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How it affects your muscle growth Take creatine and drink alcohol

    Do not allow you to make bad decisions to ruin your possibilities of muscle growth.And it is that drinking alcohol and gaining muscle is not always a good combination, in fact, it is never, because alcohol dehydrates your muscles.But if you take creatine, care, because its effects can be very negative in your body.It will have consequences when winning muscle and you will not take advantage of your training in the gym.

    Many of us take creatine to gain strength and improve our performance, but...

    What happens when we mix creatine and alcohol?

    La creatina es un suplemento ampliamente investigado y conocido por aumentar la fuerza y ​​el volumen de nuestros músculos.While this is mainly in the form of dust, there are products that contain creatine in the form of pills.Of many types, creatine monohydrate (points these tricks to choose the best creatine) seems to be the most popular for being absorbed faster.Alcohol and its effects on our body have also been widely studied in general.While it is fine to enjoy a drink or two in moderation, it is important to know how it affects your muscle gains.

    Let's take a look at the contradictory effects of creatine and alcohol combined.

    Beneficios de la creatina

    Cómo afecta a tu crecimiento muscular tomar creatina y beber alcohol

    Creatine is an amino acid that is found in the muscles and brain and, as a supplement, scientifically endorsed.What this is essentially to take the ATP energy source of your body and, through a long process, restores what has been exhausted.During a training, your body USA ATP to get energy.Creatine takes ADP and turns it again to use it as useful energy in your next training.

    Cómo afecta el alcohol a tu crecimiento muscular

    Enjoying alcohol is not a sin, but in moderation it is absolutely key.When it comes to developing muscle, alcohol can have limiting effects.With regard to protein synthesis, for example, alcohol can have a blocker effect that leads to a reduction in muscle mass.

    Testosterone is necessary for growth to occur and it is a very important muscle construction hormone.Alcohol can seriously reduce your testosterone levels, which means that protein synthesis is also affected.

    Then it seems clear that taking creatine makes no sense if you then drink alcohol, because it will stop its effects and limit them.

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    Creatina y alcohol: ¿cuáles son sus efectos?

    Alcohol can inhibit creatine benefits.Creatine is designed to bring water to the muscles, but alcohol eliminates water, dehydrated.And this can cause cramps, pain, among other negative effects.If creatine has no water to enter the muscles, then it will not do its job.This dehydration will limit growth and make you feel fatal.

    In addition, creatine helps with cognitive functioning and alcohol eliminates that operation.Creatine wants to extract nutrients to benefit it and need a lot to do its job well, but alcohol also removes it.In short, what creatine helps, alcohol slows it down, so think twice before mixing them in your diet...

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