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How disorder at home can lead you to poverty

My husband, my two -year -old son, my cat and I live in a house of 80 square meters.Before my son was born we had a completely empty room and we felt that we had plenty of space.However, with the child we have had to think much more about how to take advantage of the place so as not to feel overwhelmed by the disorder.He goes outside his clothes as soon as he stops staying, we give away the toys that stop being appropriate for their age and do not buy too hindered toys.We are satisfied with the balance we have achieved.

Of course, order and disorder are relative ... what can be chaos for another person can be a normal house, and an obsessive with order and cleanliness my house might seem like a pig.The important thing is how you feel with the way you live and if that way of living allows you to be in peace and happy, or if it has become an obstacle to living your day to day quietly.

I believe that the fire test is visits.If an unexpected visit arrives, would you feel comfortable letting her wandering around your house, opening drawers and cabinets, without embarrassing you?If the answer is not, and if you continually hear yourself by apologizing for the disorder with the visits, then your home is very likely.

According to experts, the number of magnetos in the refrigerator of your house can be a rather accurate indicator of how ordered you are.The more elements you have glued there, the more disastrous your home will be.The average family in AND.AND.OR.OR.It has 55 objects, how many do you have?

I worked in a good friend's office for a long time.He is creative and intelligent, but his desk and surroundings seem to have been looted by CIA employees in search of information about a secret factory of nuclear bombs.My friend claims to have "order inside his disorder" and, indeed, he can sometimes be launched to a stack of papers and obtain exactly the document I was looking for, with a smile of "I told you".

My friend says that disorder helps him develop his creativity, which is backed by some studies (although he refers to a controlled and limited disorder to the work area).However, it is not possibleBefore canceling your cards you must go to the bank to ask how many accounts you have and to try to get your customer number.We never gave the original documents because we feared that they ended up forever in that bunker built with papers.

"But I am not so messy," is the phrase that people who belong to my friend's team say, or say: "Thanks to not throwing anything, I always have everything I may need". ANDl problema es que un desorden pequeño que no se corrige puede convertirse en un desorden de proporciones considerables con el paso del tiempo, uno donde ya no encuentras nada de lo que necesitas y que además te deja sin espacio para moverte y disfrutar tu vida.In addition, the "workshop blindness" is installed, and makes us see chaos as something normal and everyday, puts us a bandage that does not allow us to see hidden opportunities and risks in that saturated environment.

ANDl desorden puede afectarte en lo siguiente:

  1. ORn declive social – si tienes desorden y suciedad en tu casa, tu coche o tu oficina, tus amigos y familiares evitarán visitarlos. Además, muchas oportunidades de empleo o de negocios surgen de gente cercana, y aquellos que conozcan tu casa serán menos propensos a recomendarte para actividades que impliquen responsabilidad y organización.
  2. Menos tiempo libre – cada objeto que posees ocupa un espacio en tu casa que tú ya no podrás habitar. Cada objeto que posees requerirá una porción de tu tiempo para adquirirlo, limpiarlo, acomodarlo o repararlo, revisar su estado y reemplazarlo. Cada pertenencia te roba un pedacito de vida, así que acumularlas sin pensar te robará un montón de tiempo que es preciado y, a diferencia de las cosas, irreemplazable.
  3. Tirar tu dinero a la basura - entre más objetos posees, menor es la posibilidad de que los utilices (pues tu tiempo sigue siendo el mismo, y debe dividirse entre todas tus pertenencias). Si tienes demasiadas cosas que no usas, estás tirando a la basura el dinero que te costaron. Adicionalmente, tener demasiados objetos que ya no te sirven te dificulta saber bien lo que tienes y encontrarlo, y por eso a veces terminamos comprando dos o más ejemplares de cada cosa. No saber lo que tienes ni dónde está es como no tenerlo.
  4. Menos salud – el desorden y la suciedad excesivos pueden representar un riesgo de salud, pero incluso un poco de desorden puede ser suficiente para afectar tu estado de ánimo y generar un gran estrés (sobre todo cuando no encuentras lo que necesitas, o te apena que otros vean tu desastre). No me imagino a alguien levantándose con entusiasmo en una cama llena de basura, ¿tú sí?.
  5. Afecta a los niños – ANDs sano que los pequeños tengan espacios donde puedan crear un poco de desorden al realizar juegos o actividades creativas (y esto también aplica a los adultos, pues ser excesivamente ordenado es una enfermedad). Sin embargo, algunos estudios sugieren que el caos generalizado en el hogar afecta el comportamiento de los niños y su aprendizaje. De hecho, el exceso de desorden y suciedad es considerado maltrato infantil en algunos países. Así que el desorden debe tener un lugar y un tiempo asignados.
  6. Altera la paz – cuando hay desorden, hay peleas. “Tú tienes mi libro.” “Yo te lo di a ti.” “No me toca lavar los trastes de tres días.” “Fulanito seguramente se robó mirasuradora de nariz.” ANDl hogar es el sitio donde deberíamos poder experimentar descanso y serenidad, no un campo de batalla con nuestros seres queridos y pertenencias.
  7. Te puede empobrecer, y en serio – imagínate perder documentos importantes y difíciles de reemplazar como tu pasaporte, certificados de estudios, pólizas de seguros, estados de cuenta, comprobantes de impuestos, comprobantes de derechos laborales, títulos de propiedad, etc. Los perjuicios podrían ser millonarios, y las oportunidades dejadas pasar, incalculables. Desde no poder salir del país cuando lo necesites, hasta quedarte sin pensión. Asegúrate de tener un lugar adecuado para los documentos y objetos más importantes de tu vida.
  8. Retrasa tu desarrollo emocional – cuando te empeñas en conservar un objeto que no necesitas, puede deberse a dos razones: te aferras al pasado o tienes miedo al futuro. ANDs normal tener algunos ítems con “significado emocional”, como fotos y premios, pero todo se sale de control cuando guardamos ropa, trastes, juguetes, zapatos y otros artículos prácticos sólo porque nos recuerdan algún episodio del pasado. Igualmente, conservar 8 pares de tijeras, 30 botellitas de champú de hoteles, revistas viejas, contenedores sin tapa, aretes sin par y otros artículos “por si se ofrece” refleja que no te sientes capaz de enfrentarte a lo que pueda traer el futuro. Así como sonreír, aunque no tengas ganas, te hará sentir más feliz, deshacerte de los objetos que te anclan al pasado o que sirven como muletas para el futuro te ayudará a sentirte más seguro y a disfrutar mejor el presente.

Fighting the disorder

Combating disorder is not easy because it requires changes in your way of thinking, not only the impulse of an afternoon to clean and order. ANDn su libro Fisgoneando, lo que tus cosas dicen sobre ti, el doctor en sicología Sam Gosling asegura que husmear durante 5 minutos en la habitación de un extraño puede revelar a un ojo entrenado los rasgos de la personalidad del propietario con más precisión que un familiar o amigo íntimo.But what happens if the person ordered because he knew he would have visits?Gosling ensures that the order of a chaotic person is superficial and, therefore, easy to differentiate from the true order. ANDsto sucede porque el orden es un hábito, no un impulso repentino.

Cómo el desorden en tu casa te puede llevar a la pobreza

But if you have already taken the first step in deciding that the disorder will not be an obstacle in your life, what follows?Marie Kondo (known as the Beyoncé of the Organization) is the famous author of the book The Magic of Order: Tools to order your home and your life, and it tells us that the goal of organizing your home is to make it a “sacred space, full of energy".It has a method to achieve it called "Konmari", which promises a permanently organized and spacious home, which "surrounds you with happiness".Marie became famous thanks to her spiritual perspective about order and, although her procedures may not work with everyone, just reading them you will feel inspired.I present some of your most important lessons:

Lesson 1: Keep what produces joy

ANDl enfoque debería estar en lo que quieres conservar, no las cosas de las que te debes deshacer.Take the object in your hands, for example, some pants that have guys left... ¿qué sientes? ¿ligereza, pesadez, alegría, tedio, culpa? ANDl principal criterio para seleccionar lo que te quedas y lo que desechas no debe ser si es viejo o nuevo, costoso o barato, si lo has usado el último año o si planeas usarlo cuando adelgaces, sino su capacidad para generarte emociones positivas.Thus, you will soon be surrounded only by things that give you clarity, and you will be free from the belongings that produce anxiety, such as unwanted gifts or clothes that you no longer have.

ORna excepción a esta regla se refiere a los objetos de uso cotidiano, como ollas o abrigos.Even if you don't give you joy, you appreciate the contributions that these items make to your life.

Lesson 2: Respect your belongings

Have you thanked your panties lately for all the services they provide, even mentally?Marie says that having a more grateful and respectful relationship with your things will make you feel a greater connection to your environment.

ANDste respeto debe dirigirse también a las cosas que van para afuera.ORna vez que hayas detectado un objeto que no te hace feliz ni es absolutamente necesario debes tocarlo, agradecerle por sus servicios y enviarlo a un mejor destino, donde pueda tener un propietario que lo aprecie mejor.

Lesson 3: Organize by categories, not by rooms

When we decided to order, we usually start with a room: the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom.Marie assures that it is more efficient to do it by categories (books, frets, bags) because, otherwise, articles of that category will jump when you work in other rooms and you will never finish.In addition, concentrating on a single type of articles avoid the temptation to get carried away by nostalgia: if you stop reading cards, leaf through magazines or see photographs you will lose valuable time.

Lesson 4: At least emotional begins

It is always good to start with the lowest level of difficulty but, to order, the difficulty is measured in emotions, not in the amount of objects.Marie recommends starting with clothes, because we have less emotional attachment to her.If you start with photos or memories, it is more likely that difficulty leads you to abandon the project.

Lesson 5: The dignity of your belongings

Have you thought about whether your socks seem comfortable for them to make them ball and avientes in a drawer?Wouldn't they prefer to rest from cheese on your folded feet decorously?Will your books like being overwhelmed on the floor?Will your tópers enjoy the pile to which convictions?

For Marie, the way you keep things demonstrates the respect you have and think thus helps you take care of them;In addition, if your things are comfortable, you will be. ANDlla prefiere doblar la mayoría de la ropa verticalmente en una cajonera, ayudándote con cajitas de cartón.The advantage of this technique is that you can see what you have easily, because it is not necessary.I have been with my Konmari style drawers for several years and I worked wonderfully.

Foto: ANDdith ANDsquivel

Lesson 6: Your home, your sacred place

Without a doubt, your environment has effects on you and your mood.If so, the great religious organizations would not bother to build churches that steal your breath.Just as a broad, clear and wonderful church connects you with your spirituality, waking up in an orderly home, surrounded by objects that give you joy, which are well organized and accommodated can give you peace of mind and motivation.The author recommends creating a mini-altar in your home where you have your most "sacred" belongings, that is, those that connect you more with love to life.


Marie tiene influencias sintoístas, y afirma: “ANDl interior de un hogar después de organizar tiene mucho en común con un santuario...A place where there is nothing unnecessary, and our thoughts become clear and free...It is the place where we appreciate all the things that support us, is where we rethink who we are ”.

When I enter some house and look at a disorder, not a superficial disorder of those who are preparing a dish or painting a school project, but the type of deep and ankylosing disorder of those who have become accustomed to chaos, I cannot avoid feeling that there is in that placeA shadow, a hopelessness, a sadness that they have not been able to overcome, and the disorder seems like a monstrous claw that prevents its inhabitants from moving and freeing themselves, both literally and metaphorically, from obstacles in their life.

So if you ask me what would be the first step to advance in the path of well -being, from health, mind and spirit health, I would tell you that this first step is in your room, at home, in your things.

You can see the Marie Kondo special on Netflix or search YouTube to show your techniques to organize, fold and clear your home. ANDl método KondoMari promete grandes beneficios con un poco de disciplina y esfuerzo.But first you should ask yourself: What does your house say about you?What would you like to say?Do you dare to start the challenge of order?

I take this space to invite them to the webinar of how the three pigs became entrepreneurs. ANDn él aprenderán la importancia de contar historias en los ambientes de negocios.The appointment is Thursday, January 14 at 6:30 pm. Inscríbanse de forma gratuita AQORÍ.

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