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Do you want to burn abdominal fat?This food will help you get it

To lose weight it is essential to carry out a thinning plan that combines healthy foods and the practice of physical exercise.Vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet, since they are the foods that provide the most nutrient diversity as a wide variety of vitamins of all groups, antioxidants, minerals and soluble and insoluble fiber.They also provide very few calories, which makes them an ideal food to lose weight.

Specifically, green leafy vegetables have multiple properties and little fat content for a large volume of food.In addition, their fiber and water content grant them a satiating power.

The spinach, the great ally to lose weight

Within this type of vegetables are spinach, a food that can help accelerate the weight loss process just by adding a daily ration to any of the meals.In this sense, a study published by the National Library of Medicine of the United States, and that the Express newspaper collects, revealed that food supplements based on spinach leaves reduced both body fat and weight.

Consuming spinach every day as part of your diet makes you have 43% more possibilities of losing weight

The people who participated in the study were divided into two groups: on the one hand, who consumed every day, for a period of 3 months, the amount of 5 grams of spinach extract;on the other, those who took placebo.The results showed that those who ate spinach daily lost 43 percent more weight than those who ingested the placebo.

The fiber, the key element

¿Quieres quemar grasa abdominal? Este alimento te ayudará a conseguirlo

This is largely due to the amount of fiber that both soluble and insoluble contribute.The first contributes to reducing abdominal fat and losing weight, while insoluble is what helps the functioning of intestinal transit and the digestive system.In addition, it is a satiating food, a perfect quality for reduced calorie consumption and an absence of feeling of hunger.

Properties and benefits of spinach

Its high vitamins and mineral content gives you great nutritional value.The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) points out that they provide a large number of folates, vitamin C and vitamin A and, in lower quantities, vitamin E, B6 and Riboflavin.They also provide a high content of beta -carotenes (precursors of vitamin A), fiber, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

Nutritional value (per 100 g)

Calories: 31 kcalproteins: 2.6 carbon ghuders: 1.2 ggrasas: 0.3 gfibra: 6.3 Gcalcio: 90 mghierro: 4 mg

Thus, there are multiple benefits that this green leafy vegetable contributes to health.These are some of the most prominent:

- Antioxidant: beta -carotenes, compounds that are transformed into vitamin A in the body, perform antioxidant actions and stimulate the immune system.

- Improves intestinal transit: the presence of fiber in spinach "favors intestinal transit and prevents colon cancer and cardiovascular disease," according to fen.

- satiating effect: its high fiber content and in water increases its satiating power.

- They maintain the health of bones: calcium, magnesium and vitamin K stimulates repair, production and bone strengthening, which allows us to have a much healthier and more resistant skeleton.

- They help reduce the risk of anemia: it has good iron levels, although there are foods that are more effective for anemia.There are two types of iron, "hemo" and "no hemo".The first is the one in animal products and is the one that is best absorbed.Spinach, on the other hand, contain non -hemo iron, which is more difficult to absorb, but their vitamin C content helps a better of this iron in the body.

It's not just about eating spinach

The best way to eat spinach to help us lose weight is like accompaniment in healthy dishes.It is also important to eliminate empty foods such as sugary drinks, or refined carbohydrates from diet, replacing them with integrals.

It should be noted that people with a tendency to formation of kidney stones, gout, rheumats, arthritis, etc..They must moderate their consumption, since due to their oxalic acid content they can favor the creation of calculations.

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