"More than 100 kmal east of its capital, Vienna,
One of the worst fields was
Nazi system concentration:
In January 1941,
He was declared a non -return field.
If I sent you there, you knew you wouldn't come out alive.
"This 15 -hectare field hosted 200.000 deportees
of all of Europe, half of which
He did not survive."
They were not sent there to work,
There was time to work
and time to die.
"Stone quarries for construction
of third Reich buildings
and underground factories to manufacture secret weapons
of the German army.
Mauthausen's system became a cornerstone
of Adolf Hitler's greatness projects."
(Speak in German)
-At east of Austria, an immense network was created
of more than 40 satellite fields
of Mauthausen.
"In front, men trained to kill."
This is my father.
When the uniform was put, it became an animal.
The whole mundole was afraid in the field
And soon became known
Like the devil of Gustan.
"Muchas huellasof Mauthausen desaparecieron
At the end of the war.
Some were erased by the Nazis;
others, by the allies after liberation;
and others, voluntarily forgotten
By the Austrian population.
Pero la fortalezaof Mauthausen sigue en pie
With numerous vestiges of the war in sight."
In this gas chamber,
50 people were over.
"Thanks to exclusive access to the most secret facilities
del campo of Mauthausen
and its annexes and a series of reconstructed images,
Today we penetrate the heart
of the complex fabric network the authorities
of the third Reich.
We will discover the tests
that they show the luck that I waited for the deportees."
La cantidadde imágenes of Mauthausen
We don't have them from other fields.
"75 years after liberation,
Here is the investigation
About the vestiges of one of the concentration camps
more implacable and destroyers of all World War II."
"The eve of the beginning of World War II,
Adolf Hitler insisteen la Omnipotencia of the third Reich
And in his desire to build the world's greatest empire.
Symbol of its ambition without limits,
Five cities baptized as the cities of the Führer
will be redesigned by complete following
Hitler's own dictates:
Berlin, Hamburg, Nuremberg,
Munich and Linz, in Austria, their native country,
annexed in 1938.
To build these gigantic
architectural projects, needs stone, a lot of stone.
It will resort to the SS, Heinrich Himmler.
At that time, Himmler already manages
Three concentration fields, in which they are locked
los enemigos of the third Reich.
It is an abundant and cheap labor,
Ideal for that work.
After building concentration camps in Dachau,
Sachsenhausen and Buchenwald,
Himmler decides to lift others, but, this time, near quarries.
He will do it in Austria, 22 km east of Linz,
In a region rich in granite.
There a town llama your attention: mauthausen."
Mauthausen has a long history
In rock extraction.
Throughout this region,
We find peoples with quarry have been exploited
Since the 18th century.
"Himmler believes that the location is ideal.
In August 1938, he created the first concentration camp there
In Austrian territory,
the first of many.
Nestled at the top of a hill,
The imposing strength of the concentration camp
Continue to dominate the region today.
The most important thing about strength was its appearance,
intimidation, absolute domain.
"The first field is vertebraral around four barracks:
one for the SSY three for prisoners.
However, the expansion of the Reich
The flow of new prisoners is glowing
demands the expansion of infrastructure.
Throughout the months,
Mauthausen is equipped with new buildings for SS
And the number of barracks increases
To lock the detainees,
coming from new occupied territories
by Nazi Germany.
The field ends up extending
even beyond its main enclosure,
until reaching 15 hectares."
Los primeros prisionerosof Mauthausen fueron austriacos
and Germans.
We had to wait until after the beginning
of World War II to arrive in Mauthausen
The first political prisoners.
Today we know that they lived from 40 nationalities.
"War prisoners,
political prisoners, deported by the religion they professed,
for its origin for their sexual preference,
as soon as you get to the field,
All of them must pass by a dehumanization phase.
Shave them, force them to undress
And they put them by force
In a huge common showers.
Along this high surface
that travels the four walls,
The bosses were available
or small bosses forced people
To go to the center, where ice water came out
or very hot water."
It is not a comforting shower,
as could expect the days lived.
That showera a great suffering.
"At the exit, they give them a uniform
and a number that becomes
In his new identity.
Next, they are taken to an isolated area
From the rest of the field to put them in quarantine
and avoid some potential disease
Contaminate other prisoners."
That is, they go through the shower,
disinfect them and then submit them,
which is another form of disaffection.
"After several weeks in quarantine,
They can already enter the call
'Free zone', a space delimited by walls
of granite and wired electrified
and watched from several viewpoints
By members of the SS.
Inside, luggers wood barracks of 400 square meters."
Those barracks are supposed to
They could accommodate a total of about 300 prisoners.
But it is known that in several points of the field
There were some who refined up to 2.000.
"As food, they only receive bread
and clean broth.In total, 1.500 calories a day,
two thirds of the minimum amounts
Daily advised."
That constant feeling of hunger
It was one of the worst torture that could suffer prisoners
in the countryside.
But, apart from hunger,
I also suffered a pressing lack of sleep
And there was a continuous atmosphere of violence.
-As in many other fields,
The SS turned the day to day of the prisoners
In a routine of torture, violence and death.
"In the center of the countryside, there is another key place
In the life of the detainees:
In this square, we know the first 'sub -discovery'
From the universe of concentration fields:
We will wait for the call.
We will wait to go to work.
We will wait to go to eat.
We will wait to go to sleep.
The wait, that nobody doubts,
la primera enfermedaddel deportado es Wait.
The call could be extended hours despite the cold,
that sometimes ESGLACIAL in winter.
The slightest indication of fainting was punished
To this chain
He used to end up tied a prison.
They put it to the detainees that they had committed a foul.
It was its end.
"In the lower part of the field,
There was a stone quarry over a kilometer long
and 110 meters deep.
In Ellatrabajan thousands of prisoners."
In that quarry, they worked daily
between 1.000 and 4.000 men.
There were stonecutters and operators, and the latter, the most numerous,
The most dangerous tasks were in charge.
-It's a very risky job
that many lives were charged,
conceived, precisely,
Like torture.
-They were exhaustion.
The capos always demanded maximum in impossible tasks
until they yielded.
(They speak)
"Every stone extracted from this quarry had to be
transported by this staircase
on the back of a prisoner.
186 steps converted in a symbol of torture."
The men had to go up to the back
granite stones of 30, 40 and 50 kilos,
And so daily for years.
Always on a normal step receiving blows everywhere
and with the risk of falling,
to cause them to stumble them in front or those behind
and to cause injuries.
It was a truly atrocious job.
-The Waffen-SS combat body
I was trained to kill.
His true work in the quarry
It was not extracting stones, but killing.
His work was to humiliate the quarry to the detainees.
Combine the violence of SS,
that exterminated people,
With the project to extract construction materials.
It was a bad business model,
But it was the SS business model.
"The SS had taken the habit of staging
The death of a detainee.
The highest wall of the quarry
The paratrooper wall had become known as."
They force men to throw themselves from above.
They told them: "If you don't throw yourself from here,
We kill you with a shot ".
That was his option.
Many ending up from above.
"In addition to supplying material to the different works
of the third Reich por toda Europa,
The stones extracted from the quarry
They were also used to build
and enlarge the field itself.
These images that make life in the fields
They are the few that collect
cómo era el trabajoof prisoners of Mauthausen.
They are taken from the field identification service,
an office in which they worked
several detainees that managed to avoid
That they destroy them.
In Spain, in the Archaeological Museum
from Barcelona, they are carefully preserved
500 negativos of Mauthausen
in a special camera.
Among others, photos of liberation,
But, above all, 320 photos taken by the SS
during the war.
In these negatives, immortalized appear
numerous events that took place in the fields,
as Heinrich Himmler's visit,
Head of the SS, but also portraits
of new detainees for your administrative file
and images of workers
In full task."
There is no doubt that these images
They also served as propaganda.
The propaganda idea of the SS
It was going to show the concentration camps
They were places that work perfectly.
I wanted to show that there were prisoners
They were forced to perform very hard tasks, yes,
but they were not mistreated;
rather, they were educated to be
Good German citizens.
Show a part
of what is a concentration camp.
Not that it is not true,
But there are more truths, which are not photographed.
"In many other negatives,
images of parades of detainees that seem to work
Without supervision or reprisals,
implying that there were no violent acts on a day -to -day basis."
We do not see dogs, that one of their purposes
It was attacking the prisoners.
"Sin embargo,el horror of Mauthausen
Yes it is seen in these negatives.
They appear abandoned bodies
of prisoners.
In the records of the SS, these photos carried the note
'Evasion attempt'."
These are true evasion attempts.
-Ss and field officials
forced the prisoners to approach the fences,
For example, removing the hat
And throwing it near the fence.
"Next, the guards of the towers
interpreted that this attempt at evasion."
The truth is impossible to get out of there.
"In 1943, when it is being invested
In the relationship of forces between armies
of the third Reichy las fuerzas aliadas,
Berlin gives the order to destroy the negatives
Of all the photos taken
In the fields with the goal of deleting
The evidence of the crimes committed.
Francesc Boix, Spanish political prisoner,
I worked in the photographic laboratory
from the field with other detainees.
United and endangering your life,
They decided to save those negative
before they destroy them."
It was a material that was a sensitive material,
But that, on the other hand, it would be an irrefutable proof
de lo que sucedía in the countryside.
"They carefully wrap the negatives,
They get them out of the laboratory
and they are passing them
On one occasion they go to work,
They manage to hide them and put them safe
Thanks to a member of the Austrian resistance:
Anna Pointner."
Anna Pointner's house has a wall that surrounds her
And, among the stones of the wall,
They were deposited, hiding the packages
With the negatives.
"Anna Pointner, Francesc Boix and other detainees
more than 2 saved.000 photographs."
La cantidadde imágenes of Mauthausen
We don't have them from other fields.
"However, despite the large amount
of photos that saved, some sectors of the field
of Mauthausenno aparecían en ningún negativo.
Buildings that even still stand up,
But that the SShan tried to erase the books
of history, especially conceived places
For torture and death."
In January 1941,
Mauthausen was declared a non -return field.
If they sent you there, you knew you wouldn't come out alive.
"In the countryside, the building destined for extermination
He had been baptized
Like the bunker.
On the top floor, there were very narrow cells,
reserved for certain types
of prisoners."
In those cells, they were locked
important people who want to get something.
They were sentenced to death, but, until that moment came,
were subjected to torture to speak.
This was the jail.
"The stays destined to the extermination of the prisoners
They were in the basement.
Proceeded individual way, with a bullet,
or collective, in a gas chamber.
The victims had to continue a predetermined route.
First, they entered a room
in which they were examined.
Next, they passed by several small rooms,
until reaching a door only opened from the outside
And that communicated a room with showers."
We are in the gas chamber,
A small stagnation 13 square meters
in which at least they were overcrowded
50 persons.
"Once the door is closed,
From an adjoining room, the Zyklon B was introduced,
A deadly gas."
From the moment the gas is introduced
In the camera through a ventilation system,
All those people died in a period of five to 15 minutes.
"SS officers
They watched from a mixtlace the prisoners were dying.
And, once all were on the floor,
They evacuated the gas through a spring."
This sprack opened through a rail
that was hidden to the other side,
where there was a shooter that allowed to open it.
Then there was a fan that took
Outside the vitiated air.
It was necessary for one or two hours to open
again the stay here.
"Only 10 %of those who crossed
That threshold came out alive.
That 10 %were made up of those who worked
In operation
of the Gasy Chamber of the Crematorio.
It is estimated that about 8.000 people
They lost their lives in this gas chamber.
Inside the bunker, we also find a cold camera
To store the bodies,
A dissection room to remove dental pieces
or carry out experiments
and several crematorium ovens.
On average, here they were incinerated to the day
between 150 y 200 cadáveres."
Of all of them, only the ashes remained,
that served as fertilizer
or to cobble roads.
And, failing that, they got rid of them
On a landfill.
That is the Nazi crime,
in having filled up to satiety,
in having completely belittled human lives.
And that is unforgivable.
"En los alrededoresde la fortaleza of Mauthausen,
Another field was built to take the prisoners
que trabajabanIn rock extraction.
5 kilometers west
and also located next to a granite quarry,
They were like."
"Before construction
de este nuevo campo,los presos of Mauthausen
They had to walk to that quarry
monitored by SS."
Escort prisoners
desof Mauthauseny que luego volvieran
It required a lot of time.
And sometimes they died before doing the job
that would kill them anyway.
That is why it was decided to build a field in Gustan.
Thus would improve the productivity of the quarry.
"In 1940 a new field is built
north of the town of Gustan.
The great prisoner flow that comes there
hace que crezcamás rápido que el of Mauthausen.
Incluso llegó a convertirsein the countryside de concentración
Greater in Austria."
At the end of 1941,
In Gustan there were1.000 prisoners rather than in Mauthausen.
"After the war, the Tak's field was destroyed.
Some buildings that were part of it
have been transformed into homes
And the jourhaus is preserved,
The old entrance door to the field.
Only abandoned land is left."
There is no rake the many crimes
that were committed here.
There were two gallows
To hang prisoners.
But the only thing that remains
It is the kitchen floor.
Granite quarry is no longer exploited.
However, the industrial zone continues to host
a last vestigioque dates from World War II,
An immense crusher
of stones."
The Nazis said it was the largest in Europe.
In the back, there was a conveyor belt
que conducía las cubas of stoneshacia el interior de la trituradora,
where the stones were reached into tiny pieces.
Sometimes they also had small fragments
to the people.
They were not sent there to work.
There was time to work
and time to die.
That was the idea:
die working.
If someone survived in Gustan,
It's because I was very lucky.
"Naive of us.We believed that in Mauthausen
We had met human evil background,
But we had to banish that idea.
They liked it.
The Taen field
I was directed by a commander of the SS:
Karl Chmielewski, known for being relentless.
Walter Chmielewski is 11 years old
When your family is installed in Gustan.
At that time, his father has just been appointed
field director."
This is my father.
It was another person at home.
When the uniform was put, it became an animal.
The whole mundole was afraid in the field.
Soon it became known
Like the devil of Gustan.
"His father's work was not spoken at home.
But sometimes Walter entered in the part of the reserved field
to the SS to anger the doctor's consultation
or to the hairdresser."
This is me.
In this photo, I would be about 12 years old
And he had just left the hairdresser,
A hairdresser who was a prisoner.
"Sometimes I returned to Casabedera the barbed wire
that delimits the field of prisoners."
So I could see things.
I remember that, even with temperatures
Under zero, I saw how they sprayed with cold water
to medium naked prisoners.
Many died "in situ" or did it one or two years later
for a pneumonia.
One day I asked my father:
"Because you do that?
Why do you make those people? ".
And he replied: "Because they are parasites,
They are criminals.
What you want to destroy the third Reich.
Quiet, they don't deserve anything else ".
"At the end of 1941,el campo de Gusen cuenta
with 8.500 presosy el of Mauthausen, con 7.500,
most of which were involved in granite quarries.
But, as the activity of both fields intensifies,
The evolution of war
will force Berlin to change strategy.
En 1942 los combates arrasanlos ejércitos of the third Reich
and of the Russian forces.
Hitler demands the mobilization of all available resources
To contribute to weapons tasks.
In order to participate in these war efforts,
numerous deportees from
From all busy countries
son enviadosa los campos of Mauthausen y Gusen.
The so -called Mauthausen system is developed,
A series of controlled satellite fields
For the two main."
In all the eastern part of Austria, an immense network was created
de másde 40 subcampos of Mauthausen.
Most, in places where there was already
An important articistic or war industry.
"Between 1942 and 1943, Aviation Allied Lanza
mass bombings throughout the occupied territory
By the Nazi regime.
In a matter of months, more than 200.000 bombs devastate
las ciudadesy fábricas of the third Reich.
To protect your arms industry,
Hitler is forced to move all his factories
and to hide them underground,
immense underground infrastructure
conceived in record time the engineers of the Reich
and raised exploiting the workforce taken
of concentration fields,
At the cost of the life of many prisoners.
One of the examples of these pharaonic quarries
It is next to the Tak's field,
near the town
of Saint Georgen.It was there where they like II sees the light
In 1943.
Durante largos meses,miles of prisoners de guerra
They will pushed tunnels 40 meters underground
To build a gigantic complex,
baptized as Bergkristall."
Bergkristall tunnels used
The most advanced technology.
They were excavated by the prisoners and then the walls were reinforced
With concrete.
So it was an innovative project.
About 9.000 prisoners death of the construction of these tunnels.
"Between March 1944
and May 1945, the prisoners of Gustan II
8.5 km tunnels horated.
Almost all were destroyed after war,
But there are still kilometers of standing tunnels.
This huge underground installation
It was built to meet the needs
From the German Air Force.
Here is where the company Messerschmitt
He mounted his aircraft me 262, the first hunting plane equipped
of an operational reaction engine."
If it had existed before, Me 262 could have changed
The course of war
Or, at least, delay the victory of the allies.
It was a threat to bombers
and allied hunting aircraft.
"All industrial pieces
they have disappeared.
After the war, the Americans took them
and the Soviets.
In total, here they were manufactured
plus 950 fuselages of me 262."
In this immense underground installation,
About 80 % was manufactured
of all the fuselage used
For airplanes, and they did it prisoners of Gustan II.
It was a very strategic place.
-It is one of the largest secret underground facilities,
If not the biggest,
of the third Reichpara la fabricación de armas.
"Me 262 manufactured in Gustan II
They are not the only miraculous weapon
that Hitler manufacture the prisoners
of the Austrian concentration camps.
In the heart of the Mauthausen system,
A new weapon all eyes:
The Missile V2."
The V2 was the first long -range missile
that occurred.
It was propelled thanks to a mixture of liquid oxygen.
During the war, they occurred and used
About 5.000 missiles of such.
"This 13 -ton rocket
was able to transport
800 kilos of explosives
300 kilometers away.
A revolutionary missile whose objective was to achieve London
From the Netherlands.
With the aim of participating in manufacturing
dThe Missile V2,se crean varios campos satélites
of Mauthausen:
Wiener Neustadt, Ebersey the small Zipf field.
Located near a railway line,
The small Zipf town has another asset:
A beer factory located
At the foot of a hill, endowed with a network of caves
in which beer was manufactured and retained.
In 1943 this factory requisitioned by the SS
To install in it a secret factory destined
to V2 missile tests.
Also, near there,
A new concentration camp is built.
Zipfson prisoners forced to work
In the caves to expand them
And, in just seven months,
They build a well -deep well
that binds the tunnels with a hidden bunker in the forest.
It will be there where to try the masterpieces
From the new weapon of German destruction:
The propeller of the V2 missiles.
The propellants arrived directly to the interior
of the tunnels and then
They were unloaded in the middle of great secretism.
Then an elevator is used to upload them to the bunker."
When the propeller came up in the elevator,
It was collected by means
And then it was suspended
three meters high.
The bunker is preserved quite good condition.
The tracks that helped to transport are still seen
The promoters of the elevator to the bunker
and also the metalian piece that hung the propeller.
"Next, the propeller was" incoking
so that the flares caused
During the tests they were evacuated
For this great hole.
The first Zipffects place on May 1, 1944.
Scientists Nazissupervite the experiment
From the Claraboya of the observation bunker.
A success is."
A celebration for SS.
"Thanks to the facilities built
por los prisioneros,About 500 propulsores V2
They would have been proud of Zipfantes to be sent to the front."
It is still ironic that those prisoners had
What to work in weapons
that would be used with themselves and their countries.
"This record includes names of more than 300 prisoners
who lost their lives in Zipf during construction
of the fabric.
Many others, exhausted by conditions
and considered not suitable for work,
fueron reenviadosal campo principal of Mauthausen,
Where they would die.
One last group will be sent an exclusively dedicated place
to the extermination of the deportees,
An euthanasia center.
Se encontraba a 35 kmal oeste of Mauthausen,
near the small town
from Alkoven.Was known as the death center
from Hartheim.
Had settled in a castle
that there were Nazi requirements before the war
and that they had conditioned to their Aktion T4 project.
Its objective was to organize the extermination of people
with disabilities."
(Speak in German)
"But in 1941 the third Reich
decides to stop this project.
Hartheimserá castle used for another project
even more deadly:
The Aktion 14F13."
The staff participating in the Aktion T4
I knew how to kill quickly and very effective.
And the Nazisaproved that knowledge
To commit mass murders.
"Hartheim then becomes the extermination center
of four concentration fields:
Dachau, Ravensbrück, Gustan
and Mauthausen.
Before the end of the war,
The SS try to erase
All evidence of your crimes in Hartheim:
They destroyed the gas chamber,
They disassembled the crematory oven
and they re -enformed the exit of their fireplace.
However, file deposit
is full of vestiges.
The recent excavations carried out near the castle
They have brought to light
human remains more than 8.000 objects,
remains of old infrastructure,
dishes and personal objects."
The majority are objects that belonged to the victims
of Aktion T4, but they have also found
distintivos of prisonersde los campos de concentración.
Most of those badges
They belonged to prisoners of the Taen field,
pero algunos eran of Mauthausen.
"Crossing them Nazi records recovered
After the war with the numbers of the badges found
In the castle, it is possible to identify
to some victims who were executed
en el centro from Hartheim."
For example, we have the number
of the 8570 badge, which belongs to Heinrich Lesinski,
A Polish prisoner deported
to the field of Gustan.
"Ningún superviviente from Hartheim
He could testify after the war.
About 30.000 people
They were sent there and all of them were killed."
All prisoners were transferred to Hartheim
They were killed in just three hours.
NinguHe did not survive más tiempo
Or came to spend a night in the castle.
"At the end of 1944, Nazi Germany falls apart
y el personal cierrael centro de eutanasia from Hartheim.
Pero el campoof Mauthausen sigue activo
And, in recent months
of the conflict, Dantesque scenes will be lived there.
Some especially persecuted prisoners
For the Nazis know they have no chance
to dodge death.
Among them, prisoners of Slavo origin
And especially the Soviet.
In February 1945, some 600 Soviet officers
They are locked in block number 20
of Mauthausen.
The SS have been
without giving them anything to eat.
Knowing themselves condemned,
They decide to play everything for the whole.
The night of February 2 to 3,
They throw blankets soaked on electrified gates
And they manage to climb the wall
killing several officials and SS officials in their path.
About 400 prisoners manage to flee."
Mass evasions
They were very unusual
And show that Soviet prisoners
They did not house any hope.
"El comandantedel campo of Mauthausen moviliza
To all the inhabitants of the support region
of the SSPARA Capture the fugitives
and threatens reprisals
to those who give help.
The population starts throughout the region
A bloody man to the nickname
'The Hunt for Liebre'.
The day after evasion,
In the city of Schwertberg,
about ten kilometers from the field,
Anna Hackl, 14 years old, prepares to go to church
With his mother when two strangers
Call your door."
They wore very little clothes on,
Only your striped clothing.
They even went barefoot,
Although there was a lot of snow,
it was very cold.
"Those two strangers only asked for some food.
But, because of her appearance, Maria, Anna's mother,
entiende Instantlyque aquellos dos hombres
that Nicolai and Michail are presented in
They are two of the fugitives escaped
del campo of Mauthausen.
Despite the risks, he agrees to let them into home.
Más adelante, le confesaríanpor qué habían tenido Waitnza
that the family that occupied that dwelling
I would accept helping them."
Tras huir of Mauthausen,
They crossed forests and fields and arrived at our house.
They surrounded her several times
And they saw a cross side of the barn.
Then they said:
"Let's try to knock on your door,
They are good people ".
"Despite the many records
who made the SS, Nicolaiy Michail remained hidden
For three months at the winery
or in the barn until his release."
They even stayed more after liberation.
Then they left with great sadness
because we had almost become
in your family.
Mutual help had created
Very strong links
among us.
"Of the 400 Soviet prisoners
que habían logrado escaparsedel bloque número 20 of Mauthausen,
Only man lived on hunting to man.
A day after the Reichstag taking by the Soviets,
When Hitler has already committed suicide
And the end of the war is imminent,
The SS leave Mauthausen before the look
From Austrian authorities.
Two days later, the 11.Armored division
American releases the field."
They arrived in Mauthausen
and they like prepared for what would be found.
But nobody is prepared for something like that.
-They have to face a very complicated situation,
obviously.Were found
With many familic prisoners
to faint
And also with dead prison batteries.
"They would take just two days to free
All satellite fields
of Mauthausen y Gusen,
thus marking the end of Nazi hell in Austria.
In less than seven years,
el sistema de camposde concentración of Mauthausen
had exploded about 200.000 detainees."
Of the 200.000 prisoners,
120 died.000.
-Mauthausen was reputed to be one
of the worst fields of the system.
-It is important that people know the technologies we use
Today they were developed
With the blood of the deportees who come
of all European countries.
"La fortaleza of Mauthausen
It is still one of the few witnesses
From this dark story that has left a mark in Austria.
The other fields
They were destroyed in the moment of their liberation
And they seem to have fallen
In oblivion."
People are going to visit Mauthausen,
But most do not know that there was a second field in Gustan
porque Gusen cayóIn oblivion por completo
and even the Austrian brought their vestiges.
"Associations and historians
luchan hoy por conservarlas huellas of Mauthausen,
One of the worst systems
Nazi concentration, and also for honoring memory
Of those who lost their lives there."