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'La Tianguis', a work space where the LGBTIQ+ Population struggles to survive omicron: the answers to the 5 most wanted questions on Google about the new variant

Antes de llegar a “la tianguis disidente”, Rabia -seudónimo que pide utilizar para salvaguardar su identidad- trabajaba como mesero y estudiaba la licenciatura. Sin embargo, al inicio de la pandemia perdió su empleo y, al darse cuenta de lo complicado que sería encontrar otro, decidió comenzar a vender ropa de segunda mano.'La tianguis', un espacio de trabajo donde la población LGBTIQ+ lucha por sobrevivir Ómicron: las respuestas a las 5 preguntas más buscadas en Google sobre la nueva variante 'La tianguis', un espacio de trabajo donde la población LGBTIQ+ lucha por sobrevivir Ómicron: las respuestas a las 5 preguntas más buscadas en Google sobre la nueva variante

“We have been here for five months already, since May.What we sell is second -hand clothes and some new things.Before getting here I had an online store with a friend, but everything has been a very recent process, because prior to the pandemic I was working as a waiter, ”says the young man while traveling through the corridors of“ La Tianguis ”.

It is a market mounted within the roundabouts of the insurgents, close to the departure to Genoa street, in Mexico City, where queer, trans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual and other dissenting identities offersTarot readings, clothing, stickers, paintings and other artistic creations.

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Although several members of "La Tianguis" agree that they consider it a safe space to live freely, they recognize that staying there has not been simple, because on several occasions they have denounced aggressions by citizenship, of merchant organizations, as well asthe capital authorities.

"Getting job is not easy"

“We take the space to do it ours, because we are generating what they do not give us anywhere.The authorities come to ask us to retire, that they put us elsewhere ... but I don't know if it would be so symbolic, because this place is linked to resistance since it was born in Mexico, ”explains Rabia.

As part of the place, collective and merchants have made pints on the walls of the halls in that corner of the roundabout, in which phrases such as: "queer", "I love you trans", "less theory, more, moreEmpathy "," There is no fato here "," It is not bandalism, it is anger "and" if you do not like it, do not admire, the looks insult the chili ".

In the background they are heard at full volume applause, screams and praises of a Christian temple that is located in one of the premises of the same roundabout.Each certain time, one of the members of the Church passes by offering free pocket books to those who are in the surroundings.

A few meters from where the positions are located, there are several women standing, watching.After having been attacked by citizens who harass and insult them, and merchants who have threatened them on several occasions and have hit them, the Government of Mexico City agreed with “La Tianguis” that would have security in a waypermanent.But despite the police presence, rage says that violence has not stopped, and on the contrary, they have also lived by the uniformed men.

"Actually being here is very heavy, very complicated ... but at least I am here because it has also been the first space where I could be with my boyfriend giving me a kiss without feeling in danger.And I am only fag.

'La tianguis', un espacio de trabajo donde la población LGBTIQ+ lucha por sobrevivir Ómicron: las respuestas a las 5 preguntas más buscadas en Google sobre la nueva variante

According to the National Occupation and Employment Survey (ENOE) of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in August 2021, there were 39.8 million people over 12 who did not participate in economic activities.

INEGI points out that the non -economically active population (PNEA) was 3.3 million people less than in 2021, compared to August 2020.

Official figures indicate, however, that for 7.2 million people - equivalent to 13% of the employed population - the income from a job is not enough, as they responded to the survey that they need and availability to work more hours.

"The tianguis", as stated, students are integrated, who get an income that allows them to continue their school project, and by people who "only live from doing this, and how work conditions are nowoption is very complicated, especially for the community ... there is a lot of discrimination ".

"It is a relief to have such a space"

Among the claims by those who integrate “La Tianguis”, the treatment they have given to the vendors, regardless of that they have stated that in space are minors, who despite recognizing the risk thatinvolves participating in the shot, they point out that they are willing to "give everything" for not losing it.

It joins queer teenager, who agrees to be interviewed by the middle, points out that “it is a very large relief to have a space like the tianguis, where you feel free because they will not judge you.On other sides there is a lot of discrimination over your preferences or your gender identity, and that is ugly, because you fail to find anywhere.

In the interview, he is accompanied by otre adolescent who participates in space, who coincides with the perception of freedom and security described by his companion.To this, he adds that, thanks to the work opportunity that means to Elle "La Tianguis", you can begin paying your hormonal treatment to continue your sexogenical transition.

“When you are a trans youth you are in that process that you want to start your transition, with hormonal therapy or something that guides you, and if you are not lucky that your family support you… for us it is even more difficult than for an adult, because we do not have a source of income for treatments or to buy clothes according to your gender.That's why we see here an opportunity to get money for that, ”he explains.

They sell vegan clothing and brownies, and as tianguistas they have witnessed some of the verbal and physical aggressions that their companions have suffered by people who circulate in the area, of the merchant organizations -which at the beginning they wanted to charge them for setting up their positions, and before the refusal they tried to remove them-as of the police who were designated to safeguard the security of their members.

“They do not take care of us, they are actually trying to cause fear, because we have received transphobic teasing from their part during the clashes.Not to mention that they have encapsulated us, even once they surrounded us knowing that there was a 13 -year -old person, because we told them ... we told them, but they ignored us, ”they denounce.

“They think that because they are the smallest of the tianguis we are going to be afraid, but the truth is that when you live a life in which they hate you and discriminate in all the places you step on, you stop being afraid, you know that everywhere is goingTo be like that and you are going to give everything for the only place where things are different, ”says UNE of young people.

Therefore, he says, “we are here, we will continue to resist, so that you are not to feel oppressed.We are not going to be crosses with arms or we will allow them to put a hand over our companions ”.

Read more: CDMX police encapsulate protesters who protested for attacks on LGBT+ tianguis

Beyond sales

For Satan no Binarie -seudonym she asks to identify him, for fear of living reprisals-, the importance of "tianguis" goes beyond being a space for people in the LGBTIQA+ community to have employment and socialize, because it has become aSite to promote health, because HIV tests are carried out, and where some people who lost their home are even sleeping.

“When the pandemic began the people of the community were left without work and the hotels closed, so many were left without where to sleep.This place is important because historically the pink zone has been a meeting point for dissidents ”, abounds.

Although he does not consider it a safe space, for the aggressions they live, he says they work to build a place where they can meet to sell, live and feel good.In this "new family," he says, everyone eats, "regardless of whether they have money or not".

The LGBTIQA+ population is part of the groups in discrimination of the city of Deméxico.According to a survey prepared by the Council to prevent and eliminate discrimination (COPRED) in 2017, they occupy second place among the most affected populations.

In this survey, 85.2% of the citizens acknowledged that gay people are discriminated against for their sexual preferences.76.8% said that lesbians are also discriminated against, and 77% acknowledged that these practices exist towards trans people.

A third of the population said it would not be willing to rent trans people (36%) or lesbian or gay (32%), and four out of ten would not like a homosexual person to be elected for the presidency of the Republic.

In addition to being discriminated against by their sexual preference, in the National Civic Culture SurvePersonal arrangement, for its weight or stature, its social class, for having some disability even for their religion.

This overview of discrimination, which materializes in inequalities is what, according to Satan no Binarie, gave rise to "the tianguis".He even says, it was made because trans and queer people had no space in other similar sales exercises, such as "Las Mercaditas", driven by feminist collective, which sometimes do not allow the inclusion of people who are not women.

Before continuing to attend his clothing post, Satan does not binarie makes a last comment: “We do not want government permits.We do not want them to come to regulate ourselves because we can regulate ourselves on our own.We do not want leaders, we organize and agreed.We just want respect, let us exist, do not discriminate against us ".

"We want to be happy and survive ... we need to eat, eat and resist in a safe space".