Have you seen that TikTok video where a person effortlessly changes their shirt? And that mirror fantasy? Well, behind something so amazing there is only a mere editing resource. Movie magic, wow. A good cut made on time or a well-crafted edition to give continuity to something that, normally, would be impossible. And usually it's easier than you think. But if you don't know about movies, or editing, or you're just looking for ideas to get the attention of your followers through your TikTok account, be sure to check out these tricks to freak it out and make others freak out.
Change clothes instantly
It is the most basic trick that we are going to teach you here. And it is basic because from it all the rest of the illusions that your mind can imagine are created. Basically it is calculating the cutting of the recording at the ideal moment. If everything is well measured, our brain will do the rest.
In this specific case, all you have to do is wear any T-shirt. You can take advantage of some music that is rocking it on TikTok to mark a dance and thus help you cut the recording to the rhythm, which will multiply the final effect. Cut the recording by making the gesture of taking off your shirt by grabbing it from the chest, for example. Or making the gesture of putting another one on top by grabbing it by the shoulders. It is valid for both cases. Now, without moving from the same position and without moving the frame or the mobile (help yourself with the TikTok timer), record the continuation, which will be with the other shirt on. Either with your hand on your chest, ripping off the shirt you were wearing in the previous shot, or with the new shirt on top of the old one.
In TikTok there is a tool to edit the recorded videos and thus adjust when to cut and when to continue with the next shot. Use it to get the best effect.
Trespassing the bed
This is a variation of the previous trick. In this, what you will do is magically transfer the duvet, quilt or sheet of your bed, leaving the clothes on the bed and your body inside it. Again, the cut in the recording is the key to achieving this effect. You will only have to record one take throwing yourself dressed on the bed and a second take, without clothes, already inside the bed. Matching both scenes will be the key to achieving the desired effect.
As before, it's important that your phone is still and maintains the same frame for both shots. If you don't have anyone to help you in production, you can use the timer to regulate when to start recording and when to end. Better, or easier, if you use a song to help you with rhythm or timing and to give more effect to the final result.
In the first take you film yourself jumping on the bed. It has to end when you fall into it, neither before nor after. Now you take off your clothes and leave them on top of the duvet in the position closest to the one you've fallen in, and you get into bed to record the second take. And ready.
On the other side of the mirror
This trick is a little more elaborate, since we'll not only be using the cut between shots, but also the mirror filter. In this way we will be able to simulate that we are moving the mobile towards a mirror and continue going all the way around although in reality the space is the same. Here the magic of editing is once again the key, but also the recording technique. In addition, you have to add the mirror effect so that everything makes sense.
Just stick to a large mirror with your phone in hand. Use your selfie stick arm and rotate until you join the mobile with the mirror. All this applying the mirror effect. When you have managed to reach the key point, cut the recording. That will be the starting point of the next shot, which consists of separating the mobile from the mirror and showing your reaction of astonishment or magical superiority.
Impossible baskets
For this trick you need an accomplice who is next to the mobile and the place where you are going to make a basket. The trick is to record yourself throwing objects that manage to get into a glass or container that serves as a basket, even when the throw seems next to impossible. The point is that you throw the object and it is the accomplice who dunks it.
To do this, keep the mobile in a fixed frame and start recording yourself throwing objects. Make sure the accomplice has a replica of these items (same color pen, or ball, or whatever you throw). Throw the objects in the direction of the basket, but go too far. It will be the accomplice who drops the object in the basket measuring the time so that the effect is realistic. Beware of shadows and throwing directions that are too deviated, they can break the effect.
Water that doesn't get wet
It's a very simple magic trick. Here you don't need camera cuts or editing, just prepare yourself to achieve the illusion of pouring a glass of water on an object and that nothing ends up wet in the end.
The question is in the perspective. Sit on a chair and put the camera in front of you on a table. The object of the trick must be a piece of paper or something that looks like it's going to get wet. There is also the glass with the water and a bucket or bucket to pour that water. You will have to put the bucket on your lap and gently move away from the table. This way you can pour the water directly into the bucket, covering the action with the object where the water will supposedly fall. The trick is in the perspective, so arrange the frame to achieve this close-up visual effect.
There is another variant that consists of pouring the water inside your clothes, where there is a container, skillfully covering everything with your hand. However, the perspective does the trick again.
Hide in a shoe
Thanks to perspective you can also create the illusion that you are inside any object. A shoe, a bucket or any container much smaller than you. And if you do it with a dance or a jump, it's even funnier.
As we say the trick is perspective. Simply place the shoe or container further forward than your position on the ground. And the mobile also at this point. So you can move away to enter the frame and stand next to the object, but far behind. When you have the ideal perspective, you can record how you jump into the shoe. Easy and effective.
Creating from scratch
Another option you have thanks to edit breaks is to create elements from scratch. Or other objects. You can build a hamburger with food but without cooking it thanks to this effect.
All you have to do is record yourself moving the food or the element you want and that it ends up in a specific point with a certain position. Without moving from that position and without moving the frame in the slightest, you will change the food or object for its preparation (which you must have previously at hand). And from there you record again to show the desired effect. It's simple and you can do it with a multitude of objects and processes. Put your imagination to work.
Infinite fall
For this trick you will have to be especially careful with your mobile. And it is that you will have to drop it infinitely in front of the mirror. It doesn't matter if you know that the room is finite, the effect on your brain, if you do it right, is that the mobile falls floor by floor without stopping. And if you also add something of your own, such as showing yourself in front of the mirror in a different way on each floor, the video can be very successful. Be careful, it is much easier if someone helps you in the production.
It is enough that you record a first scene with the mobile falling in free fall and near the sink so that, at some point, the view is covered and you cannot see the bathroom mirror or where you are recording. Try to put a towel on the floor so that the mobile does not fall. Now it's time to record more shots of the fall. Repeat the action but raising the position of the mobile so that it falls from higher up and has more travel. You can choose a slower burning speed to make the effect more dramatic. Repeat this shot as many times as you want to lengthen the fall of the phone as much as you want. Afterwards, you will have to edit the different shots to cut them and start them at those moments when you can't see the mirror. In this way the effect will be of continuous fall floor after floor.
Note that you can also do this trick with your mobile always in hand. Then you will have to pretend that you are the one who falls floor after floor. It will be easier because you will only have to record yourself jumping and ducking in each take. But the effect will not be so striking.
Back to Front
This effect is very easy to use on TikTok, but it has many practical applications. You can show how a coin starts to spin as if you created a magnetic field around it thanks to some batteries and some spoons. Or play a joke in which it seems that you are going to pour a glass of water over yourself but in reality the glass is empty.
You just have to start spinning the coin with all the elements already placed on the table and, when it falls, remove the elements. Then you give the effect to play backwards and that's it.
With the water you will have to act so that it seems that you do it from the right side and not the other way around. You will make yourself pour the water from an empty glass on top, then you plant it in front of you and then you pour the water into it. Putting it on backwards will make it look like you're doing it right.
Play with gravity
You can play with gravity if you're skilled enough to represent something else. Remember that nobody knows if you are upside down, lying down, against a wall or against the floor unless you show it. You can put the mobile on top of a cabinet or tall furniture and use a wall as if it were the floor. If you put the elements well it will seem that you float, for example.
You can also try drinking from a glass or bottle and make it look like it's going to fall on your face because you're on your back. But actually the water falls towards the ceiling. This is because the perspective is changed, that is, your mobile is upside down. But for that you will have to face down with the pillow over your head, so that it seems that you are lying on the bed, for example.
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