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Seats: much more than a furniture to decorate the living room

Vestidor de estilo vintage con butaca blanca sin reposabrazos.

Although we are accustomed to seeing them in the room, the seats become especially important when they leave their comfort area.Characterized by having plates and a slightly inclined back that invites relaxation, the seats are auxiliary furniture that we cannot do without.The best thing is that this furniture is that it is able to provide any room or corner in which it is.Whether they are classic, modern or vintage air with these ideas, you will want a armchair in each and every one of the rooms of your house.

Read: So are the perfect sofas and seats for small rooms

Salón abuhardillado con sofá gris y butaca mecedora de color azul turquesa.

Seats, the best sofa companion

The sofa is his eternal partner, and the living room, the stay in which we find it most.A armchair can be the extra seat you need in being, but they can also act as a separator of environments if the space is shared with the dining room.In addition, through your style or upholstery you can add a different point to the living room, as well as a touch of color or personality.

Read: seats, armchairs and chairs to take a seat in the living room

Rincón de lectura con butaca moderna de color rosa, lámpara de pie y mesa de centro dorada.

A basic for a cozy reading corner

Bookish?So you know how important it is to have a space in which to imbute you in your favorite novels and that nobody bothers you.To do this, a chair is a basic that cannot be missing.Other pieces you need in your reading corner?A good foot lamp that enlightens you is the time of the day, as well as an auxiliary or center table in which to support your basic readings or a delicious infusion to enjoy while reading.Can you ask for more?

Read: Are you looking for inspiration to decorate your lounge?These 12 are full of good ideas

Vestidor con armario con frentes de cristal negro, espejo de pie y butaca descalzador.

You cannot miss a armchair in the dressing room

If you are lucky to have a dressing room, add a comfortable armchair in which to fit and barefoot more easily.Place it where you do not interrupt the fluid step or in front of the closet doors, or you will have to move them continuously.Now, Evita pile it up with clothing.Thus, when you get home after a long day, throw the dirty clothes in the cube and keep what can have another use, so you will keep your dressing room ordered.

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Read: All keys to plan and design a custom dressing

Dormitorio moderno con cabecero y banco tapizados en blanco, aparador bajo la ventana y butaca descalzadora negra.

An essential furniture in the bedroom

For the room, choose a chair with personality.This stay allows you to grant some licenses in the decoration, so you can opt for a striking and comfortable piece.There are a type of seats, known as barefoot, which have a lighter image, thanks to the fact that they are lower and renounce the armrests.They are the best option if you want to give a renewed air to your bedroom with the minimum investment.Now, as in the dressing room, it avoids filling it with clothes, it is a basic trick to keep the bedroom in order.

Read: 12 changes in the bedroom that will facilitate your life

Dormitorio con pequeño salón con dos butacas grises y mesa de centro.

An extra room in the room

If you have plenty of space in the bedroom, place two seats and create a small little room in which you relax comfortably.You can act as a reading corner or, simply, a space in which to relax watching a favorite movie or series, if you place a television.Do not forget also to add an auxiliary table that completes the set and you will have a very decorative mini room, in the intimacy of your bedroom.

Read: furniture and accessories for a perfect marriage bedroom

Dormitorio con cabecero de fibras y butaca orejera de color rosa.

Your guests will appreciate it

If you usually have guests at home, surely you have a room where they feel well received and comfortable.Therefore, a armchair should not be missing in which they can place their clothes and serve as a gallant at night.Choose a comfortable model, in the event that they want to disconnect for a while and rest.

Read: Decoration ideas to have the perfect guest bedroom

Dormitorio de un bebé con cuna y cambiador blancos y butaca con reposapiés rosa.

Perfect in the baby's room

Moms know.If you are decorating the baby's room, include in your plans a armchair in which to sit comfortably to breastfeed your newborn, give it the bottle or simply make it Carantoñas.Models with matching headpiece will make candle nights more beara.

Read: What are the best colors to decorate your child's room?So each one influences

Comedor moderno con mesa con sobre de mármol y sillas y butacas diferentes.

More comfort in the dining room

Another of the rooms that have conquered the seats is the dining room.They are more comfortable and stylous than the chairs, but you will also see how they invite the long intermells.The only drawback is that they are not the most recommended option for small dining rooms, but quite the opposite.And, having places, the space for diner increases, so the table must also be of comfortable dimensions.If your table is not too large, but elongated, combine chairs on the elongated sides with seats at the ends.Did you know that combining different types of seat in the dining room is a trend?

Read: ways to combine dining chairs for a harmonic and style result

Espacio de trabajo con mesa de metal negra y butaca de cuero.

Works more comfortable with a armchair

In the era of teleworking, a comfortable seat can not be missing in which to spend many hours sitting without the back..If, in addition, you do not want to deprive yourself of decorating a style study, choose a armchair with comfortable backup, which collects the lumbar area well, and headdies.Avoid too low models, as well as with a width and depth to sit comfortably.

Read: the essential elements to create the perfect work zone at home

Rincón de lectura con butaca con reposapiés tapizados en tela con motivos botánicos.

With the matching rest

Already place your armchair in the living room, your reading corner, the bedroom or the guest room, choose a model with rest.It is ideal to have your legs more rested and, when you are not using it, it will serve as an extra seat or as an auxiliary table to support the phone, the book or what you need.

Read: gold rules for a perfect room

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