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How to get the rooms in your home to seem broader and brighter

¿Te acabas de cambiar de casa y no sabes cómo decorar o amueblar las diferentes estancias de tu vivienda para que luzcan más grandes y luminosas? En Modalia te damos unos pequeños consejos para que tu casa gane metros cuadrados de forma visual y, además, esté decorada de forma minimalista pero siempre a la última. ¿Te interesa? Pues, ¡no pierdas detalle!Cómo conseguir que las habitaciones de tu casa parezcan más amplias y luminosas Cómo conseguir que las habitaciones de tu casa parezcan más amplias y luminosas

The emotion invades us completely when we start a new stage of our lives in a new home that could well become the house of our dreams, but that will depend on ourselves.

Decorating and furnishing a floor or a house from scratch has never been an easy task, you can even bring a headache if we have to do it with our sentimental partner or with our floor partner.It seems impossible to agree and match how to decorate our new home, right?Well, attentive to the tips that we offer you to decorate your new home that will end up liking all the members of the house.

White walls gain space

If your main idea is to make the different rooms of your home look larger, the ideal is to give them a layer of white paint.We know that there are designs on wallpaper to which we cannot resist, but this time the varnish wins the game to the wallpaper.

Cómo conseguir que las habitaciones de tu casa parezcan más amplias y luminosas

The walls with light colored ranges are more reflective, so it will give your bedroom or living room a larger and bright appearance.In addition, if the room has a good light entrance, this color will make it seem more open and ventilated.

The good thing about white color is that it does not absorb too much light or space and, one of the things that can worry the most is the combination, but do not worry, because this tone combines with any furniture, whether it is.

Goodbye to the curtains and carpets

It may seem crazy with the naked eye, because it is true that if we have neighbors, we like to have some intimacy in our own home.But get rid of the curtains of our home, and even more so if we have large windows, you can make volume to our stay.

However, if we are not supporters of this option, we can opt for very finite fabric curtains, such as silk, which will allow us to have privacy but will let light scratites in the morning.

And the same goes for carpets.These accessories for our house can be totally expendable as long as we do not use them at the entrance of our house to clean the sole of our shoes before passing.We must have the free floor, without textures or colors that limit the space and thus get a greater amplitude in our living room.

The mirrors will always be welcome

These accessories can be the key to making your home look older.The mirrors reflect the light throughout the room and deceive our eye making us believe that the room is much broader than it really is.

Get rid of the doors

We have several options: one of them is to remove all the doors of our house other than necessary, such as the one between the kitchen and the living room and the hall and, the second, is to modify them by another type of door that makes usMaintain the space and luminosity we want.

If we opt for the second option, we can resort to the typical sliding doors that will allow us to gain space but with which we can also have some more intimacy whenever we need it.Of course, do not forget to always have them open to achieve more capacity and luminosity.

If on the contrary you are not very in favor of eliminating house doors, you can always paint them in white as well as the walls to achieve a wider space.

Lorena Ros

Journalist passionate about the world of fashion and beauty.Paris will always be a good place to get lost.

"Feet, why do I want them if I have wings to fly?"Frida Kahlo.