attend to the guidance of your teachers.
In science classes you can do experiments and demonstrations. Observe the following case.
The teacher sets the example and the students replicate it from home; She had to imagine a way to transmit the knowledge, think of materials that would be available to her students, and think of a simple activity to gain the knowledge.
Think: what is required on the part of the students for this experiment to give good results?
Of course, the commitment of each student to get the materials, follow the teacher's instructions and, mainly, a great desire to learn.
It is right here where individual responsibility, awareness of our actions, becomes more important.
Everyone needs to show solidarity with those who have difficulties in carrying out an activity or handling a subject. Solidarity does not disappear with social distancing, each one, in the possibilities, can support those who require it; For example, anxiety problems have increased as a result of confinement.
How have you felt being at home for so long?
In our country, the family has always been an indisputable support on all occasions. In particular, at this time it is important that you comment if effects such as:
If you or a family member or acquaintance presents any of these situations, it is time to ask for support. You can approach your teachers and teachers, a doctor, parents, friends or friends; You are not alone, even at a distance there will always be someone to count on.
There are also different challenges, such as health care, emotions and study habits.
It is proposed that you make a poster where you place activities that you must do during the week, this will be useful to continue learning in this modality. On your poster you can indicate:
From this, you can make decisions that allow you to exercise your rights to health, education and leisure, for example, to have eight hours of sleep and physical activity.
This session reviewed what the school space means in contexts of social distancing and what you have to do to take advantage of the conditions in which you learn, so that you can achieve your maximum development.
Actively promoting and defending respect for freedom is everyone's task. How to live developing skills such as assertive communication will allow you to exercise it in the various physical spaces where you live with other people.
Today's Challenge:
Reflect on the following phrase by Viktor Frankl:
"When the situation is good, enjoy it.
When the situation is bad, transform it.
When the situation cannot be transformed, transform yourself."
Learning at home is a challenge and a pleasure! Discuss with your family, friends and friends the topic that was discussed in this session.