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Newspaper today |Know how to combine summer and sports practice

The regular practice of physical activity decreases the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers, as well as improves the quality of life and provides multiple benefits to health.

At the time of exercising, especially in a very hot season, it is convenient to take the collections to avoid risky situations.

- For adults, 30 minutes or more per day are indicated during free time, being at home, in the work or study place.Children and adolescents require at least 60 minutes a day.

- The advisable schedules for physical activity are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and then, from 6:00 p.m. to 22:00.In this way, take care of your health in the face of decompensations and protect vital organs, such as brain and heart.


Due to the high temperatures that are experienced at this time of year, which range from 35 to 40ºC and sometimes more, health events of diverse intensity can be triggered, such as headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure, dehydration and even the dreaded syncopeHeat, also known as "heat stroke," said the DRA.Mirta Ortiz, in charge of promoting the physical activity of the Ministry of Health.

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can be catastrophic, with seizures, rebel hyperthermia, severe brain and renal damage.

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Clothing for physical activity should be baggy and cotton material or nylon/polyester that allows high perspiration and fast drying, both moisture from outside and inside.

In the case of outdoor physical activities, wearing light colored clothes, especially white, this will avoid the greatest absorption of harmful solar rays at the skin level.Use protection accessories: hats or quepis, dark glasses and antisolar creams.

The use of plastic costumes is not advised or the abdomen with elements of the same material, because they generate a high body temperature circuit in that area, greater sweating and dangerous dehydration.

As for the type of physical exercises, you can opt for those who include respiratory, flexibility and lower limbs, such as walks, cycling, skate, skating, yoga, calistenia, golf, swimming, group dances.Also, collective sports, such as field football, salon football, hockey, tennis and ping pong, are more recreational and non -competitive, if possible.

The intensity of physical activity is recommended that it be mild initially, that it does not preferably mobilize lower limbs and slowly progress to achieve heat acclimatization and constant.The practice on the roof is suggested or in protected areas with grove shadows.

Other opportunities to stay active

- Domestic physical activity, for example, is one of them, since it helps the body stay in motion when cleaning the house, outdoor areas: courtyards, runners and gardens.

- Gardening and home orchard work are also an excellent option to be active."Cultivating aromatic herbs and spices promote both the development of cognitive and physical abilities, for better mental health so necessary for the difficult moments of the still in force pandemic by COVID-19," explains Dr. Mirta Ortiz.

Water, the best to hydrate

- It is also appropriate to insist on continuous hydration, not wait to be thirsty to hydrate.With small volumes of frequent water, correct hydration can be achieved.

The manager indicated for these days of high heat, drink up to a maximum of 4 to 5 liters of water per day, according to the time and intensity of physical work.Water must be at not very cold temperature.Likewise, five fresh fruits and vegetables must be considered per day, preferably from station.