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For 19 euros little more can be asked, because these primark boots of heel and patent leather are elastic

We have not found anything similar to the same price, and it is that these Primark boots are everything you can ask for for 19 euros.That's right, they are cheap boots, but you will be satisfied with the value for money they offer for your day to day, and they have certain aspects that make them attractive.

The latter is due to several details that we will discuss later, but you should keep the idea that they are good boots of the Irish company that will allow you to combine with your favorite clothes.

Well, whether skirts, pants or dresses, these heeled and patent leather boots will look very well on your feet, take what you carry, and all this for the price we have at first.

Of heel and patent leather, the primark boots that are cheaper than that of the sales

Por 19 euros poco más se puede pedir, porque estas botas de Primark de tacón y charol son hasta elásticas

What most attracts the attention of these boots are the strong black color they have with a shiny surface, product of the patent leather in their elaboration.This makes it possible for them to be the first part of your garment that is obvious, but also enhances much more that you wear.

Primark boots

With a fine sole and a heel that is not so high that allows stability and comfort, these Primark boots have an additional attraction: they are elastic.This allows them to be much more comfortable than we already mentioned and you can use them to walk and walk with them for times without problems.

That they are elastic also allows them to be easy to put and remove.Thanks to the material with which they are manufactured, these boots are resistant and support the use and natural wear of this type of footwear for a long time.

19 euros is the price they have in the online store of the Irish company fashion.