The singer-songwriter Camilo (Medellín, 1994), whose video clips have more than 4,000 million views, as many as half the world's inhabitants, lives a summer in symbiosis with LaLiga. Almost at the same time as the championship premiere, which will take place on Friday, August 13, the Colombian has begun his first tour, which in Spain will take him to a dozen cities. The season starts with the return of the spectators to the stadiums and, at the same time, Camilo will be able to see on stage how his "songs come alive in the lives of others singing at the top of their voices". Camilo and LaLiga, united by their ability to generate uncontrollable emotions through goals and songs, celebrate together. The Medellín artist has turned his hit KESI into a soccer theme that celebrates the end of the era of empty stands, a kind of ode to optimism that awakens the start of an exciting season. "Music and soccer are the same thing: passion, need of the heart." You and I know that the party is already beginning, I like to see how well our team plays, reads the lyrics of this version that during the 21/22 season will resound in all the fields of LaLiga Santander and LaLiga SmartBank and whose video clip filming he attended THE COUNTRY.
Camilo, the Latino artist with the most followers on TikTok, has that happiness of the long-awaited first times engraved on his face. He is celebrating, he says, and adds a compelling reason for his tireless enthusiasm, as he faces the third day of a recording that will last until after midnight and will conclude with him and his dancers impregnated with fluorescent paint, in front of a red goal: “This year I am also playing in LaLiga”. "Is there anything that leads you to a hug more impulsively than a goal or a chorus?", he says, smiling.
Hanging on the racks are the jerseys of the 42 teams in the two highest categories. Extras try on scarves, hats, grab flags. The director asks them to climb stairs, to jump, and they respond diligently in front of the camera. The dancers are placed one by one in the hands of the make-up artists; those who have reviewed, group together to remember the choreography: "what was coming now?". After the gestures and rituals required by compliance with all the relevant sanitary measures, nerves and emotion are intuited. They participate in something special. The deployment is enormous: they have arranged three different stages –plus all the exterior ones– in which the different sequences will be recorded until that final apotheosis: everyone dancing, shining in a darkness broken only by their costumes and by a ball and a goal that are the only thing lit up at the party. But, before the director can shout action, Camilo comes out of his dressing room to chat.
Soccer, he says, means a lot to him. Soccer is the rite that brings him together with his family to "eat delicious food and have a beer together"; It is the game that he plays every week with his friends and with the musicians and technicians who go up on stage with him, and that helps them get to know each other because, says Camilo, "there is no other place where you can see better how it is each one in a match”. As a child he was bad with the ball at his feet and fantasized about what it would be like to be the best, a world star, but he spent most of his time on the guitar. Now, soccer is, along with yoga, "the way to oxygenate your creativity." "And I'm not usually the worst on my team anymore," he confesses with a laugh. “I mark my little treats. Golcitos, never golazos”.
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— MOVED Mon Jun 01 02:59:19 +0000 2020
His father-in-law and his wife are Barça fans. He, on the other hand, has a divided heart. He has soccer friends in many Spanish teams, united by their love of music and their soccer fans. “Once I was giving a concert here and Luis Suárez, whom I love very much, could not attend because he had a game. But his family came and, when I was singing Millions, his favorite song, they sent him a live video of the song. Well, it turned out that, at that very moment, he scored a goal. I have discussed it with him: I am sure that there is a secret connection between football and music”.
Camilo is clear about why. Nothing like soccer and music, he says, brings you so suddenly to the present, "which is where beautiful things happen." Living in the now, and not in the uncertainty of the future or in nostalgia for the past, these are the beatific virtues that the singer-songwriter attributes to music and football. "The feeling of belonging, of community, that is produced by singing a goal or a song all together, what else does it give you?", he adds.
That argument that Camilo points out was, precisely, the reason for devising this campaign to launch the theme KESI LaLiga Official Version, according to Eva López, director of Global Brand and Assets of the organization. "Music, just like football, is a universal language that stirs emotions: when someone sings a goal, your hair stands on end, just like when you listen to your favorite singer."
Since LaLiga, at the beginning of each season, they have organized actions for several editions whose goal is to put the fan at the heart of football, acts that remember the value of football as a global heritage. For all. Including the youngest, who now approach sport in different ways: video games, social networks… “Young people prefer to live without television, even without eating, rather than without music, which is part of their hallmark. A teenager begins to build who he is with the music he listens to”, explains López, who adds that, therefore, “to connect with them you have to be where they are”. For this reason, he says, “there is no better union, nor a more suitable travel companion than Camilo. His music moves children and their parents and, above all, it is charged with positive energy. And that is exactly what, in a year like this, LaLiga must convey with a campaign that carries the motto #PlayLaLigaSantander. This course must be a celebration: returning to the stadiums is a way of giving people back their illusion, happiness; and returning with Camilo's music is a way of spurring the joy of living that should reign at this moment”.
There are already a lot of takes. The cameraman with the heavy steadycam walks among the dancers, and then Camilo checks the result on a screen, before continuing. They rest, wipe off the sweat, touch up their makeup. And for the next. Until, late at night, they change their clothes again and put on the final wardrobe: overalls, glasses with lights. The technical team carries out tests: they coordinate the lighting of the red goal that serves as the frame for the sequence, they record the trails left by two balls when bouncing under that purple light, they launch blue and red laser beams. The music plays. And, after several measures, the director shouts: “Camilo!!”. The singer-songwriter enters the scene and, when the last notes die out and Camilo pronounces, leaving that last one held in the air, “LaLiga”, all those present burst into jubilant applause. Filming ends… and the season begins.