By Ana Morales
Recovering good habits behind vacations is not just a matter of weight loss.Not only is it necessary to get rid of those kilos won during Christmas - the studies place between 3 and 5 the kilos that we increase after the Christmas phases -.It is to return to healthy pre-vacations that we need so much.The good news is that with a small effort it is relatively easy to return to the weight of before and to the life of before.After all, they have been days of excesses: according to the healthy eating foundation, we consume 30% more of the advisable calories, which translates, for example, in dinners that can triple the number of caloriesRecommended.And simply with recovering good habits we go on the right track.“As soon as we return to our food routine and physical exercise, those kilos are lost.It is true that if we want to lose quick.We collect some of the best mantras to return to normal.
By Ana Morales
#1.In January you don't have to get diet
Coach Gustavo Melo rules out the idea of getting diet in January.“We have to avoid miracle diets, detox and fasting.The body is already quite stressed after Christmas excesses to give it a new decompensation with diets.Sustainable and balanced diet is the key.Each person also needs a certain amount for the energy wear of everyday life, so each one has a special diet ... Diet are not global but personalized, ”concludes the Mexican coach.
#two.The perfect breakfast includes egg (and a single type of fruit)
Taking breakfast is the golden rule to return to good habits.Discarding the sweet in this first meal of the day is fundamental since they are foods little or nothing satiating, lacking proteins and full of refined sugar.It is preferable to include carbohydrates such as bread and protein such as egg, one of the healthiest and most satiating foods to drink for breakfast.It can also be completed with oatmeal.In addition, as Melo explains, when including fruit in this meal it is preferable to eat only one type of fruit and avoid combining different."When you eat fruit, only one guy, not a mixture, because each fruit has a glycemic index and when the pancreas come together, it raises insulin and accumulates fat," he says.
#3.Care with coffee
To cope with the return to the normality based on coffee is tempting, but the nutritionist Cristina Troncoso remembers that it is preferable to have only a coffee in the morning.“It is advisable to limit coffee consumption since it can cause gastric acidity and cause inflammation.In addition, excess coffee can also change sleep cycles, thus altering hormone levels, something that also causes body inflammation, ”he explains.
#4.Drink fast water
Drinking an important part of the recommended daily amount of water helps activate metabolism.This is confirmed by the psychonutritionist Itziar Digón, which confirms that the drainage mechanisms are more active and drinking water when lifting helps to enhance the elimination of liquids.In fact, a good trick can be to leave a half -liter water bottle on the table to drink it as soon as.It will not help burn fat, but thus activate the drainage of our body.
#5.Breathe better
Learning to breathe has many physical and emotional benefits.And one of them is related to abdominal weight and inflammation.As Digon points out, if you breathe correctly and not superficially, among other things, avoid the dreaded abdomen inflammation since all the air ingested in inhalation is expelled in exhalation.“If that unprecedented air is not breathed correctly, it accumulates in the thoracic-abdominal area producing distension.An example would be when you eat fast and talking with someone.You have not ventilated well and that afternoon you suffer from abdominal distension and gases, ”explains the expert.
#6.Respect meal schedules
If for something the holidays are usually characterized by the disorder of habits and schedules of food and dinners.However, recovering the schedules of the main meals trying to be the same is an easy gesture that will also help us return to our weight.And, as explained by the nutritionist Amil López VIéitez, “the secretion of insulin by the pancreas is not the same in the morning as at night and the sensitivity of the cells to their action varies throughout the day.Therefore, it has been proven that small variations at the time of our meals can affect the control of weight, body composition and the evolution of many pathologies, ”explains the expert.
#7.Do not weigh daily
Weighing every day is not healthy.In the first place because it is not a faithful reflection of reality - the weight is not an exact science and can sometimes reflect other alterations that have nothing to do with weight - and secondly because it can be demotivating and generator of stress.It is preferable to weigh once a week at most - always at the same time and with the same clothes - and observe other body sensations that can be indicative of weight gain such as body measurement or changes when putting on clothes.
#8.Dinner before and better (and not only fruit)
Just by advancing dinner time we can teach our body to use fat as fuel and not store it.This is not explained by Jorge Herranz, by David Lloyd Aravaca.“The goal is to spend a minimum of 12 hours without eating any food, even arriving at 16.From these 'magical' 12 hours, your body will activate self -suffocation, a cell regeneration process that decreases the risk of multitude of diseases (including cancer), regulates tension and flexible your metabolism (teaches the body to use thefat as fuel) ".By the way, the perfect dinner to lose weight is not a fruit -based dinner - complying with excesses so is not always a good idea - but one that contains protein (white fish, lean meat or eggs) and low glycemic index vegetables like pepper, cabbage, mushroom or artichokes.
# 8.Sleep also helps lose weight
It is shown that sleeping can increase the weight.And the reason is none other than the way in which lack of sleep affects hormones that regulate the feeling of hunger and satiety.For you to work normally and have no more appetite than usual it is necessary to sleep between 7 and 8 hours.
As confirmed from Freeletics, walking the 10.000 daily steps recommended by WHO can burn about 400 calories, in addition to helping to tone the legs, ankles and twins.“In addition, a light -paced walk has the same cardiovascular benefits as a slow race.Walking through different land, such as sand or gravel, makes the muscles work more effectively, ”they add.Well that.
#10.Create routines saves energy
We usually say that after weeks of vacation (and a certain disorder) it is important to return to the routine.As explained by the therapist and coach of the world psychologists, Regina Insa Martínez, the routines are neither good nor bad but will depend on the interest and the benefit or consequences they have for the person who carries them out.But they are beneficial to the brain and its functioning.And caring for the mind also has benefits at the physical level.“Routines are beneficial to the brain and its functioning, since they help the brain consume the possible energy as possible.Having routines and creating new habits allows us to consume less energy and can open us to new stimuli and other nuances of the same reality.Learn help to learn, ”explains the expert.Routines help us automate and thus save energy, but it is also important to be flexible with them.“When a habit goes from being a repeated behavior to being an addiction, it turns against our.For example, that person who enjoys sports and consolidates the routine of going to the gym daily.The moment it is necessary to go, in which he feels bad with himself when he does not play sports;If the person loses the ability to decide, to adapt, to be flexible, it becomes something negative, ”he adds.
What kinds of the gym are the most fit girls?
By Ana Morales