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Evaluna Montaner: "I'm fulfilling a dream"

Se trata de una colección capsula de Ricky Sarkany inspirada en su figura y su arte: “Todo surgió de mi imaginación”, asegura la cantante en una entrevista que le brindó al portal de noticias Infobae.

Evaluna Montaner se siente plena y disfruta cada instante de felicidad mientras espera la llegada de Índigo, su primer hijo con el cantante colombiano Camilo Echeverry. En todo este tiempo de alta exposición pública, desde las giras junto a su marido al casamiento de su hermano Ricky y Stefi Roitman, se fue cocinando una idea en silencio, un proyecto que la puso a prueba otra faceta de su paleta artística.EVALUNA MONTANER: “ESTOY CUMPLIENDO UN SUEÑO” EVALUNA MONTANER: “ESTOY CUMPLIENDO UN SUEÑO”

What is brought between hands, or between feet, Ricardo and Marlene Rodríguez's daughter is the imminent launch of a Ricky Sarkany brand shoe capsule.With an emotion contained by months, the singer tells Infobae the story behind this new project that goes back to the deepest memories of her childhood.

“My favorite clothes or accessories have always been the shoes.They are my weakness, I love them, ”says the artist before embarking on Miami.“Traveling to Argentina and going to buy Sarkany was the happiness of the world because my mother also loved them.And just my little piece was large enough to enter one of Sarkany's shoes, I started using them and marked my lifestyle ”.

As if it were a Latin American Cinderella story, Evaluna grew up with that dream that is about to fulfill.What the screenwriter did not imagine is that the chapter was going to be written in a climate of fullness as a woman and as an artist.During the last time, the artist worked side by side with Ricky Sarkany and Lorena Tarabini, art director and design of the brand.“Since the idea came I am excited and not even talk when we got to design.He has a variety and so many beautiful things that I hope everyone likes it ”, the singer is excited about this project that will be available from January 20 in the stores in Argentina and United States.

"How was the design process?"


—It was to play and dream in the fun way possible.We spent hours and hours in our preferred coffee in Miami in which they brought me a suitcase full of fabrics, colors, textures, soles, and we created from there.I always liked the boots and platforms, but we didn't keep that and we chose something specific for every moment.When they see the capsule they will see that there is everything: boots, sandals, platforms, shoes;And each of them emerged from my imagination: just as I dream of a shoe, we did so.

It is the first time that Sarkany makes a capsule.This is a limited edition for which they chose an artist with whom they found an immediate connection.For Evaluna it meant a new challenge in its wide artistic palette and found in Ricky and its slope Lorena to the best possible interlocutors.“They are so creative and they let me dream as high as I wanted to dream, and that is a big problem;Because one gets used to working with people who make dreams fully fulfilled, ”says the author of“ one plus one ”.

Café to Café, the singer began to see that what arose in her head, could express it to words and move it to a role, and as if by magic everything gained form."Seeing what an imagine reflected in the physical, and also that my name is put next to Sarkany is ... uff, giant," he says excitedly and receives the return of the designers."What we saw in evalu.

With each pie that came out of Sarkany's magical suitcase, the ideas began to accelerate."They told me 'we did this thinking about you for your show', and then we ended up doing it for a capsule, a transparent boot, pink, something complete the designers.

As part of that creative round trip, from Sarkany they approached Evaluna's artistic production: they listened carefully to their songs, they attended their concerts, began to pay special attention to decode their inspirations and see what they could contribute accordingly.

“They imagined what I was like, showing me ideas and we managed to combine a lot of little things.And I showed them photos of shoes that I liked very much, I arrived at the meeting with some Sarkany boots that are my favorites and we also inspire ourselves a little in them! ”, The artist acknowledges on that first meeting, to which he went to Calzada for the occasion.

—You are actress, singer, now a designer.How do you combine the different artistic concerns?

"I think it's impossible to divide, I don't feel that every artist is different.I was born with something that my parents put in the mixture and I had to follow my life for something that had to do with creativity.Being able to use all those I in these different artistic branches is a giant blessing, and in this new adventure I could play enough.I hope we continue to create because just as we did many, we stayed with a lot to do.Let's have to make another capsule

"Soon, you could consider a challenge that is to design a footwear for Camilo to wear at concerts.

-(Laughs) I don't know if singing, but we will have to make male designs so that the shoes that are put when you get off the stage are designed by us ... It is a bit funny that this point, and it is even more comic because I lovebe barefoot all the time I can.But once I'm going to leave, I base all my clothes on the shoes that I'm going to wear, I start defining all my wardrobe from there, that's why I would also have all the meaning of the world to start here to make the capsule.

"He talked a lot about the boots you wore in Ricky and Stefi's marriage.Are they from the capsule?

"No, those were a Sarkany gift.But I have used many models in all the concerts of this last tour, because they managed to deliver them on time then I had several options to look.They don't know all the people who asked me about the shoes and I wanted to count absolutely everything, but I couldn't.Then I told them "very spectacular surprises are coming", and it was like showing them from A Poquito, like a snack now finally came the day of telling the world.

"And in the midst of all this, how do you prepare for the birth of your first child?"

"Very good ... and I already have my Sarkany baby shoes!"(Laughs).When I went to the office they made a gift for him his first pair of shoes, which obviously had to be Sarkany.I am very happy, fulfilling all my dreams.